Fated Page 27

Really he talk to Layla about things. But he felt conflicted. She’d been very quiet about the situation and he. She was Megan’s sister, she had divided loyalties. But in truth, he was very close to her even though they didn’t speak all the time. He felt like she knew him better than most anyone else on earth. Maybe that night when he saw her they could

talk a bit.

“I’ll consider it. I truly will. I am committed to you. I want you to know that. A lot of this stuff is sort of foreign to me so I appreciate your patience as I try to get through it.”

She nodded in the twilight reflected through the windshield.

“It’s up here. I remember from the last time I visited. I get to Portland now and again. My aunt lives there.” He was babbling he knew but he was so ridiculously happy to be with her.

“I love it. There’s so much land around Lex and Nina’s place to run in. There’s a lake and several ground fed streams. When you come again for a bit longer, we can go to the hot springs out on the Olympic Peninsula.”

“Mmm. You, wet and naked under the stars? I’m so there.”

She laughed and he loved the sound.

They made small talk as she described the area they drove through and he asked questions, carefully avoiding werewolf stuff until he felt like an utter tool. She was so careful to not offend him which he appreciated. But at the same time, he didn’t want her holding back. Stupid for him to expect to have it both ways and he knew it.

“Here we are,” she said as they pulled up a long drive leading up a winding hillside, blanketed with trees. Huge iron gates blocked the way and she pulled to a stop to enter a code.

“Wow, some security system.” The gates slid closed behind them and he scented the wildness, the cleanness of the air, the loam of the forest floor not fifteen feet to the edge of the drive.

“We had a scary few years where this was all very necessary. Things have been peaceful for a while now, but I carried a spare magazine with silver bullets for a long time.”

He exhaled sharply. He hadn’t given it much thought, what she did. But of course she’d

have done exactly that. His woman was an Enforcer and he knew enough about werewolf Pack hierarchy to understand just how important her position was to the safety of the Alpha and to the Pack in general. It gave him pause and no small amount of anxiety.

She pulled into a large garage bay and turned to him. “Hey, it’s okay now. I’m safe. The war is over. But even if it wasn’t, I’m damned good at my job.”

Reaching toward her, he grabbed her, bringing her body to his so he could hold her tight as he found his breath. Being separated was hard enough, the thought of her being injured or killed made him nauseated.

“It’s the bond. I’m sorry. I know it’s intense for you. I take all this for granted, having grown up in this world. I’m Enforcer which means I’m Second. I’m strong enough to hold my spot. No punk-assed wolf or human is going to take me down. I swear to you.”

He kissed her forehead before he released her. Resentment began to well within him. It wasn’t about the bond, it was that he felt so f**king ill-prepared for all this. It was a part of him as much, if not more than the suburbs and medical school was.

“Nothing for you to be sorry about as long as you’re safe. Now, while I’m nauseated, I may as well go inside.”

He grinned and she chuckled. “Come on then. Layla and Sid are already here so you’ll know a few people and you’ve met everyone else before, even if was twelve years ago or like for ten minutes in LA.”

He didn’t freak and run away. That was a step in the right direction. She’d prepared Lex as best she could and Nina would help too. Lex kick Shane’s ass for not just taking responsibility and dealing with the bond, but Nina how he felt to a certain extent. Lex could be overprotective and Cade had called four times before she left for the airport.

Thank goodness he was on the other side of the country or she’d have a hell of a time keeping them from pinning Shane to the wall.

She led him up into the house and couldn’t help but feel proud even as she wanted him to

not be nervous. This was her Pack, her family, her home ground and she’d worked hard to be where she was. She wanted him to like it all too.

“Hey everyone!” she called out as they entered near the family room. Gabby came running and Megan scooped her up into a hug.

“Oh! He’s pretty!”

Shane laughed as she turned toward him with Gabby clinging to her like a monkey. “He is, isn’t he? Gabby, this is Shane, my mate. Shane, this is Gabriella Warden, my niece.”

Shane bowed to them and took Gabby’s hand, kissing it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Your aunt talks about you all the time.”

“Don’t flatter her too much, she’s already nearly impossible to deal with because of how much her father spoils her.” Nina came into the room and took Gabby from Megan. “It’s nice to see you again, Shane. Welcome and I hope you’re hungry. My mother-in-law,”

she paused to laugh, “your mother-in-law, has invaded my kitchen and has prepared a feast.”

“Come on then, brace yourself.” Megan looked to him and he kissed her quickly, putting his arm around her waist.

“Go big or go home,” Nina called out.

Layla perked up when they came around the corner into the family room but Megan noticed she held herself back from jumping up to approach them. Shane stiffened a bit.

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