Falling Under Page 75

“Goddamn, I love it when you come that hard.” He kissed her belly as he stood. “Don’t move.”

He jogged from the room. Like she could move even if she wanted to?

True to his word, less than half a minute later he was back, condom on and making himself at home between her thighs. Again.

He teased her with the head of his cock. Circling through her pussy, dipping inside just a little and pulling out to do the same thing over again.

“You’re so fucking wet,” he croaked as he tapped her clit with the head of his cock.

“Be a shame to waste it. Put your dick in me!”

Laughing, he obeyed. She wrapped her calves around his hips and hooked her heels around his thighs.

“No escape for me, huh?”

She shook her head.

“Thank god.” He grabbed her hips for purchase and began to fuck her, sending her boobs to bounce with each thrust all the way home.

“I think this is the perfection of breasts. That moment when they bounce so prettily that way. I considered letting go of your hips to grab them, and then when I go balls deep, they do that. And I think it would be blasphemy to stop them from moving.”

Caught between a laugh and a gasp, Carmella writhed when he ground himself against her.

There were no more words after that. She couldn’t take her gaze from his face. He was so expressive, especially during sex. Tenderness in his eyes rendered her utterly helpless against the rush of her own in response. Then determination as he got closer. A sort of feral satisfaction when he leaned forward, taking her hands, stretching them above her head as he came, kissing her hard.

She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to catch her breath. And when she opened them, he was straightening to stand. Smiling.

“Now then. Coffee and breakfast?”

“Don’t make me bacon until you’re wearing pants,” she called out as she headed to find some clothes of her own. Fucking in the kitchen and maybe being seen was one thing, but sitting bare-assed at breakfast wasn’t her idea of fun.

Duke tucked a new bag of coffee in the drawer for her in her office. She’d frown at him, but he didn’t care. It was a little treat, and if anyone needed more treats in their life, it was Carmella.

The Wonder Woman mug he’d given her a few weeks before sat on her desk and it made him smile.

The office was thoroughly hers by that point. Two and a half months in, and she’d created a well-oiled, hyper-efficient atmosphere that was also human.

Duke wasn’t the only one who brought her things. In the drawer she kept the coffee in, there were also honey sticks from Duane. His family had bees, and once he’d found out Carmella liked honey in her coffee, he brought them for her.

And the most wonderful thing: the magnet collection.

That crab magnet Mick had given her when they’d gone on a ride around the peninsula had been the first in what was an ever-growing cast that took up the side of the large metal filing cabinet in the office.

Once the guys had heard about Mick’s crab, they began to bring her back little trophies whenever they went anywhere. Every single time someone gave her a new one, she was so tickled and thrilled it filled him with joy just to see it.

Naturally, as it was Carmella’s collection, it was very organized, but it reminded him every time he came in, to choose to be happy and find delight in the small things.

“What are you up to?” Asa called out as he came in through the shop.

“Just putting something in Carmella’s office.” Duke came out and met Asa partway.

“Mick said we’re on track to deliver that fastback later today. The client is coming at three,” Asa told him.

“Excellent.” They stood in front of the shop board. “Carmella told me last week that we’re up twenty-seven percent from this time last year.”

And once the space in the existing building was freed up, they’d start a remodel with new administrative offices, expanded inventory capacity, and some extra shop space.

Spending all that money made Duke nervous, even as he knew it was the right choice. He and Asa were going to meet with Mick shortly to offer him a buy-in to the business. Having him in charge was great. They all worked well together. But Asa and Duke had more power because it was the two of them who owned it.

“Lots of change going on these last few years,” Asa said.

“There were times in Iraq when I seriously wondered if I’d see another birthday, you know? And now here we all are, safe and healthy. And this thing everyone thought only losers did has given me a fantastic life.” Duke was fucking proud of what he’d built in Twisted Steel. Proud that he’d done it even when his family thought it was a waste of potential.

The sound of the number pad being used on the door made both men turn. Carmella came in, talking with PJ.

Both women smiled at the sight of the two men. “Fancy seeing you here,” PJ said to them. “I’ll be starting the detail work on the Ford this morning.”

Duke broke away to approach Carmella. He bumped fists with PJ on his way past.

“Good morning. Don’t bolt on me, I promise I won’t kiss you. Yet.” He winked. “And yes, we did talk about it.”

“Don’t poke at me. I haven’t had coffee yet.”

“Come on up to your office. I’ll make you a pot.”

She gave him a suspicious look. “People are already here. None of your hanky-panky.”

Even when she was Monday morning cranky, she was adorable.

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