Full Blooded Page 51

“Danny, what happened here?” I pushed by them and made my way out of the bathroom. I had to get away from the stench. They followed me into the living room. I placed my hands on my hips and turned in a full circle, trying to get my brain back on board with what I just witnessed. “I’m having trouble understanding why my super is lying dead in my bathtub.”

“Well, it’s a very simple story actually,” Danny started. “I was minding my own business, convalescing as ordered by your father. My wounds were quite severe, as I’m sure you were informed—not to worry, though, all shipshape now—when I heard someone sneaking into your apartment as bold as day. He wasn’t technically breaking in, you see, since he had his own key, but nevertheless he woke me out of a perfectly lovely sleep. I’d been dreaming about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, who are, for the record, a naughty lot of—”

“Danny,” I said sharply. “Please stay on topic.”

“Of course. So naturally I did my duty and came out to investigate the disturbance. Our man was toting a rather large bag of very suspicious goods, and when he saw me he had the nerve to pull out a gun.” Danny infused some outrage. “Which I kindly knocked from his hands as quick as you like, and I was about to break his sorry little neck when out of nowhere he dropped to the floor and began shifting into a bloody weasel.”

“A what?” Tyler and I both balked.

“A bloody weasel shifter the size of a large dog.” Danny spread his hands to indicate a hefty size. “Then he jumped on my back like a possessed little fuck and went after my flesh like a piranha … scenting blood.”

Jeff was a shifter? Never in a million years would I have guessed that. The peach smell, obviously his signature scent, wouldn’t have meant much to me as a human, and he’d definitely stayed clear of me since. He must have had a lackey deliver my new set of door keys, because I would’ve picked up the peach scent if he had brought them himself. But the million-dollar question was, what did he want? And who was he working for? There was no way a guy like Jeff Arnold was a one-man operation. He didn’t have enough motivation in one of his pinky fingers, let alone enough brainpower to hatch a plan to catch a wolf. He was likely recruited for the job or someone had forced him into it. Either way, it shouldn’t be too hard to track down the trail.

“I’ve never heard of a wereweasel before,” my brother said. “And I’m positive I’ve never smelled one.” He wrinkled his nose. “I would’ve remembered that stink anywhere.”

“Well, I can assure you they bloody well exist,” Danny bristled. “But what the little shite wasn’t expecting was a werewolf counterattack, and I’d like to kindly point out that a weasel and a wolf make a highly unbalanced fight. After I shifted, it took me under three seconds to take him out.”

“You shifted? Right here?” I asked. “In my apartment?”

“Of course I shifted,” Danny said indignantly. “I had to shake off the bloody wereweasel who was ripping chunks out of my back with his devilish little claws and sharp, pointy teeth. I couldn’t get the bastard off without shifting. But, of course, that’s when the detective came sniffing around, so I—”

“What!” I shouted, grabbing on to his arms. “Danny, you said this happened last night. Ray came here in the morning. Please tell me he did not see you shift!”

“No, I never said it was at night, you just assumed it was. And yes, he did see me, but I had almost fully finished by the time he came round, so he didn’t get to see the lot of it. But he did see me toss a weasel—the size of bloody Benji—against the wall. After that I had no choice—”

“Danny,” I half yelled, half begged. “Please tell me you did not kill Ray Hart.”

“Of course I didn’t kill him!” He had the nerve to look shocked like poor Jeff wasn’t lying in my bathroom lifeless. “I don’t kill people who don’t threaten me directly. No need to worry your pretty little head about it. I haven’t killed him, I’ve just tied him up in your closet for the time being. Not that we won’t be killing him later, because he’s uncovered our secret, but I couldn’t just let him walk out of here, now could I?”

I stood there frozen. Ray was tied up in my closet?

Danny continued without pausing, “Damn well nearly pissed his pants when I launched myself at him. It was lucky for me he fainted dead away. Always makes the job of securing them a whole lot easier when they go limp. But I didn’t actually realize it was the detective until Nick came by just in time to fob off the police when they came to the door searching for him. Nick convinced them they’d already checked this apartment thoroughly. Bloody convenient, persuasion is. Wish I had that knack. It’s quite handy in a mess like this.”

I didn’t bother to answer, since I was already running down the hallway toward my bedroom.

My bed had been well slept in and the floor was littered with takeout bags and empty plates. It seemed poor Danny hadn’t been without resources after all.

