Fury Page 31

“Explain why security arrived here checking rooms after they informed us you were missing? They stated there were signs of a struggle in the park.” Breeze studied Ellie with a calculated gaze. “We’re smart so please don’t insult us. You walked in smelling of sex, fear, and blood. Your wrists are red, which tells us you were tied down. I know it is a kinky human thing that we have read about but you had sex with a New Species male. We are not into that kind of sexual play and would never tie anyone down since it reminds us of the testing facilities, yet one of our males restrained you. Tell us his name or tell us what he looks like if you don’t know it. We will punish him and make sure that you are safe. You are our pet and we will not have anyone abuse you ever again.”

This had to be the weirdest conversation Ellie had ever had, hands down. They thought of her as the house pet, a poodle, not the house mother. She resisted flinching. She had always hated her wild and curly hair but poodles had horrible frizz issues. Perhaps some anti-frizz shampoo could go on her shopping list.

They were being protective and that meant the world to her. She had been certain every woman living inside the dorm hated her. This could be the first step to get to know them and maybe teach them what she could. It had to be a good thing, in her opinion.

“I’m fine. Please just drop it. It’s a private matter. I wasn’t hurt and the blood you smell is from an accidental scratch.”

Kit moved closer to inspect Ellie. “She’s too afraid to name him.” She leaned down, grabbed Ellie’s shirt, and shoved her nose against Ellie’s stomach. She sniffed and then jerked away. Horror flashed across her features and she made a soft sound.

“Fury,” she gasped. She stumbled back. “Not Fury. He—” She went silent.

Rusty uttered a curse. She lunged at Ellie, grabbed her, and shoved her flat on top of the bed. Fear hit Ellie as hard as a brick smacking her when the big woman yanked her shirt viciously upward to her br**sts and pushed her nose tight against her skin. Sniffing sounds were followed by a snarl. Rusty jerked back and spun away. She walked to the corner and her hands slammed against the wall hard enough to make Ellie flinch.

“Fury,” Rusty confirmed with a shaky voice. “It was definitely him.”

Breeze appeared to be the only one who stayed calm. She regarded Rusty and Kit grimly. “I thought you said he’s a protector? Didn’t you say that, out of all your men, he took the most punishment to protect you against pain and suffering? Are you sure it’s his scent?”

Rusty nodded as she sniffled. She turned suddenly to reveal the tears tracking down her face as she stared at Ellie with confusion.

“Why would he do this to you? Why?”

“We aren’t blaming you,” Kit added quickly. She sounded miserable, as if she were going to cry too. “We’re trying to understand why he would do this. He was always the most careful to make sure we suffered no pain when they ordered us to have sex. When one of us flat-out refused to have sex with him, he took the beatings and wouldn’t touch us. He suffered so we didn’t have to. He would have died before he drew blood on one of us or hurt us in any way. We are just trying to understand.”

Ellie clawed her way to her feet by gripping the bed to get up. “Please, it’s not what anyone thinks. I know he didn’t mean to hurt me and it’s just a scratch. It’s a private matter. We, uh…damn. I don’t know how to explain this. He doesn’t want anyone to know and I already had to tell Justice North tonight when he found me at Fury’s house. They did that to you at the testing facilities? God.” Ellie sat down again, forgot her tenderness, and winced.

“It won’t leave this room,” Breeze swore softly. “You have our word, we will never repeat what you tell us. They are upset that this male would hurt you when he means so much to them. You need to tell what happened. We will protect you from him.”

Ellie groaned. She studied each woman, noticed Breeze looked sternly at her, her arms crossed, waiting for her to spill the whole story. Kit and Rusty were pale, shaken, and appeared ready to cry. Pained. That word fit. Sunshine just looked curious.

She couldn’t allow them to think the worst of Fury. Two of them obviously knew him really well. Ellie hated the jealousy that surfaced at the concept that he’d probably had sex with two of these women. They may not have had a choice. That helped a little. She took a deep breath and started from the beginning. She ended up telling them everything right up until the moment they’d followed her into her room. She wiped away tears as she studied each woman. She feared they might hate her now that she had confessed what she’d done.

Kit and Rusty had settled to sit on the floor while Ellie shared her story. Breeze stayed by the door and Sunshine sat on the bed near Ellie. Ellie met Breeze’s eyes.

“I just want to take a bath, go to bed, and never talk about this again, okay? He didn’t force me and he didn’t mean to get me with his teeth.”

Breeze nodded, giving Ellie a sad smile. “You are a giving woman, Ellie. Most women wouldn’t understand his need for revenge by taking you tonight. They would have…” She sighed. “They would have lied, saying he harmed them without consent. You didn’t deserve his anger. You know that, don’t you? You saved his life. It is male of him to want payback. He was wrong. I sense your shame at what you had to do by allowing Mercile to believe he killed that technician but I understand the reason. I would have done the same.” She took a deep breath. “He won’t get near you again. We will take turns guarding you.”

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