Falling Under Page 38

Carmella shrugged as she dug into one of the wings. “They’re already here.” If she made a big deal of it, it would only highlight their relationship. She’d grown up around guys like these. They were good-hearted and all, but they’d tease forever if they smelled blood in the water.

“See? She’s cool with it.” Mick sat next to her on the couch and Ginger poked her head around the corner, one ear flopped back as she caught sight of Mick and trotted over. “Hey, gorgeous. Come see me.”

Pretty soon the room was full of big men spoiling her dog with love and pets. Duke was annoyed, but he’d given in.

By ten, though, they’d started playing video games and were still drinking beer so she figured it was best to head home. She needed to go to sleep and the last several nights had been hard enough.

“I should go home,” she said to Duke quietly.

He tightened his arm around her shoulders. “What? No. Stay here. Stay the night. I’ll make them leave.”

She didn’t spend the night with lovers. She had her own bed. And her own house and that’s where she slept. She already explained this to him—sort of—before.

Carmella shook her head. “They’re too drunk.” She snorted a laugh. “I’ll see you tomorrow. At work. Thanks for dinner.”

Duke glowered at the men in his house but sighed.

“Fine, at least let me walk you home.”

At her front door he paused. “So you didn’t answer me earlier. What are you doing this weekend?”

She made the choice to give him a little more of her life. “I have to drop stuff at my mom’s in the morning but I’ll be done by nine. Why?”

“It’s supposed to be gorgeous so a bunch of us are going out for a bike ride around the peninsula. Come along.” He cocked his head, brushing the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. “Summer’s coming to a close. Not a lot of weekends left to get out for nice long rides left. I want to spend them with you.”

She didn’t quite know what to say. He touched her in a deep place that was so desolate, so lonely, that she found it hard not to respond. Not to need more of it.

“I’d like that.”

He smiled, stepping close enough to bridge the gap between them. “Good. I’m sorry about my friends bursting in on us.”

“Duke, it’s part of who you are. Who they are. It comes with you. I know that. I need to get some sleep anyway. Thanks for dinner.”

“I’m glad we worked this through.” He kissed her then. Right on her doorstep. Over at his place she heard them oooooh and aaaaah so she knew his friends were watching.

Every one of her cells came to life. This was a public declaration, yes. But for her too. He knew that as he nipped her bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth.

Duke flipped them off and broke the kiss. “They’re assholes. Just because they don’t have women, they have to cockblock me.” He pressed his lips to her ear. “But I bet you’re wet right now, knowing they saw me with my mouth and hands on you.”

A full body shiver went through her. “You’re a cruel, cruel man.”

His laugh was a caress. “I can’t be the only one feeling this way. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He gave Ginger a last scritch behind the ear and stepped back, waiting for her to get inside before he went back home.

CHAPTER Thirteen

Good morning, Carmella.” Duke loped into her office and put a package on her desk. “Brought you a little something.”

Presents? She tried to remain unhurried as she made her way over to the desk. “I was just about to make a pot of coffee in here. But if you can’t wait, Asa skulked out of the break room not too long ago with a mug.”

“He totally skulks. He denies it. Says he prowls. Prowls? Asshole.” The entire time he spoke, he grinned.

“Sometimes he stalks. Usually if PJ is around.” Then the very darkly handsome man kept his focus on his girlfriend. It was so hot to see that interplay between them, and while being with a man like Asa was way beyond Carmella’s skill level, the two clicked perfectly. “Totally sexy.”

Duke’s grin turned into a glower and he kissed her. Kissed. Her. Right there in her office! It was lightning quick, but yes, the crazy man had kissed her at work.

“We talked about this.” Carmella stepped around her desk, cutting off his access as she pulled the package toward her.

He raised one shoulder. “We did. But that doesn’t mean I agree with anything you said. It’s not a secret that we’re together and I like that just fine. You should open that.”

She gave him a severe look. One just for him and his lashes swept down as he closed his eyes briefly.

“It’s my present. I’ll open it when I’m ready,” she teased.

He nearly made her faint after the smolder he sent her way. “I’m racing tonight. Come out to the track and then back home with me. We need to take up where we left off a million years ago.”

She needed to change the subject before he talked her into doing god knew what right there in the office, so she pulled away the tissue paper and gasped when she pulled out a bag of whole bean Kona coffee. Her favorite, and a treat she allowed herself only a few times a year because it was so expensive. “I can’t take this!”

He thought this was hilarious, getting even closer, squeezing behind her desk with her, blocking her in.

“Back up,” she said, panic and delight warring inside her.

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