Covet Page 53

Tessa took a deep breath, shaking herself out of her trancelike state and forcing her attention back to her work. Little point, she told herself firmly, in daydreaming about a man like Ian Gregson. Even if she wasn’t a married woman – one who had no business even looking at another man – there was no possible way her gorgeous boss would even give someone like her a second glance. She was too young and gauche, without the tiniest bit of sophistication, and knew virtually nothing about the sort of privileged world someone like Ian lived in. Tessa was willing to bet that the cost of her entire outfit – underwear included – was still less than the price of just his silk tie.

‘No’, she thought regretfully. ‘He probably doesn’t even remember your name right now, you silly girl. And it’s a sure bet that he hasn’t given you a moment’s thought since you left his office. So stop thinking about him, would you? A man like him is so far out of your reach, Tessa, that you might as well wish for the moon. Or fifty million dollars. Or – or – something else equally ludicrous.’

After her little mental pep-talk, she was able to return her focus to the pile of work on her desk and plowed through it diligently over the next few hours. She had just convinced herself that she was well and truly over her startling reaction to Mr. Gregson when she happened to glance up and see him striding authoritatively past her cubicle on his way to the elevators. He didn’t glance her way, or look around, keeping his laser beam-like focus directly in front of him. And just like that, with the briefest of sightings, she was right back where she’d begun earlier this morning – starstruck over a man that she could never possibly hope to attract. And, more importantly, that she had absolutely no business thinking about that way, given the gold band on the third finger of her left hand.

‘You are so screwed, Tessa,’ she told herself helplessly. ‘If you have this sort of reaction just from seeing him walk by, what in the world are you going to do when you actually have to talk to him?’


Six Weeks Later

Ian entered the conference room somewhat warily, knowing from the schedule he’d consulted earlier this morning that the newest member of his support team was overseeing today’s meeting. He’d briefly questioned Andrew on the matter, expressing his concern that Tessa perhaps wasn’t quite ready to handle the task on her own. His PA had given him a look of mingled bewilderment and annoyance, though of course Andrew’s tone of voice had been as polite and respectful as always.

“She’ll be fine, sir,” he’d replied a bit haughtily. “After all, she’s already assisted one of the other team members at least four or five times with the meeting set-up. Plus, she was in charge of coordinating all the staff meetings at the Tucson property so she has experience with this sort of thing. And,” he’d added with a touch of irony, “making sure the caterers have set up the food service and that the A/V equipment is ready to go doesn’t exactly require a PhD.”

Ian was confident that Andrew would not have left Tessa in charge of this morning’s meeting if he hadn’t been assured of her capabilities. Unfortunately, Ian was not quite so confident in his own ability to conduct the meeting without being constantly distracted by the girl who’d been haunting his every waking thought for the last month and a half.

A quick, discreet glance towards the rear of the room where Tessa was busily rearranging some coffee cups was all he needed to take note of what she was wearing today. He’d seen her in this same outfit once or twice already – a black and white patterned wrap-front dress of some silky-looking fabric paired with plain black pumps. It was both discreet and professional, and Ian had guessed that the staunchly conservative Mrs. Carrington had made quite certain her young protégé followed the company dress code to the letter.

But while the hem of the dress might have hit right at the knee, and the wrap-front did not reveal any cleavage, the garment still clung lovingly to the ripe swell of her breasts and hips, and revealed plenty of her long, shapely legs. All of that beautiful golden hair fell in glorious waves halfway down her back, and her glowing face was nearly makeup-free.

Every time he caught a glimpse of her Ian thought she couldn’t possibly be real, that no mortal woman could truly be that exquisite. And each time he had to force himself not to stare at her or meet her gaze, and to coolly and deliberately ignore her presence. Unlike, he thought with a scowl, every other male seated around the table this morning, none of whom were even trying to be discreet as they stared at her with undisguised lust and admiration.

Thank Christ that randy bastard Jason was not attending this particular meeting, he thought fervently. Once he had made the rather reluctant decision to keep Tessa on the team, Ian had taken the necessary steps to keep her out of Jason’s reach as much as possible. And if Andrew had looked at him a bit oddly after receiving those instructions, the PA was far too disciplined and well-mannered to question a thing.

“No matter what the circumstances might be,” he’d told Andrew, “Tessa is not to be assigned to help Jason with any sort of project – understand?” At Andrew’s nod he’d continued rather ruthlessly. “Jason can beg, wheedle, threaten, or intimidate all he likes but the answer is always to be the same – no. You can tell the bastard that Tessa’s been assigned to work on a project for me, and that he’ll need to take it up with me personally if he continues to argue the matter.”

“Mr. Baldwin does not intimidate me, sir,” Andrew had replied dryly. “And I would hope he’s wise enough not to threaten me, either. But you’ve made your point quite clearly, Mr. Gregson. Should Jason require assistance from one of the team members it’s to be anyone but Tessa who’s assigned.”

Ian had nodded in satisfaction. “Excellent. Now, one other thing and this is perhaps a bit more – er, sensitive. I told you when I agreed to keep Tessa on the team that I wouldn’t tolerate a repeat of what happened with Sarah. And the mere fact that Tessa is a married woman isn’t going to stop Jason from trying to flirt with her – or worse. I need you to – well, keep an eye on the situation, Andrew. I realize that you’re quite busy and can’t always be in two places at once, but I want you to do your damndest to make sure that weasel stays away from her.”

Andrew had arched a brow, visibly puzzled. “I’m happy to do what I can, sir. However, this does seem a bit – ah, excessive? I mean, you’ve never made this sort of request for any of the other female employees.”

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