I approached the closet doors slowly and stood there for a full minute gathering myself. I wasn’t sure what I was going to see when I whipped them open, and visions of the recent dead man in my bathtub gave me pause.

My fingers grazed the knobs and in one motion I yanked the accordion doors back. To my immediate relief there was a very angry, but very alive, detective sitting on a pile of my shoes.

He was gagged with what looked to be a pair of my pantyhose. Both Ray’s hands were tied behind his back with something I couldn’t see, but it seemed to be holding him well enough. He glowered at me with so much hatred and loathing—if he’d been a wolf, I might have shied away for a second.

But he wasn’t.

I squatted down to his level. “Hi, Ray. So glad to see you’re alive and well. Are you enjoying your little stay in my closet?”

He didn’t try to move, which meant he must’ve been sufficiently freaked out by what he had witnessed with Danny and the canine-sized wereweasel. Instead, he unleashed a string of curses I couldn’t fully understand due to his gag but immediately recognized in their entirety anyway. His faced turned beet red with each effort and saliva pooled along the corners of his mouth.

“Ray,” I chastised. “I’m going to need you to calm down. I know you’re incredibly agitated right now, but look on the bright side—you’re still breathing. That’s a very big accomplishment at the moment. Most people in your current position wouldn’t have breath left in their bodies after what you witnessed.”

More swearing and some agitated movements.

“Listen, as much as I’d love to have a big heart-to-heart, you’re going to have to hold on to those thoughts for now,” I told him. “I just came back here to make sure you weren’t dead. Now that I’ve seen you with my own eyes, I’ve got to get back to my living room and sort out another round of chaos that’s become my normal life. If you can believe it, I have bigger things to attend to than you right now, so you’re just going to have to hold tight.”

I stood up right as Ray’s leg struck out, connecting solidly with my knee.

The blow staggered me back a foot, but I recovered in a snap. Furious didn’t even come close. I sprang at more-than-human speed right into Ray’s personal space. His eyes widened in surprise and fear leaked out of him like air from a punctured tire.

I growled to enhance the effect. “Listen to me very carefully, Raymond Hart. You have forced your way into something that was never any of your business to learn. Do you understand me? You’re a self-centered, egotistical, thick-necked, mean-assed cop. One who could never leave well enough alone.” He winced at the force of my words. “I never, and I repeat never, deserved your dogged pursuit of me. Nothing has warranted your extreme hatred of me, and now you’re in way over your head, and guess what? It’s become my fucking job to dig you out. Do you understand the irony of this whole situation? It’s certainly not lost on me.”

He blinked.

“Now, in a normal scenario you don’t live to see tomorrow,” I said, my voice icy calm. “That’s just how it works. So if you don’t want to end up dead, you’re going to have to start treating me like I’m your best friend until I have a chance to figure this out, and it’s going to take me more than seven seconds to do it. Understood?”

More fear swirled in the air, accompanied by slight annoyance. Ray gave me a few more rapid blinks. He was a piece of work, that was for damn sure.

“Contrary to what you might think, I don’t want to kill you.” He deserved to know that much from me. “You can choose to believe me or not, I don’t really care. But right now, you have no choice but to wait patiently. If you make any move to escape, or do anything stupid, we will know it immediately. Don’t test us. The big guys in the other room won’t hesitate to take you out, and I won’t be able to stop them.” I couldn’t resist adding, “Blink twice if you understand me.”

If he could’ve killed me with his brainpower alone, I’d already be dead. But very slowly he blinked twice.

“Good. See you in a few minutes, Ray.” I shut the closet doors. Garbled curses followed me back into the living room.

My brother was on the phone calling for a cleaning crew to deal with Jeff.

I got down to business. “Okay, Danny, were you able to get anything off of Jeff before Juanita came in? We’re going to have to figure out who he’s working for and why he was here in the first place.”

“His pockets were clean and other than some low-level surveillance equipment and a few cheap bugs, there was nothing of value in the bag he carried. I’d planned to sneak down to his apartment as soon as the detective was settled, but your lovely neighbor waylaid my carefully made plans.”

“His apartment’s a good place to start. I’m assuming it shouldn’t be too hard to piece it together. Jeff was not the brightest bulb—” A force slammed into me, knocking the breath out of my body as I hit the living room wall. My wolf howled, springing at the red lines that had suddenly emerged in my mind, snapping her jaws fiercely.

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