Falling Under Page 43

“Uh …”

PJ just stared at her. “Did something bad happen when you went before? Did someone say or do something? If so, you need to tell me. I can get it to the guys if you don’t want to tell them yourself.”

Carmella looked out to the shop floor and back toward Asa and Duke’s offices to be sure no one was near enough to overhear. “Normally I’d just say nothing was wrong and shoo you away. But you don’t shoo away.”

PJ snickered. “I’ll have you know I’m persistent. It’s a winner’s quality.”

“It’s something. That’s for sure.” But Carmella pointed to the coffeemaker. “Want some?”

Five minutes later with coffee and a snack, Carmella knew she’d stalled all she could. “This is totally petty. I know it. But the women there. All the time.”

“Petty? Hell no. I understand it as it’s the same for me too,” PJ said.

“You’ve been with Asa for over a year and a half, though. And Asa scowls all the time. He only softens up when he looks at you. Duke? He’s sweet and charming like a naughty little boy. He’s all slow and sexy.”

“You have a point that Duke’s genial charm is sexy. And that it makes everyone feel welcome to get close. But he’s like that with all of them. Women from two to a hundred and two. It’s his base setting. It’s like breathing for him. But with you he’s real. He’s all about Carmella. Everyone knows that.”

“Everyone, huh?”

PJ scoffed. “Yes. Everyone. By the way, you’d be surprised at how hot women find that taciturn guy thing. I have to deal with it too. It comes with being with a beautiful man.”

“You get jealous?” Carmella asked, astounded.

“Well, no. Let me tell you why. Once I was with Asa, I was with him. I never doubted his commitment to me. Things happen sometimes. People break up. But I knew in my heart that he wouldn’t disrespect me that way. He’s got honor and so does Duke. And also, there’s something else, not just the women.”

Carmella frowned. “Just weird childhood issues.”

“Do you feel unsafe at the track?” PJ’s concern made Carmella feel bad.

“I’m not really … I don’t know how to casually share stuff,” Carmella said.

“You don’t have to now if you really don’t want to. I promise I won’t be upset if you truly don’t want to talk about it. I care about you. You’re my friend and so I want you to feel like you can tell me stuff. I’d never betray a confidence.”

Carmella sighed and chose to share her unease with the group of guys who reminded her so much of the losers her mom allowed into their life.

“I’m so sorry about that. I try to ignore them. They just seemed like loud douchebags. Admittedly, being with Asa and having people know that means I get less trouble than others might deal with.”

“I’m not … threatened. Not really. It’s just an ugly reminder sometimes,” Carmella said. “Duke let me avoid it last week without pushing too hard on my reasons.”

“That won’t last. They go every week. He knows you went to the track before. He’s going to want you there or know why not. He’s got the heart of a protector,” PJ said.

Carmella knew that too.

She changed the subject. “Have you ever gone to this fight club thing?”

“I’m too queasy for it. Not so much I can’t appreciate how hot it is when he comes home and he’s raring to go if you know what I mean. I have seen him drag around an asshole like he was garbage and literally toss the guy into the street after he insulted me. Just between us? It was so hot I wanted to jump him right there. If you’re with Duke, you’re going to see him in a fight at some point. They make trouble like it’s their job.” PJ grinned.

“Bad boys are great until they aren’t anymore.”

“Ha. Jerks who pretend to be bad boys are not the same as the kind of bad boy Asa and Duke are. Take a chance on him. I’m biased because I love Duke to death and I think he deserves it. But you’re good for him.”

“Maybe. It’s hard to let go once you’ve been burned a time or two.”

PJ nodded. “I get that. But I hope you come out to the track tonight. Hang out with us. You’re like a refreshing estrogen shot after all that testosterone we have around already. And if those jerks give you any trouble, we’ll handle it once and for all. It has the added bonus of you being with Duke in public some more. Which means it’ll be clear you’re together. Most everyone will back off. The rest don’t matter anyway.”

It did sound like fun. And watching Duke race was really hot. He’d be all worked up afterward too, which would tally in her favor.

“If he asks, I’ll come along.” That way it would be up to Duke and she wouldn’t be assuming anything.

PJ rolled her eyes. “You know you have a standing invitation to go because he’s been broadcasting that you two are seeing one another on all channels.”

“Do you feel like this is a little like high school? Like I’m going to ask you if he talks about me in fourth period.”

“I know. But … isn’t that part of what makes it all so wonderful? That tingly, oh my god this guy really does it for me, this is new and fantastic and wow the sex! It’s supposed to make you a little giggly,” PJ said.

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