Falling Under Page 81

“Hearing that makes me really happy. So you can add that to the things that make me happy list. Along with men who bring me bulbs instead of flowers.”

Duke loved her in that dress. Loved that she’d worn it to delight him. Torture him too, if he hadn’t met her basic standard of behavior. And then she’d shared that story about Ginger and he’d realized that was another blessing of having her in his life.

They’d had so much dinner he could barely move. But they were in synch enough for him to realize that even when she’d been mad, their connection hadn’t really waned.

Something clicked into place as he climbed into bed that night, pulling her close, the dog snoring nearby in her bed. This was right. This would withstand a lifetime of stupid fights like the one they’d had earlier.

What he felt for her wasn’t transitory. It was real and solid and the piddly shit wasn’t going to rip it apart. She hadn’t told him she loved him back yet. But in everything she did and said, he heard it. And it was enough until she could say it out loud.

When she’d told him that day that he could and should be proud of the way he was with people, he realized she knew him—really knew him—better than people he’d known for years.

And like those few, close people he cared about what she thought. Wanted her to respect him. To see him as strong and forthright.

She made him want to be better.

He smiled against the back of her neck and let himself fall.

He heard the front door close and lock as he realized she wasn’t in bed with him.

Duke stumbled to the front door, noting the dim, early morning light as he yanked on a pair of boxers before he ventured outside.

At the call of her name she turned and Ginger bounded back his way. At the sight of him on the porch in his shorts, Carmella rushed over, whispering at him to go inside.

“You’re going to give someone a heart attack looking so good and nearly naked on your front steps,” Carmella said as she came in.

“You didn’t wake me up. Where are you going?” He got close enough to catch her in his arms and back her against the nearest wall.

“Work,” she said, her voice gone breathy.

“You didn’t wake me up. I have to go in too. We could have showered together and then driven in at the same time. Lessened our carbon footprint and all that.”

She put her hands on his face to yank him down to where she was to kiss him. “It’s six. You don’t have to be up for another hour. I set your alarm for you.”

“Before you, no one took care of me like this. Thought of me the way you do. I’m getting used to it, but sometimes I forget.”

She blushed and he kissed her cheeks.

“Let’s play hooky today. Go to breakfast and hang out reading, napping, and having sex for the rest of the day,” he said.

She closed her eyes a moment. “Stop being a bad influence. As much as I’d love to do just that, you have too much to do. A client consult at one and another at three. You have multiple deliveries to make by the end of the month. The parts for the Chevelle should be arriving today so you can get that moving. And I do payroll today, which is why I’m going in early. If I can get things started before everyone shows up, the checks are signed and ready for everyone at three.”

He groaned, remembering just how full his plate was. “Fine. But I’m not planning on being at work past seven. You want to see the real bare-knuckles stuff?”

He realized she might not be comfortable and he nearly told her she didn’t have to if she wasn’t okay with it.

But when he noted her pupils were suddenly huge and her cheeks flushed, he got it. “Ah. If it makes you hot that I mix it up with people who’re there to mix it up, I’m all for you watching me mix it up.”


He kissed her quickly, remembering he’d just woken up and hadn’t brushed his teeth. “I’ll see you at work soon.”

He watched her until she and Ginger drove away.

A few hours later she came to him as he stood in the middle the engine he and Mick had just disassembled. Sometimes it helped if he could spread it all out around him on a tarp and get a different way to view the problem.

He was distracted by the puzzle to be solved, but not so much he failed to appreciate the way she looked in nothing fancier than jeans and a pretty blue blouse.

And then he noted the expression on her face. “Carmella?”

“Duke, your mother is on the phone. She says it’s urgent.”

Nodding, he stepped over the parts, hurrying to the phone on the wall nearby.

“Hello?” He walked around the corner into a back hallway to get some quiet.

“Duke, it’s Danny. He’s in the hospital.”

“What happened? Is he all right?” Duke’s heart sped.

“He got into a car accident. He’s in emergency surgery right now.”

“I’m on my way. I’ll catch a flight as soon as I can.”

“Wait until we know what’s happening. There’s no use you rushing down here at this point. I just wanted to call you to fill you in,” his mother said. “Your sister is staying home until we get more information too.”

“She’s got two kids, a husband, and a job that’s far less flexible than mine. Of course there’s a reason for me to rush down there. My brother is in the hospital. You and Dad will need the help.”

“I know you’re busy with your work, Duke.”

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