Fated Page 16

“He’s putting his hands on my mate, that’s not.”

God help her, Megan found herself totally charmed by that bit of silly possessiveness.

“I’m sorry,” Josh said, holding his hands up, palms out. “I’ve known Megan a few years and she’s like my baby sister. I should have realized you’d be offended. I’m Josh, can we start over?”

Shane relaxed but kept his arm around Megan. “Apology accepted. I’m Shane.”

They shook hands and Layla laughed in the background along with Nina.

“Not that I’m not pleased to see you but what are you doing here?” Megan asked Josh.

“I called him down. Or rather, after I spoke to Nick and Gabe about you mating, we thought it would be good to have another Enforcer here so you two could have some time alone.”Tracy took Megan’s hand. “You can take a vacation and just be with Shane without worrying about Nina or Cascadia for at least a week.”

Nina moved to her. “Hirois here too. Lex and I spoke earlier,Hiro will take over your spot as my guard here and back home. Lex wants you to take some time. He said for you to call him when you talk.”

She smiled. Her brother, all tough, still a big marshmallow inside when it came to the people he loved.

“That’s a good idea, Megan.” Shane kissed her neck where he’d bitten her. He may not want to admit he was a wolf, but he sure f**ked like one. “We can go to my place for a week or so. I can take the time off. We can get to know each other.”

She agreed. They needed time away from Layla and Cascadia and all their various responsibilities. There was so much to work out. She wasn’t overly thrilled by going to Vegas, which was his turf, but at the same time, he’d be giving up a lot if she could convince him to move toSeattle so it was only fair she go.

“Why don’t you and Lay have a drink or go to dinner to catch up? I’ll just say goodbye

and eat with my family and then we can leave?” She turned to him, loving the way he pulled her close.

“Are you sure? You’ll be with it? You know you have nothing to worry about.” He kissed her and then again.

She smiled. “I do. My sister and I worked it out. I have to trust you and our bond. And Adam will be at dinner with us so…” She shrugged. “It’ll take some getting used to but we’re adults.”

He grinned. “I’ll meet you back here in an hour. One hour. Then we’ll go. I’ll call and get us some airline tickets.”

She tiptoed up and kissed him, liking the way his whiskers felt against her lips. “Okay.”

Shane noted Layla whispering to Megan and hugging her before she nodded and headed toward him. He had to admit seeing Megan take Adam’s hand on one side and her mother’s on the other was slightly disconcerting.

“Don’t sweat the tickets. Cade pulled some super Alphamojo and there’ll be a private plane waiting for you two at John Wayne. Let’s gograbto eat. There’s a little café just near the adults only pool.” Layla took his arm and they walked the other way, but not until after he’d caught Megan laughing at someone said and his stomach twisted at how she was.

“So,” Layla said as they sat down, “you’re going to have to face who you are now. Once and for all.” She looked up at the server who’d approached. “Can I get an iced tea and a turkey sandwich with fries?”

“Give me a cheeseburger, fries and a soda, please.”

The server nodded and disappeared.

“What do you mean?” Although he knew exactly what she meant.

She sighed. “Okay let’s pretend for a few. First of all, congratulations. Really. I couldn’t

have wished a better mate for you than Megan. She’s going to be good for you. Speaking of family, Sid says to tell you hello and the kids loved the DVD player. I told you not to send one, by the way. No one listens to me. They’re spoiled enough.”

“I just saw his mother two weeks ago when they came through Vegas. And the kids needed a DVD player. I’m a doctor, I have a few extra pennies.”

She rolled her eyes. “So you said when you sent the MP3 players a few months back.

You really should let me tell people how good you are with the kids. I don’t know why you insist on pretending you aren’t that involved in our life.”

“It’s about expectations, you know that. If people knew I saw them and had more contact with them than they thought, I’d suddenly be expected to go to all this werewolf junk.

And you know how I feel about that. I want to be left alone to do my own thing. It hasn’t hurt my father to live without it all these years. You guys are like a cult or.”

She flipped him off. “A cult? You mean like, oh, say, a family who cares about you and stuff?Oooh , scary! Is that what your mother tells you, Shane? That what you are is a cult? Is that why every time I see your father, Sid and I and the kids hug up on him as much as possible the whole time because he misses contact with his own kind so desperately? Is that how you want to be? I know she’s your mother, I’m not trying to hurt you but Shane, and she’s harmed you in a big way. You’re a werewolf. Not a human.

We’re different. Not wrong, not bad, just different. The human women you date can’t fill that part of you. And they really can’t now.” She laughed. “Because well, that part would be ripped off and bloody if Megan caught you.”

“Ha, ha.” He winced. “I’m no cheater, thank you very much. Anyway, I’ve heard the werewolf pitch, I’m not interested in hearing it again.”

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