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Ian had met Charlie Beaumont soon after moving to San Francisco, and taken an instant liking to the affable, jovial older man. He and Charlie belonged to the same private club, and had golfed together a few times before Charlie’s disease had progressed too far along. They were both on the board of several local charitable organizations, and Charlie and Kim were fellow patrons of the arts. Over the last six months Charlie had become confined to a wheelchair, and it was both physically exhausting and demoralizing for him to leave the house very often. He had always been a physically fit and active man, and he was having a very difficult time in accepting the limits he now had to place on himself.

Kim’s profession, however, called for her to make frequent public appearances and attend numerous social events. When Charlie had become unable to accompany her, he’d pleaded with several of his single friends – Ian included – to act as Kim’s escort on occasion. Ian had been happy to assist, especially since Kim was willing to reciprocate and accompany him to various events – such as tonight’s party. It was a very satisfactory arrangement for both of them, and Ian was grateful to have Kim’s company this evening. Her witty conversational skills provided him with a much needed distraction from his continued obsession with a certain off-limits blonde.

He took a sip of the expensive brandy before letting his gaze drift Tessa’s way yet again. Mentally he re-dressed her in a stunning ball gown – in pale pink or champagne, he thought, or perhaps a jewel shade – garnet, emerald, sapphire. The gown would showcase her perfect figure – displaying a tasteful amount of décolletage, nipping in at the waist, draping over her long legs. He would discard those flat shoes for a pair of sexy, high heeled stilettos. He couldn’t decide if he would leave all of that glorious hair down as it was now, or have it pinned up into some elaborate cascade of curls. And of course she would be wearing jewels – nothing too showy or overwhelming, but just enough to complete the total package. She would look even more irresistible than she did now, like a princess, a queen – his queen.

The dancing began just after dessert and coffee had been served, and as Ian guided Kim smoothly about the floor he couldn’t help imagining another female in his arms. He shut his eyes briefly, wondering how Tessa’s soft, curvy body would feel pressed against his, his arm holding her possessively and far closer than Kim was at present. He wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of burying his face in her thick curls, inhaling deeply of her sweet, intoxicating scent. And then, not particularly giving a damn who noticed or what anyone thought, he would usher her out of the ballroom and up to the owners suite.

Every Gregson hotel and resort featured an ultra-luxe suite, the largest and grandest of all the lavish accommodations available at each property. The owners suites were typically only used by one of the family, though exceptions were made from time to time for a dignitary or celebrity. Ian kept a card key to the local hotel with him at all times, largely for the purposes of entertaining out of town business associates or friends. He did not use the suite for one-night stands or other romantic assignations, always determined to uphold the family reputation.

But he would certainly make an exception for his golden girl, wouldn’t hesitate to sweep her upstairs and lock them away from the rest of the world for an hour or so, and it would take a super-human effort to summon up the will to return to the party eventually. As he chanced another quick glance in Tessa’s direction, he pictured her spread out on the suite’s enormous king-sized bed, her glorious hair spilling over the pillows like liquid gold. He would take his time with her, undressing her slowly and savoring each caress, each kiss. Ian had never considered himself a particularly passionate man, had always taken a somewhat clinical approach to sex, and had most definitely remained in total control of his reactions at such times.

With Tessa, however, he sensed that maintaining any semblance of control would be an impossible undertaking. He would turn into a wild creature, desperate to possess her, and he feared that once he’d had her it would never be enough. She would become his obsession, the one thing he would covet beyond anything else, and he would never consent to let her go.

But she wasn’t his, he realized grimly, and so long as she was married to the boy seated beside her he had no chance of claiming her for his own. How Colin would laugh uncontrollably were he to learn about Ian’s fixation for a girl so much younger than he was – and a married one at that. He would tell Ian that it was a case of fate biting him in the arse – payback in a way for Ian being so picky about the women he dated. Ian, in fact, could hear his irritating but extremely perceptive brother now.

“Serves you right, old man,” Colin would drawl in that lazy voice of his. “Here you are – good looking, rich, successful – and you could have most any woman you wanted. So what happens, hmm? You wind up falling for the one woman you can’t have. Rather poetic, don’t you think?”

And for the first time in his life, Ian felt powerless – helpless, even – as he realized that this was a situation he had no way of controlling. No matter how much money or power he might have at his disposal, the one thing he longed for the most was destined to remain firmly out of his reach.


Late January

Tessa’s eyes were wide with shock as she watched Kevin, Gina, and Shelby down yet another round of shots. She’d lost count some time ago of how much all of them – including their dates – had had to drink this evening. Alicia, too, had been drinking quite heavily, though she’d declared taking shots to be on the uncouth side and had stuck to whatever type of martini she preferred.

“Thank God tomorrow isn’t a work day,” Peter whispered to her. “Because I’ve got a feeling you and Marisol would be the only ones to show up. The rest of them are going to have one hell of a hangover.”

Marisol and her husband had politely declined the invitation to go out clubbing with the others tonight since they didn’t have a babysitter. As for Tessa, she’d been torn between accepting the invitation to go out and have fun like most people her age did all the time, and making some excuse to avoid socializing with her co-workers. She had already turned down a few such invitations, but this time Peter had been the one to urge her to accept. And since he was even more introverted than she was, she’d been more than a little startled at his suggestion.

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