Giving Chase Page 52

Alex nodded and Shane spoke quietly to his officer and he escorted Alex outside. Maggie shook with anger. When the judge walked out she turned to Edward. “He did that on purpose! He was going to try and get away with keeping all of that stuff. He’s not sorry at all.”

“I’m going to wring that bastard’s neck,” Kyle ground out.

Maggie put a restraining hand on his arm. “No. It’s what he wants. It’s better if we just get on with our lives and pretend he doesn’t exist.”

“Maggie’s right, Kyle. He’d press charges and you’d be the one in jail,” Matt said, having come to join them once the judge had left the courtroom.

“Then you all can protect Maggie.” Fury still coursed through him.

“I don’t need protection, Kyle, I need you. I don’t want him to win anything else. Please.”

Shane approached. “Hypothetically speaking and all, if I were, as the sheriff, to hear any threats against another citizen, I’d have to get involved.” He looked directly at Kyle. Kyle nodded at him quickly, scowling. “You did a good job, Maggie.”

“You sure did. You kept focused and remembered to address me instead of the court directly. The judge is on your side here,” Edward said, patting her shoulder.

They sat and waited for Alex to come back and twenty-eight minutes later he did, holding a large box that Shane took possession of. “Let me do the inventory, Maggie. You don’t need to see it.”

She rolled her eyes at him and grabbed the box. “No, let me.” She shooed them all away and asked to use the jury room. She wouldn’t give Alex the satisfaction of seeing her upset.

“Sweetheart, please let me come in and help you.” Kyle’s words were softly spoken as he brushed a lock of hair out of her face.

“No,” she whispered back, caressing his cheek. “I appreciate you wanting to be with me, I really do. But this is just too much for me to share with you. I plan to burn all of the pictures in my fireplace tonight but I want to make sure everything, is here. I can’t wonder whether he’s got copies or not or I’ll go mad.”

Kyle nodded and kissed her forehead.

“Liv, Dee, can you help me please?” she asked and both women nodded and went with her into the jury room.

All of her underwear and other lingerie were there and they moved it with a pencil rather than touch it and put it back into the plastic bag. The pictures were deeply upsetting. She counted each one and then Dee and Liv matched with a negative. Maggie knew how bad it was when Liv didn’t even make a crack. She was horrified knowing her most intimate moments were most likely seen by half the police force. The other ones were just creepy, knowing that Alex had watched her do her laundry and go grocery shopping.

“They’re all here. Let’s go out and tell the judge.” She put the lid back on the box and her head up high and they all went back out where the judge was waiting.

“Is everything there to your satisfaction, Ms. Wright?”

“Yes, Your Honor.”

“Mr. Parsons, if copies of any pictures you took of Ms. Wright show up, I’ll throw you in jail. You’re lucky that you haven’t had to beat off the concerned men of Ms. Wright’s life over this incident. I am going to be keeping an eye on you due to your prior history of harassing and stalking women. Keep your nose clean and keep away from Ms. Wright. Do I make myself clear? If she is somewhere that you come upon, it is up to you to leave. If she comes into a place you are, other than your workplace or your home, it is still up to you to leave.”

Alex nodded, keeping his eyes down.

“Then get out of my sight.” The judge banged his gavel and the doors were unlocked for the next case.

“I have to go back out to my jobsite, Red. Why don’t you go home with Momma? I’ll pick you up there when I’m done.”

“No, thank you. I need to get rid of all of these pictures and the other stuff. I can’t bear knowing it’s out there.”

“I don’t want you home alone.”

“Listen, I have to get back to my life. I can’t be afraid. I won’t be afraid of being in my own home.”

He sighed and kissed her gently. “I love you, Red. I’ll come by after work. Please lock your doors.”

“I love you, too. See you later, thanks for being here.”

She turned to the rest of her friends and family who were dumbstruck at hearing Kyle say he loved her.

Kyle laughed. “What’s the matter? You think she’s too good for me?”

“Hell yes,” Matt said and Marc laughed.

Polly started sniffling and gave Maggie a big hug. “Honey, you call if you need anything all right? You are a brave, strong girl.”

“I’ll have someone drive by every once in a while, Maggie, just to check.” Shane said. He patted her on the shoulder and she smiled back at everyone.

“Thanks all. I’ll see you later.” She kissed Edward on the cheek and Kyle walked her to her car and watched her drive away.

Shane walked up behind him. “That should be me, but if it can’t be, I’m glad it’s you.”

“You don’t have the guts to let yourself love, Shane. You’d better find them or you’ll end up alone. I’m sorry, Shane. I love her and she’s mine. That you f**ked up and she fell into my lap is a sad thing because I love you and you’re my brother and all. But man, a woman like her, she’s what I’ve been waiting for my entire life.” He turned and looked at his older brother. “Deal with it, Shane. I don’t want you to be alone. You deserve what I’ve got.” He squeezed his brother’s shoulder and walked away.

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