Full Blooded Page 40

Jessica? Do you hear me?

I shook myself. Yes, I hear you. Now was not the time or the place to explain what had happened between Rourke and me. That would have to wait. I don’t think I’m in any danger from Rourke, as of right now, I said carefully. He’s been on the level as much as he can be. When I change back, I’ll try to get more information. He may be willing to share more with me now.

Jessica, I think we’re close to the point where you entered the mountains. Tyler is reading the map as we speak and the base of the Ozarks is roughly a twenty-minute drive from where we are. If you climbed all day, we can make it in a fraction of that time. We have your scent. We’ll find you soon.

I can change back into my wolf form after I talk to Rourke. I can be waiting and ready in an hour. That should give you enough time to find my trail.

Heavy emotion pulsed in my blood. There was something my father wasn’t telling me, and it weighed heavily on him. Then he spoke. Jessica, the Southern faction is ahead of us. It took us some time to round up our wolves and get organized. There’s a strong possibility … they will make it to you before we do.

But they don’t know where to go, and you do, I told him with a confidence belying my feelings.

It doesn’t matter. If they’re working with another group of supernaturals, it’s possible they have information we don’t. And they have your scent. They could be working with anyone: witches or demons or any of the goddamn Sects, very likely the same one who hired the cat. A string of angry curses tumbled around in my brain. You have to arm yourself. Right now. Change back and get yourself somewhere safe. Don’t stay in the open. Go someplace unpredictable. Start moving. We’ll find you.

I’m heading back right now. We’ll leave as soon as I shift back.

When we draw closer, your link with your brother should be intact. Just get yourself to a safe place. My body tingled, the blood order searing through my veins, solidifying.

I’m leaving now. I’ll see you soon. I told him.

I love you, Jessica.

I love you too.

I jumped off the rock. Okay, this is going to be all you. I shifted control over to my wolf on a thought and she took off, picking up our pace, speeding through the forest. It was exhilarating—a feeling so pure and free, I’d never experienced anything like it. For the very first time since my change, I finally felt like the animal I’d become. It was wonderful.

She skillfully bounded over and through obstacles like she was a part of the natural flow and of the woods. She managed to snag food for us on the way, not even needing to slow in order to hunt. Never in my life did I think I’d enjoy the taste of squirrel, but it was actually delicious. At this point, anything would’ve tasted good. If I’d thought my hunger had been annoying in my human form, it was nothing compared to the empty, gnawing feeling in my wolf form.

We bounded back toward the cathedral of trees.

Rourke was there now. I could smell him, his powerful scent concentrated inside the tree line. Even though it mixed with the pungent smell of sulfur, which was much more sensitive to me in this form, I could’ve found him blindfolded. I needed to tell him a threat was coming sooner than we’d expected. I still didn’t know who had hired him and what was going on, but he’d taken the job before either of us knew there were going to be … personal complications.

I wondered for a moment how all this would play out, where the loyalties would fall.

At the edge of the trees, I shifted gears and took control from my wolf. She relinquished without a fight, satisfied with her run, both of us becoming more at ease in our roles. The barrier still stood in my mind, and she was indeed behind it, but I knew there would be a time when it came down for good.

I peered through the darkness, searching for him as I padded into the cathedral.

He leaned against a tree, staring at us carefully, not moving. The vibration of his power enveloped me, calling to me like no other. He was strong. A warrior of his kind. And he was here, waiting.

For me.

I felt his gaze on me as I lay down, finding the spot where I’d made my first shift. I closed my eyes and shifted back. It was a smooth transition, with little pain. When it was over, I pulled on my clothing and stood.

He walked to the edge of the grass. “Jessica.”

I strode toward him, my eyes flashing violet as they connected with his. He returned my stare, his irises igniting.

“They’re com—”

“—I need to touch you and know you’re all right.” He reached for me, leaning down to take me into his arms. It felt right to be in them, my hands immediately tracing around his neck, cupping his back. My body had missed his, craved his taste, even though we’d been separated only a short time.

His mouth seared mine. Images of licking and tasting him, caressing his smooth skin, wrapping my legs around him, and being filled by him shot into my mind. I dragged my nails along his collarbone, luxuriating in his incredible strength.

His taste was a trigger, it fed me. It also made me lose coherent thoughts.

