Giving Chase Page 23

“Oh yeah,” he purred. Putting his hands at her waist, he pulled her forward on her chair and into his body. Sliding up to her back, the heat of his palms spread languid desire through her body as he brought his lips to hers. He tasted like tea and blueberry muffins. His tongue swept into her mouth like it belonged there and she actually mewled with pleasure at the sensation when it slid along hers in a sensuous caress. Gone were the teasing, hesitant kisses he’d given her earlier. This was the real thing. Soft and hot and he clearly knew his way around a kiss. She wondered what that mouth would feel like against her pu**y and her clit throbbed in approval.

His skin was hot to the touch and so very hard. Letting herself go, she moved her hands, stroking her palms across the muscles of his wide shoulders and back. She couldn’t touch enough of him and moved to touch the bare flesh of his neck and slid her hands down his back a little. He groaned softly into her mouth.

“Oh,” she said softly, her head lolling back when he moved his lips to kiss the hollow just below her ear. The edge of his teeth nipped her earlobe before he pulled back.

Slowly opening her eyes, his smile made her pulse speed up. The man was sex on legs. Shane who?

“Well, my, that was definitely worth waiting for. Damn, Maggie, you taste good.”

She blushed and he cocked up the corner of his mouth into a sexy grin. “Can I take you dancing on Wednesday night?”

“I love to dance.”

“Good, it’s a date. I’ll pick you up at seven so we can grab a bite first and then head over to the Tonk afterwards.”

“All right.”

He stood, drawing her up with him. “I have to go to dinner at my parents’ house. I wish I could stay and smooch on you for another five hours or so.” He sighed and then leaned down to kiss her again, thorough and quick. Enough to leave the weight of his lips tingling on hers.

“Have a nice time. I’ll see you Wednesday.” She watched as he quickly headed down her porch steps and into the yard. Yep, the man looked good going too.

“Shane, I need to talk to you.” Kyle came into the living room where his dad and brothers watched the game.

“Yeah?” Shane said, distracted by the television.

No one made a move to leave. Kyle sighed and caught a thumbs up from Matt.

“I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to be dating Maggie.”

Shane looked at him blankly for a moment, eyes blinking slowly. Then, a red flush crept up his neck. “What?” he bellowed, jumping to his feet.

Kyle looked at his brother but didn’t react. He’d seen it before and he stayed calm because he was in the right. “I’m now dating Margaret Wright. I’ve just been with her at her house. She and I are going dancing on Wednesday. I’ve thought about this long and hard. I’ve liked her from the start but I backed off when you showed interest. However, since you have decided to treat her so badly, I figure all deals are now off.”

“I’m dating Maggie, Kyle.”

“No you aren’t. You dated her and then you hurt her. You humiliated her and made her feel used. I waited six weeks for you to fix it and you haven’t,” Kyle shrugged, “so too bad for you. Hell, Shane, you didn’t even have the decency to call her and apologize for the way you treated her the last time you saw her.”

“Or the way you acted when you brought Kendra into The Pumphouse,” Matt added.

“You too?” Shane turned to him.

“I happen to really like Maggie. She’s a nice woman, Shane. You made her cry. You didn’t have to see her anymore, but instead of treating her with respect, you toyed with her and then you tossed her away. You didn’t show her any kindness at all.” Matt shrugged.

Edward looked at his sons and shook his head. “Is this true, son? Did you treat her as poorly as it sounds?”

“She knew it was just casual. I like her but she had to push it.”


“When we were kissing on her couch, things got a little…heavy. And then she told me she loved it. I don’t need any love damn it. I just wanted to go out on some dates and have a casual thing. She pushed it and I had to back off, for her sake and my own.”

Kyle’s face hardened with anger. “You dated her, made out with her and ran for the door and never called her again because she said she loved being touched by you? No! How dare she say that! My god, what a maneater she is! How dare she compliment you! Jeez, now that I know all of the facts, I’ll be sure to run the other way.” The sarcasm in Kyle’s voice hung heavy in the air between them.

“Tell Dad the rest of it. How you’ve paraded other women in front of her and looked right through her like she didn’t even exist. You could have just said you didn’t want to see her anymore. But you set out to make her feel like nothing. I hate that you let Sandra turn you into such a prick.”

“Son, I can’t believe you’d behave in such a way,” Edward said, interrupting before anything physical could erupt between his sons. He frowned at Shane. “In any case, it sounds to me like you’d broken up with Maggie before Kyle expressed an interest in her. I don’t see what the problem is with him dating her.”

“I don’t want him dating her!”

“Why? You say you don’t want to be with her, that you had to back off. You haven’t called her in six weeks and I know you’ve been dating other women in the mean time.”

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