Dirty Doctor Page 18

“Come on my face, Natalie ...” he whispered. “Come for me ...”

As he began to alternate between rubbing the pad of his thumb and his tongue against my clit, I shut my eyes. My body began trembling beneath his tight grasp, and I tried to hold onto some semblance of control, but it was no use.

I cried out as my entire body shook against the table — sending some of the supplies from the cart crashing to the floor. I felt him continuing to kiss my pussy, as wave after wave of pent-up pleasure rolled through me again and again.

By the time I was still again, I couldn’t feel my legs and I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to stand up for the next two hours, if I wanted to.

Garrett trailed his tongue against me one last time before standing up and looking at me.

“You’re sexy as hell when you come,” he said softly. “I look forward to seeing that a lot more often.”

Keeping his eyes on mine, he grabbed a few soft towels from the cabinet and wiped between my legs until he was satisfied with his work.

Then, after picking up my skirt and placing it next to me, he walked to the door. “We’ll need to meet here for a follow-up within the next forty-eight hours. Just to be sure you’re completely satisfied with your treatment ...”




New York, New York


Subject: Progress.

I heard you completed a pap smear all by yourself today. Would you like a medal?

—Dr. Ashton

Subject: Re: Progress.

Correction: I completed two pap smears all by myself today. And yes, if you’re offering. I would like a medal.

—Dr. Madison

Subject: Re: Re: Progress.

I’d be happy to award you one under three conditions/demands.

—Dr. Ashton

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Progress.

List them and I’ll let you know whether I can agree to them or not.

—Dr. Madison

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Progress.

1. You start talking to me again outside of emails/when you need my help for something. (I apologize for the way I treated you and I will apologize in person, if you agree to this point)

2. You admit that you regret standing me up that night.

3. You meet me in exam room number six in thirty minutes so I can give you the award personally ... (Hint: It’s not really a medal.)

—Dr. Ashton

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Progress.

1. Okay I agree to this. (I definitely want the apology in person.)

2. I do regret standing you up that night, but only because I think we actually match up pretty well and we could’ve had a good conversation about it. (Then again, you would’ve fucked me before I started here, so a part of me still doesn’t regret standing you up. :-) )

3. I’m already in here waiting. (Hint: I was hoping it wasn’t a medal :-).)

—Dr. Madison




New York, New York


What the hell am I thinking?

I was going to have to fire this woman. Sooner rather than later.

Exactly twenty-two hours after I devoured her pussy in an exam room, I did it again.

And again two days after that.

And then again every other day, just because.

She had yet to complete her first official exam from me because we kept pushing it back due to our “exam room time,” and I was starting to feel like I was becoming more like the other doctors here.

I was only doing the things I wanted to do, when I wanted to do them. and that honestly wasn’t good for me or Natalie.

What was worse, was that I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that I actually liked her beyond whatever the hell we were currently doing. She was hands-down the most intelligent woman I’d ever met, definitely the sexiest, and I felt as if she was the perfect type of person I could see myself dating outside of the office.

That, in itself, was a huge problem.

I wasn’t the monogamous dating type — at least I wasn’t ready now, and my practice came before everything. Always.

Still, I was starting to realize that even though we were both workaholics, we somehow still found a way to spend time together every day. In the break-room, over breakfast in the library downstairs, after office-hours in the newly renovated research wing.

I even sent her a gift delivery last night ...

I needed to put a stop to this. And fast.




New York, New York


Subject: ‘Dirty Doctor’ sent me flowers today.

I’m attaching a picture. How cute are these?! (I think he really likes me.)

He also sent me a sweet, handwritten invitation for a “makeup date” a few weeks from now.


Subject: Re: ‘Dirty Doctor’ sent me flowers today.

He sent you flowers yesterday, too. Are you trying to make me jealous? (And of course he really likes you. **eyeroll** It’s quite obvious from that permanent goofy grin he makes you come home with every day.)

Please don’t stand him up this time...

Wait, you’re not calling him ‘Dr. Nine Inches’ anymore? By the way, why haven’t you told me anything about experiencing these supposed “nine inches” yet?


Subject: Re: Re: Re: ‘Dirty Doctor’ sent me flowers today.

No, he sent me dinner and wine yesterday. The other set of flowers were from the day before yesterday. Big difference. :-)

And yes, I’m trying to make you jealous, but only because I saw some of your notes from Manhattan Medical on the counter today and that made me jealous... (What they did to me still stings, amazing alternative or not. I’m sorry. :-( )

I definitely won’t stand him up. He’s actually insisting that he pick me up that night.

Oh! And I actually like the name ‘Dirty Doctor’ for now, and the only reason I haven’t told you about his ‘nine inches’ is because we still haven’t had sex.

PS—Do you think it’s possible that we really could be a 100% match like that silly NewYorkMinute app suggested?


Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: ‘Dirty Doctor’ sent me flowers today.

100% match?

Let’s see: You’re both stubborn, argumentative, and hot tempered when pushed. You also clearly have no morals when it comes to having oral sex in an exam room after hours, so...Yep. 100% match.

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