Dragon Fall Page 75

She took a deep breath, then turned to Kostya. “Do you know who gave her the ring?”

“No,” he admitted. “Obviously, he must be a member of the Otherworld, but beyond that, I do not know of him.”

“His name is Terrin, and he’s a steward in the Court of Divine Blood. I don’t know how he got Asmodeus’s ring, but the second Aoife told me who her boyfriend was, and what had happened at the Faire that night, I knew that she was in danger, terrible danger.”

“Oh, sure you did.” I crossed my arms and felt the ring grow hot on my hand. I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t admit that for a second, just a tiny little second, I thought about using it against her. But fortunately, my sense of morality and Kostya’s warm presence behind me kept me from doing anything rash.

The look she gave me was almost as cold as the one I had laid upon her. “You won’t believe me, of course, and there’s little I can do about that except tell you that I had no way to protect you from what was sure to follow. I knew about the dragons being cursed; we all knew about it. And here was the ring that not only all the dragons were seeking, but also all of Abaddon, in my little sister’s hands. I had business to attend to and my little sister was in grave peril from a number of fronts. I did the only thing I could do—I made sure you and the ring were hidden away from both the dragons and Asmodeus.”

“You sent me to a nuthouse!” I yelled, waving my hands in the air. “You let me believe I was crazy!”

“It was the only thing I could do!” she yelled back. “All the Otherworld was in an uproar. I had no way of knowing what the dragons would do if they found you possessed the key to their salvation, but I did know what would happen to you should Asmodeus’s demons run you to earth.” She took a deep breath. “And believe me, I would not wish that on my worst enemy, and especially not on my little sister. Oh, Aoife, don’t you see? It was the only thing I could do given that situation.”

I stepped back into Kostya’s embrace, his arms strong around my waist, his chest solid behind me. Tears that I hadn’t known were flowing made my throat ache. I rubbed away the wetness on my cheeks and swallowed the rest of the tears. “I don’t know what to think other than there must have been another way. One not involving shock treatments.”

Her gaze dropped to her hands, which were clutched together, her knuckles showing white. “I’m sorry about that. I had no idea they would do something like that to you. The woman running the facility assured me that you would be treated very gently.”

Kostya’s arms tightened in silent support and comfort. I put my hands on his and leaned back against him. “It’s a moot point, I guess. What’s done is done, and the important thing right now is to break the curse. Despite what you think, it will not be necessary to have the ring taken from me. You can have it.”

I pulled it off my finger and was going to hand it to her, but Kostya stopped me.

“No,” he said, putting it back on my finger. “The ring chose you, Mate. It is you who must aid your sister in destroying the curse. It will not work for her.”

I turned in his arms. “You don’t know that.”

“I do.” His eyes were back to glowing with that mercurial light from the depths of black velvet.

I couldn’t help but smile. “You just want me to have to deal with my emotional issues, don’t you? I know how you think, Kostya, and I’ll agree on one condition—that you do the same.”

“Work with the Charmer?”

“No.” I bit his chin. “Deal with your issues. Namely, me.”

The familiar martyred look came over his face. “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”


“Right here, in front of witnesses?”

“Uh-huh. It’s better that way.”

He squeezed my behind. “Better for who?”

“Say it, Kostya.”

“I’ve already mentioned the sun and moon.”

“And that was lovely, something I’ll always cherish, but I need more.”

He sighed dramatically, then tilted my head up and kissed me, saying, “You have my heart, Aoife, and all the love that I possess. You are life to me. Without you, I would cease to exist.”

“What’s that?” Aisling said, smiling as she held a hand to her ear. “I didn’t hear you, Kostya.”

“Do not be cruel, Mate,” Drake said, a pained look on his face. “It’s bad enough when you make me say it, but at least you don’t require me to declare myself in public.”

Jim hooted in laughter while Aisling pointed at her husband. “You’re just lucky I’m secure enough in the fact that you’re crazy wild in love with me so I don’t make you say it right now. Kostya, however, is still new to all of this. Go ahead, Kostya. Say it so we all can hear it.”

“Once,” Kostya said against my lips. “I will say it once.”

“Every day,” I countered.

He looked horrified. “In public?”

I laughed, and bit his lower lip before moving out of his arms and gesturing toward the others. “No, just the once in front of witnesses, and the rest of the time in private. Okay?”

He sighed again, then said quickly, “Very well, but I will remember this when we are alone, and you are vulnerable to reciprocation. I love you. Now can we get on with plans on how to get whatever item is needed for the Charmer so that my brother will stop trying to kill me?”

Aisling and Rene applauded. Drake, with a roll of his eyes, nodded at his men, who left to go fetch their car.

Bee gave me a long look, then said simply, “I’m sorry that you suffered, Aoife, but I’m truly delighted to know that you have such a bright future.” Her gaze shifted to Kostya, and she said in a bossy voice that was very familiar, “You had better treat my little sister right, dragon, or you’ll have my brother and me to answer to.”

Kostya was about to make a snarky answer in return, I was fairly certain, but I stopped him by putting my hand on his chest and leaning into him, rubbing my nose on his as I said, “No. It’s not important right now. The fact that you’ve finally realized that you can’t get along without me is, however, and if we’re done here, then I suggest we hurry back to Drake and Aisling’s house so we can get into our bedroom before they come home, and you can tell me again how much you love me.”

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