Falling Under Page 52

Duke sighed. “Thanks for telling me all this.”

“If you use this or anything else to hurt Carmella, I’ll fuck you up. She deserves better than she gets,” Craig said.

“I’m doing my best to never hurt Carmella.”

He moved to her while she was still outside. She looked up from her call and mouthed that she was okay. He nodded and then settled on the bench nearby to finish up his plate of sushi.

Duke had learned patience early on so he hoped Carmella didn’t think she could outwait him. The need to protect her and make sure she was okay was a slow burn.

This situation with her family rubbed him the wrong way. He had a difficult time getting over the fact that the very people who should be helping her were taking advantage of her instead. He hated that these people took advantage of her. Hated that she was so upset.

But that’s not what she needed. She’d made a choice and he had to respect it. Even if he hated it. So he did what he could to keep his judgment a hundred miles away when he spoke with her about things.

“I can’t help that, Mom,” he heard her say. “Even if I wanted to, I don’t have it. And if I did, I wouldn’t give it to you for this.”

She was quiet and he wanted to punch someone.

“I’m going now. If he wants that, why isn’t he taking you to the doctor tomorrow? Yeah, exactly. So I’ll see you at ten. Please don’t make me wait for you because I need to get back to work.”

With a sigh she put the phone in her pocket and looked up at the sky. “So that was embarrassing.”

“Not for you,” Duke said, working to keep his voice even. “You have no reason to be embarrassed.”

“Anyway. Let’s go back inside. Everyone is waiting.”

“They’re all having a nice time. No need to hurry. It’s a nice night. Let’s just relax a bit before we go in. I brought you salmon rolls.” He held up the plate.

“You did?” She joined him, taking the plate. “Thank you.”

“Why are you always so surprised when people are nice to you?”

“I am not.”

She apologized all the time and kindnesses weren’t as normal for her as they should be. No one should be surprised by someone being grateful. He just wanted her to be happy.

“I could say something witty like, are too. But you heard it in your head before I said it. What’s up?”

“She wants a loan. But it’s him, asking through her. It’s the usual. Nothing new.”

“How much?”

“No way are you giving my mother money, Duke.” Carmella’s voice was sharp enough to slice.

“You’re right. I’m not. I wouldn’t do that to you. Though if you need it, all you have to do is ask. But that wasn’t what I meant. I was just asking for details.”

She sighed. “I’m sorry I jumped on you.”

“Stop being sorry.”

“I’m not sorry then.”

He smiled. “Good.”

“She wants three thousand dollars. Three thousand dollars! Crazy. If I gave her that money, he’d be betting within an hour. She knows I can’t afford it and she asked anyway. God, you wanted me to share and now I bet you’re so sorry you asked.”

Duke took her hand. “I’m not at all sorry. I want you to tell me what’s going on or I wouldn’t have asked to start with. Can I do anything?”

“No. You listened. That was nice. I expect I’ll be seeing him the next time I go over there to deal with her. I’ll relay this to him myself. He needs a job. He’s a decent enough mechanic so he can find one. Then he can handle his own bills and pay my mom some rent.”

“Do you want me to see if anyone I know is looking for help?” It was hard for an ex-con, especially one who wanted to keep his life straight and on the right track. There were a lot of shops around the area that tried to hire people fresh out of jail or prison if that person had the motivation and willingness to work hard. Duke was pretty sure Carmella’s dad was a piece of shit, but he’d help her if he could.

She turned to him and he saw the tears in her eyes. “No way. I’d never want him to associate with people I work with or for you to get tarred with whatever he’s going to do to screw things up. But thank you for asking. For offering. It means a lot. You’re a very nice man.”

“I’d do anything for you, gorgeous,” Duke said, meaning every word.

She didn’t say anything else, just put her head on his shoulder for a few minutes until they went back inside with their friends.

CHAPTER Eighteen

Duke had been watching her office for the last half an hour. His ever-punctual Carmella had not returned from taking her mother to the doctor and he was beginning to worry about her.

Everyone had told him the father wasn’t a threat to Carmella’s safety, but her mother was unstable too and, as far as Duke was concerned, had shown very little concern for her daughter’s well-being.

A person like that was capable of anything if they could write it off somehow as someone else’s fault.

“Is everything okay?” Asa asked as Duke took a break and headed to get a soda.

“I have to tell you, man, her mother makes PJ’s family look like the freaking Waltons.” He didn’t want to break her confidence. But he had to talk to someone and he knew Asa would never reveal anything he said, not even to PJ.

They headed out to the small courtyard between the shop floor and what was the old showroom and would be added shop and administrative space once the new showroom was finished and running.

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