Covet Page 107

Tessa frowned, completely perplexed by his odd behavior. “Yes, sir. We, um, separated in September but the divorce will be final next month.”

“Christ.” He ran a hand over his face, giving his head a shake as if to clear his thoughts. “I’m so sorry, Tessa. I had no idea or I certainly wouldn’t have been so rude as to ask about your husband.”

“No, it’s fine,” she assured him. “I didn’t tell anyone at the office until very recently. Andrew just found out tonight himself.”

“Ah, well that would explain things.” He gave her an assessing look. “Are you all right, Tessa? Especially considering the unexpected encounter with Jason this evening. I’m very sorry you had to be subjected to his appalling behavior yet again.”

“I’m okay, thank you. Andrew came to the rescue again. It seems that one or the other of you is always there to make sure Jason doesn’t bother me.”

Ian smiled. “Yes, well, that’s always been the plan after all.”

Tessa felt her knees grow weak at the force of his dazzling smile. She couldn’t ever remember him smiling at her in quite this way before. She could feel the awareness that flared up between them like an electrical surge, and very nearly had to put her hand against the wall to support her suddenly wobbly legs.

“Well, thank you, sir. For watching out for me and all, that is. I’d better be on my way now. Good night.”

His hand grasped her arm firmly. “Let me see you out.”

She let him guide her down the wide, sweeping staircase that led from the mezzanine level where the ballroom was located down to the lobby. “I don’t want to keep you from your guests, sir. I’ll be fine,” she assured him, while still being thrilled at his concerned attention. Even through the fabric of her coat she could feel the warmth of his hand around her upper arm, and she longed to lean into his big, hard body, to rest her head on his broad shoulder, and feel his arm slide around her waist and hold her close.

“I’m not worried about my guests. They can look out for themselves for a few minutes while I see you safely on your way. Do you have your valet ticket?” he asked.

Tessa shook her head. “No, I don’t own a car, sir. I took a cab here.”

“Then we’ll get you a cab.”

They had reached the front doors of the hotel, which Ian held open for her as she stepped outside. The night air was biting cold and she shivered as she belted her raincoat about her.

Ian gave her a brief, assessing glance. “It’s freezing out tonight with these winds, Tessa. You should have worn a warmer coat.”

“I don’t have – I mean, you’re right,” she stammered, refusing to admit this was the only coat she owned but she feared he had already suspected that.

His mouth tightened with displeasure. “Let’s get you that cab so you can get inside and keep warm.”

He motioned over a valet who seemed extremely eager to provide assistance to the regional director. An idling taxi pulled up directly in front of Tessa mere seconds later.

Ian opened the back door and handed her inside. “Hold on just a moment, Tessa. I need to speak to the driver.”

She watched curiously as he walked over to the driver’s window and spoke to him in a low voice. Tessa’s eyes widened in surprise as Ian reached into the pocket of his tuxedo trousers and drew out a money clip. He peeled several bills off and handed them to the driver before walking back around to Tessa’s side of the car.

“The driver has instructions to walk you to your door and make sure you get in safely. And the fare has been taken care of, you’re not to worry about it,” he told her firmly.

“Mr. Gregson –” she started to protest, until she saw the steely look in his eyes. “You don’t – thank you, sir. That’s very kind of you.”

“It’s my pleasure, Tessa, the least I can do. Now, you get home safely and I’ll see you in the office on Monday.” He hesitated, still holding her door open, and then added, “I’m sorry again to hear about your divorce. I hope you’ll let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you through this difficult time.”

Tessa gulped and stared up at him, touched by his kindness and generosity. “I appreciate the offer, sir. Good night.”

Ian closed the door to the cab and stood watching as it pulled away. Tessa felt a warm glow spread through her whole body, and couldn’t help the smile that teased at the corners of mouth. It was almost a certainty that he had only been acting out of concern for one of his employees, but for tonight at least she could pretend it was because he was as attracted to her as she was to him. And she couldn’t help but wonder if knowing about her breakup with Peter would do anything to change the nature of her relationship with her gorgeous, charismatic boss.


Ian remained rooted in place for long seconds after Tessa’s cab had disappeared from sight. He stood there so long, in fact, that the same valet who’d hailed the cab asked if he needed anything else. Pulling himself out of his daze, Ian almost brusquely shook his head before striding back inside the hotel.

Tessa was getting a divorce. After all this time, she was going to be a free woman. Free to date other men, to be pursued by other men, and – most importantly – free for this man to finally claim her for himself.

He paused at the foot of the staircase that would take him back up to the ballroom where the party was still in full swing, reluctant to be around so many people right now. He badly needed a few minutes alone to ponder the startling news he’d just received, so he made his way to the small, intimate bar tucked in a back corner of the hotel. The bar was rarely ever crowded, and most patrons didn’t even know it existed, but the privacy it provided definitely suited his needs at this particular moment.

Ian ordered a snifter of brandy from the very attentive bartender, who apparently recognized him, his greeting a respectful “Good evening, sir.” He was grateful to see that the bar was nearly empty, and settled himself into a small, darkened corner of the room where he could be alone with his chaotic thoughts for a bit.

God, he had feared for so long that this day, this opportunity, would never come along. He wasn’t enough of a bastard to have actively wished that Tessa’s marriage would one day be in trouble, or that she and her husband would decide to part ways. But now he couldn’t deny his joy at knowing she was unattached, and finally within his grasp. However, the tricky part was just beginning – figuring out how to pursue her without scaring her off or coming on too strong.

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