I understood now about our saliva, but it wasn’t just intoxicating to humans—it was our identifier. What his body produced was meant for me, and me alone. Mine was meant for him.

It took just one kiss.

I had to sever the connection. “Rourke … just wait.” I tried to push him backward, but didn’t succeed. “I want to do this … I do.” He stilled at my words. “But we can’t right now.” I glanced up at him, trying to blink away the haze that filled my brain, tried to force my eyes back to normal. “We can’t do this now … at least not right here … I mean …” I stammered.

His lips were on mine again, hot and soft. They tasted like sweet cinnamon mixed with molasses. “You’re mine,” he murmured into my mouth. My fingers threaded into his thick hair, my arms brushing against his stubble. My fingers pulsed as they twined through his locks. I grabbed a fistful tightly. Mine.

He locked me firmly to him, every contour of my body touching his. His hands splayed tightly across my back and my ass, his arms around me like a clamp.

No, no, no. We have to get out of here. Help me stop this. I pulled back again, this time I pinned my forehead to his chest. “Listen!” I drummed my fists on him. “Stop kissing me, I need to tell you something!” I was definitely intoxicated with whatever he was giving me. I shook myself.

Rourke strongly opposed in the form of a snarled growl as his arms locked around me again. “Jessica.” His tone was low, feral, and hot.

“Rourke!” I stepped away from him with effort. He let me go this time. “I need you to listen right now. I just talked to my father and we’re in more danger than we thought. Not tomorrow or the next day, but right now. We need to arm up and get the hell away from here. He said—”

Rourke’s demeanor shifted instantaneously.

His reflexes went from relaxed to tense; he took one step forward and cupped his hand around the back of my neck, angling my head softly until I met his gaze squarely. His irises glittered fiercely. “Jessica, what else did he say?”

Mine. I blinked. “He said they were close to the river, but the Southern faction is ahead of them.”

He cursed and broke away from me, turning in a slow circle.

“That’s not all.” His eyes pinned me. As a predator he took my breath away. Hairs stood on end as his face transformed into something hard. “My father’s convinced they’re working with another supernatural Sect. He said the wolves voluntarily surrendered the fight after we left. He said he’s never seen a wolf leave a fight in his entire life. Whoever is pulling the strings is very well organized.”

Rourke grabbed my hand and ran with me out of the trees. “We need to get our stuff from the cabin and leave right now. There’s a cave about four miles from here where I have additional weapons stashed. We’ll arm ourselves, and then we’ll make our way out of the forest to meet your father.”

“Rourke.” I stopped, dragging him back, trying to accurately read his urgency. “What do you know about this? Do you know who the Southern wolves are working with? Who else is after me?” Panic brewed just below the surface. My wolf let out a low growl. Having our mate betray us was not a good way to start off this relationship.

He let go of me and turned, raking both hands through his hair. Not a good sign. “I’m not sure, but I have an idea. But I swear to you, this wasn’t the plan.” I stayed silent, my mind racing. His hands sought my body again, his fingers tightening around my forearms. “Jessica, you have to believe me. I didn’t lure you up here to trap you. I had no idea you were my mate when all this began.” His eyes were fierce. “Say you believe me. Please.”

“I … I …” I wanted to say it.

“Jessica!” he shouted. “I didn’t bring you here to trap you! I brought you here because it was the best place I could think of to keep you safe until I … I mean we … could figure everything out.”

“Okay,” I said, moving around him to start toward the cabin. “I get what you’re saying. But if you don’t mind I’d like to reserve my judgmen—”

“Jessica, please.” He ran a hand over his mouth, his eyes pleading. “You have to listen—”

Suddenly there was a shout in the distance, followed by something that sounded close to a whoosh, followed by more whooshing sounds.

Rourke eclipsed me and grabbed my hand, racing us toward the cabin. The only place where we had any weapons. “Rourke!” I shouted as I ran. “What’s coming? What the fuck is going on?”

He slid to a halt so suddenly I crashed into his back. I righted myself, but his hands were gripped on to mine so painfully, I’d lost blood flow. He’d stopped right at the edge of the clearing. I peered around his shoulder, his stress and fear radiating into me in angry currents. My wolf reacted to him, barking and growling.

If Rourke was stressed, I knew I wasn’t going to like what I saw.

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