Giving Chase Page 35

Shane nodded and they went in. Liv gave Shane a dirty look but smiled at Kyle.

“What’s happening with the case?” Maggie asked, handing each of them a mug of hot tea and pointing their attention to the platter of scones.

“He has a criminal history of stalking women, Maggie. He’s got four protection orders taken out by women at the UGA. He also apparently has a bad history here in town. He made a plea deal today. He’ll officially sign it in court next Wednesday if the judge agrees, which he will. He’s agreed to a permanent no contact order—he has to stay five hundred feet away from you at all times, can’t contact you, and he’s promised to not take any pictures of you. He’ll have to pay for your windows and take anger management classes and have counseling.”

“And how much time will he have to serve?”

“He won’t be serving any time at all.”

She froze, blinking quickly. “What? The man broke into my house and stole my panties…for god’s sake! My favorite robe—I bought that robe in Milan and I can’t ever bear to touch any of it again. He took pictures of me without my knowledge or consent, he manhandled me, broke my windows out and wrote an offensive word on my door and he doesn’t serve any time? Worse, he’s got a history of this and he gets away with it again? It’s no wonder those other women didn’t come forward. But oh well, I suppose I got what I deserved and all, being a woman who dared to go out with him and then you, oh and don’t forget Kyle too.”

“I’m sorry, Maggie. If it were up to me he’d be in prison for years, you know that. But the court doesn’t view his crime as that serious and they’d rather take a plea agreement than prosecute because it’s cheaper and easier. If he violates the protection order—which you’ll have granted as a permanent order because he’s agreed to that as well as the no contact order—you’ll have double protection.”

“Oh well, I’m sure that piece of paper will do a fine job! Oh and now I can’t even use the library because he’s there.”

“This conviction will go on his record. He’ll have to get help. Maybe he’ll truly get the help he needs.”

“Oh, his permanent record, I’m sure he’s shaking in his boots! And help? Bully for him. But. What. The. Fuck. About. Me? Huh? What do I get out of this except for broken windows and a twitch every time the wind blows a branch against a window?”

Liv gasped, not because she found the word so horrifying but that she’d never ever heard Maggie use it. Kyle had an amused look on his face.

Shane looked at his brother, annoyed. “What?”

Kyle turned and looked at Maggie. “Get mad, Red! Who is this ass**le to terrorize you? Who are these judges and attorneys who’re going to let this guy off? Who is your mother to treat you like crap? Who is Jane Marie to treat you so badly when she’s a nasty cheating liar? Aren’t you sick and tired of it all? Don’t you deserve better than that?”

“Yes! Damn it, I do! I’m a good person. I volunteer. I’m a teacher. I treat people right and look at what happens.”

“Look what happens when you don’t accept anything less than the respect you deserve, Maggie,” he said softly, running the backs of his fingers down her cheek.

Realization dawned. “You trying to teach me a lesson, Kyle Chase?”

“Sure am.” He folded his arms over his chest with an aura of authority. “You may not be able to make the court system punish Alex for this. Not in the way you want, but damn it you can make sure that everyone else in your life treats you with respect and on your own terms.”

“Like my mother.”

“Yeah, and your sister.”

“And women like Lyndsay,” Liv added.

“Definitely,” Maggie added, looking dangerous.

“And me,” Shane said. He sat down on the couch and looked up at her. “I owe you a big apology. I’m sorry I didn’t just have the decency to say I couldn’t see you any more to your face. You deserved better than me shoving Kendra at you like that.”

Maggie looked at Shane for a long silent moment. Panic ate at Kyle when he understood that he was falling hard for little Miss Red. If she still had feelings for Shane he didn’t know what he’d do.

She took a deep breath. “Apology accepted. Shane, you know, I didn’t expect you to propose or anything. I understand you’ve been hurt badly but not every woman is like your ex. There’s someone out there who you can make a future with. But if you keep running and closing yourself off at the first thought of actually having feelings for someone, you’ll die lonely. Don’t do that. Underneath that gruff exterior, there’s a really special man.”

Maggie looked over at Kyle. Smiling, she held out her hand for his. Relief rushed through him but he pretended that he’d never been worried at all.

“In the mean time, Shane, if you ever hurt a friend the way you hurt Maggie, I’ll kick you right in the junk.” Liv’s eyes were ferocious as she said it and Shane crossed his legs.

Maggie’s phone rang and she grabbed it. It was Polly.

“Hi, honey. Are any of my boys over there with you now?”

“Yep, Shane and Kyle. You need them?”

“I just wanted to invite you to dinner. You can tell them to come too. I’m making smothered pork chops, mashed potatoes, salad, corn bread and I wasn’t gonna bother baking after you sent those delicious scones and muffins over.”

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