Falling Under Page 46

She stayed awhile longer, enjoying the visit, and after telling Craig she’d probably see him at the track, she headed over.

If Steven was back and her mother told her uncle first, Carmella could only imagine her mother’s physical and emotional state. All she could do was hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Which was easier said than done, but Carmella would keep trying.


High off racing, Duke wrenched himself from the driver’s seat and into the arms of his team, who shouted their congratulations.

This part was awesome and normally he’d soak it up awhile longer. But all he could think about was Carmella. He scanned the group until he caught the red of her hair.

He held a hand out and she came forward and into his arms for a hug.

“Congratulations. That was some badass driving,” Carmella told him as they broke apart.

Asa had already raced a heat so it was time to celebrate and shoot the shit with everyone over at their tent.

“I’m starved. Come on. Let’s have a beer and some fish and chips.”

“Is that what we’re having tonight?” Carmella asked as she allowed him to tuck her against his side for the walk away from the track and pits and into the grassy field that held several tents filled with people and food from all the various teams and shops in the area.

“I thought it sounded really tasty when they suggested it.” Duke and Asa hired a few different caterers and food trucks on a rotating basis for these race nights.

“You thought right.” Though she smiled, Carmella had lines around her mouth. Lines she hadn’t had earlier that day when he saw her last.

“Everything okay?” he asked her quietly before they went in to join their friends.

“Things are … weird. But this”—she waved a hand between them—“is just fine.”

“I like that last part. But I don’t like the first stuff. You want to get out of here? Talk in private?” he asked.

Carmella shook her head. “No. Let’s see our friends. You raced and won. They’re going to want to celebrate with you. And you want to celebrate with them. That’s what this is about.”

He stopped her from going inside, pulling her back to his body. “Will you talk to me later then? Share with me whatever is bothering you?” He hadn’t really accepted how much he needed her to do just that until the words spilled from his lips.

She must have heard it in his tone. “Yes. Later tonight or whenever we’re alone next and you want to know.”

“I always want to know.” He kissed her against a mouth that smiled and he considered the kiss and the agreement to share a victory.

Inside the tent their friends waited, already eating, drinking, and talking shit. It filled Duke with a sense of belonging that was the best sort of anchor.

He guided her to where Asa stood with Mick and PJ and some of PJ’s friends. He hadn’t really expected it when they all moved past him to give Carmella a hug and welcome her.

The surprised pleasure on her face was even better than winning the race. He’d have to make sure to thank PJ privately for the way she’d reached out.

“Okay, back off. I promised fish and chips and a beer to this lady and I keep my promises,” he said, putting an arm around her waist.

“Perfect timing then. We’re expecting several orders of both to arrive any moment now,” PJ said. “Nice racing tonight, by the way.”

The talk quickly turned to racing and cars as the food and drinks arrived. Music started up in the background and the night got started in earnest.

Normally Duke would stick around, chat up some women, maybe go home with one. At the very least drink a lot more and hang out a lot longer. But he found himself noting the strain on Carmella’s features as things got louder and louder.

“Are you feeling all right?” he asked her.

“No. I’m tired. I’m going to head home. You stay and have a good time.”

He just stared at her. “Really? Is that who you think I am? Who you think you are to me? Oh sure, go home. Hope you feel better. I’ll just hang and drink.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, which cheered him because a bit of her spark showed through.

“I’m trying to be nice.”

“Well, stop it. We’re here together. I drove in with Asa so I could ride home with you. It was going to be all fancy and sneaky but that’s not necessary now. Let’s say our good-byes and get going. I’m not going to argue with you so you might as well just give in. I’m worth it.” He bent to kiss her, resting his forehead against hers afterward. “Let me in a little.”

She shuddered against him and then relaxed, sliding her arms around his waist.


They said their good-byes and headed to her truck, where he took her keys. “I’m going to drive and you’re going to tell me what’s up.”

He worried she was going to hold back, even after she’d appeared to acquiesce earlier.

“My dad is out of prison.”

That was unexpected.

“He got early release for good behavior.”

“Should I be worried about your safety?” Duke tightened his hands on the steering wheel as he navigated through the parking lot and up the road toward the freeway.

“No. He’s not interested in me. It’s just that he and my mom have this … intense relationship. He does all this damage and walks away but she’s going to be fucked up.”

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