Fated Page 13

stood there totally naked and obviously not that disappointed about a threesome because his c**k was so hard it tapped his belly. “Dr. Rosario, you do keep in shape.”

She looked over to Adam who’d finished undressing and leaned over her feet to get her sandals off.

Where Shane was big and broad, Adam was shorter although no less broad. She didn’t know too many long and lean wolves like Sid. Adam’s longer hair slid forward, obscuring his face. But the part that wasn’t obscured was also quite pleased to be part of this scenario. Gentle fingers untied the straps and removed her shoes, kneading her feet once he was done.

Megan groaned and stretched, enjoying the feeling for long moments.

He looked up at her groan. “I’d like to kiss you.” Adam looked to Shane to make sure everyone was in and Shane nodded.

“I’d like that too.” She got to her knees and leaned toward his lips and he met her halfway. Dimly she realized Shane had pulled her shirt and bra off, the clever man.

Shane’s hands caressed her back and shoulders as Adam’s mouth met hers. It was just a hint of a kiss, an appetizer. He drew back and she realized all wading in so carefully.

Truth be told, what she felt for Shane, she knew would be forever. It was what the mate bond was. She needed him, yes. She wanted him, lusted after him, know him. But she didn’t love him. She might have felt more intensely for him if he’d been more enthusiastic about the bond but at that moment she knew they could work toward love and with work, they’d achieve it. But right then she was just as turned on by Adam as she was by Shane, although for different reasons.

There was no doubt in Megan’s mind that she’d never cheat on Shane or step outside their bond. She wouldn’t, period. Didn’t want to. It wasn’t who she was and it wasn’t what she envisioned for herself and her mate. After this day, it would be just her and

Shane unless they agreed otherwise and she doubted that would happen, at least not for a long time after they’d established their relationship and their trust level with each other.

She turned to Shane and sifted her fingers through his dark hair, his eyes closed halfway and he pressed into her touch.

“I want you to enjoy this. I like to watch, Megan. I like that he’ll have you this once, have what’s mine because I allow it. But never again.” He whispered it like a confession, like an offering of intimate and she took it as such.

It meant, more than just physical.

A hint of a smile played at the corner of his mouth just before it met hers. All amusement dissolved as the passion in his kiss sizzled against her. He traced the curve of her lips with his tongue. As if he was memorizing their shape. His teeth grazed her bottom lip as he sucked it into his mouth. Electric heat arced down her spine, bringing her body into an arch.

His taste wended through her, marking her, spoiling her for any other as she sucked at his tongue. She felt the mattress dip behind her as Adam settled in at her back, pulling her skirt and panties down. Shane pulled away, having her lean on him as Adam finished undressing her. Desire-stunned, she angled herself so she could see them both, totally naked.

Her eyes widened at the sheer beauty of those two masculine bodies. Holy shit, Shane was gorgeous. He was what could only be described accurately as “ripped”. Not just a muscled stomach but an honest to f**king goodness six pack. The muscles ran tight over his ribs, across his shoulders and down his chest. He was absolutely stunning. When he caught the appraisal and appreciation in her gaze, a sexy smile broke over his face.

“I love how you look at me.”

She laughed. “I can’t not look at you.” She moved her gaze to Adam and his tawny skin.

Shane’s looks were big and masculine but also had an elegance to them. But Adam was

more feral, brawny, just barely leashed. His hair was longer, his eyes were wilder. “And you aren’t a chore to stare at either.” She shrugged with a laugh. “Well, let’s get started, shall we?”

Ensorcelled by the sight of Shane, the heat of his skin, she leaned toward him, bending her head. The scent of his soap and the musk of his cologneribboned through her. She scented herself on him still from earlier and it tightened things low. She flicked her tongue over his nipple, first one and then the other, liking the way he groaned in response.

He arched his hips forward, clearly wanting her touch, her tongue, elsewhere. Reaching out, she ran the tips of her fingers up the length of his cock. The silk of his skin, hot and hard, greeted her senses. The musk of his scent reached her and she had to close her eyes a moment against the feral appeal.

Swallowing against the raw need that rode her, she grinned at him. “My, my, my. So much to touch and taste.”

Adam moved behind her, kissing across her shoulders and, not wanting to ignore him, she turned around to face him. He pulled her against his naked chest so skin to skin.

When her mouth opened on a gasp of pleasure at the sensation, he lowered his lips to hers, kissing her hard. His hands, large and strong, ran down the small of her back, over the curve of her ass and thighs. Needing to get to the heart of the matter, her hands went for his c**k and he hissed his pleasure at her touch.

Shane laughed, pressing himself against her back, his c**k pressing into the soft flesh of her ass. “You’re so f**king sexy here wedged between us. I’ve never seen anything so damned sexy in my life.” He left a warm, wet trail as he dragged his tongue from her ear down her neck and shoulder, holding her head arched back using her hair.

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