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She perused her modest wardrobe, automatically passing over the black skirt and white blouse she’d worn for her interview with Andrew. Not only had she already worn that ensemble to the office twice since then, but it was a little too prim and proper for – what? The impression she hoped to make on Ian Gregson? Tessa shook her head, annoyed at her train of thought. Someone as busy and important as Mr. Gregson would likely only spare her the briefest of glances, maybe a quick handshake, and a few seconds for an introduction. Then he would go back to all of the far more meaningful items on his to-do list for the day, not giving his newest team member a second thought. So it really shouldn’t matter what outfit she wore tomorrow, because she had little to no chance of making an impression on her formidable new boss under any circumstances.

Still, pride demanded that she try and look her very best, so she pulled out the prettiest of her work outfits. The fitted red sheath dress with its narrow black patent leather belt was new, something she’d bought from an online retailer. It had cost less than forty dollars, but the dress fit like a glove and Tessa thought it looked far more expensive than it really was. She’d wear a coordinating pair of black patent pumps, curl her hair, take a bit more care with her makeup. And even if Gina and Alicia giggled about her behind her back, or Ian Gregson barely acknowledged her presence, at least she would feel pretty and try very hard not to care what anyone else thought of her.



Chapter Eleven

It was just past seven o’clock when Ian arrived in the office, not in the least surprised to notice that no one else had arrived as yet – even Andrew, who was usually always the first to arrive. But his supremely efficient PA hadn’t spent the last two weeks on the East coast, and wasn’t trying to get his body clock re-adjusted to California time. Ian had already been to the gym this morning, putting himself through a grueling workout with weights, push-ups, sit-ups, and core work before swimming laps for a half hour. He was wide awake, and filled with energy, ready to tackle the numerous items on his agenda for the day.

Things were always especially hectic right after he returned from visiting the hotels. Not only did he have his normal daily responsibilities to get caught up on, but there were notes and reports that had to be typed from his meetings, interviews, and reviews at each hotel he had visited. He kept Andrew and the management support team on their toes for days and even weeks after these trips, and this time would be no exception.

As he powered up his computer and began to unpack his briefcase, Ian wondered vaguely how the newest team member was getting on. Andrew had forwarded her resume to him, but he’d been far too busy on this trip to look it over. He trusted Andrew’s judgment almost as much as he did his own, however, and felt assured that his PA had hired someone capable and qualified.

Just before seven-thirty, Andrew poked his head inside the office. “Good morning, Mr. Gregson,” he said in his usual polite but impersonal manner. “I trust that the rest of your trip proved uneventful?”

Ian nodded. “Aside from the issues at the Toronto property that I already emailed you about, everything else went smoothly. But there’s quite a lot that needs to be done, more so than usual given the problems I uncovered in Toronto. I assume everyone from the team is due in today?”

“Yes, sir. I rarely allow any of them to take vacation or personal days right after you return from a trip. All six of them are expected in at their usual times. Including our newest member. She’s working out exceptionally well so far, Mr. Gregson. In fact, I’m pleased to report - “

Ian’s personal cell phone rang with an incoming call, and he held up a finger to Andrew when he saw that his father was calling. “We can continue this conversation after I speak with my father. You can bring your newest protégé in to meet me at eight forty-five this morning.”

As Ian took the call, Andrew merely nodded and disappeared from sight. The conversation with the elder Gregson only took a few minutes, and then Ian was plowing right back into the considerable pile of work on his desk. He gave Andrew the slightest of nods when the PA placed a steaming mug of tea on his desk around eight o’clock, his concentration remaining focused on the report he was reviewing.

Ian considered himself an extremely disciplined man in all facets of his life – his workout regime, eating habits, personal hygiene, even his wardrobe. He rarely if ever fussed or made a scene, seldom expressed emotion, and never, ever lost control. He stuck to his routine almost religiously, and his ability to block out distractions was one of the traits that had contributed to his success with the company. It was something he had learned many years ago when he’d first begun to box, and honing that particular skill had been a major factor in his unparalleled success in the ring during his school days.

Here at the office he did not appreciate interruptions to the demanding schedule he adhered to so scrupulously, and both his administrative and managerial staffs knew better than to interrupt him without prior consent. Ian knew there really wasn’t a need for him to work such insanely long hours, or take on so much responsibility himself. Both of his brothers delegated a considerable amount of these responsibilities to their other managers, and Hugh also employed an assistant regional director to shoulder some of the work. Ian, however, with his almost paranoid need for control, was hesitant to do either. And, admittedly, the long hours at work helped to filled the emptiness of his life. He joked sometimes that he was married to his job, but that actually wasn’t all that far from the truth.

He checked several items off his to-do list for the day, satisfied at the progress he had already made. But the day was going to be a busy one, chock full of meetings, conference calls, emails to answer, and work to assign. He didn’t have more than a few minutes here and there to spare, and knew he’d be spending the better part of his weekend catching up. A quick glance at his desk clock revealed that it was nearly eight forty-five, the time he’d instructed Andrew to bring the new support team member over to meet him. Ian had no doubt that Andrew would arrive right on time, and hoped that this very brief meeting would be exactly that.

There were very few things that could rattle him these days, or threaten to disrupt the iron control he typically wielded over his emotions. If he were to explain this particular mindset, he would likely point to the years he’d spent in strict, rule-abiding English boarding schools. As a boy of ten he might not have approved of the discipline imposed on him by his teachers, but as a grown man of thirty-seven he was able to fully appreciate the guidelines that had been instilled in him so long ago.

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