Count on Me Page 36

Another knowing had begun to form in her belly. A deep sort of connection to Royal that astonished her. Filled her with joy and anticipation but fear too. He was the real deal. The kind of man who’d be not just a boyfriend but a mate. He was a man she could see herself with in a year, five, ten.

His mouth found her nipple, and she sighed, arching her back, her nails digging into his shoulders.

“Oh! Stubble.” She gasped at the rasp of it against her nipple. The kiss had been hot enough but the feel of his beard against the sensitive skin of her br**sts and ni**les was beyond description.

“Should I go shave?” He paused, the tip of his tongue flicking her nipple.

“No. It’s hot.” It nearly hurt but not quite, so she let herself enjoy it. Enjoy him.

“Gotta admit I like the idea of you having some beard burn underneath all your work clothes.”

He kissed down her belly, and she luxuriated in the feel of him, so sure, so long and lean, his hands large and strong. His mouth was full, most usually turned up into a smile. He could be very serious too, but his mouth wanted to smile. His mouth totally deserved to be that cocky.

He kissed over her hipbones and down her thighs, making his way to her pu**y. Her body tightened with anticipation, and when he blew over her labia she nearly came up off the bed.

He nipped the inside of her thigh and then pushed her thighs open wide, holding them in those palms of his.

He took a lick, and she sighed, feeling as if she melted into the mattress. The man knew what to do, that much was blatantly clear. He had just the right pressure of lips and tongue, keeping her on the edge but not making her wince.

She’d had some pretty decent o**l s*x in her life. There had only been two men who’d hemmed and hawed about going down on her, and they didn’t last long after that. But she’d had some master-class-level head and some bargain-basement head, and Royal was in the former camp. Like at the top of the class or maybe the graduate program was named after him because holy hell did he know what to do with his tongue and her clit.

She came hard. So hard her jaw ached a little from clenching it to keep from yelling.

“That’s more like it. I missed seeing that.”

“It’s only been four days,” she mumbled.

And then he was pressing into her body. Slow. Inexorable. Filling her up. He was on his side, behind her, holding her thigh where he wanted it as he thrust into her.

“You may not realize this, but you are so damned beautiful when you come. Like a perfect sunset. It builds slow and smolders until you just full-on dazzle and then fade slowly.”

“I’ll be adding that one to my all-time-favorite Royal compliments folder.”

He laughed, kissing her shoulder and getting even closer. He braced his foot against the footboard of his bed and pressed in hard. So deep it stole her breath. And pulled out slowly only to do it again, a little harder the next time.

Caroline reached back, the tips of her fingers grazing his temple and the softness of his hair.

He slid his hand from her hip to her lips. “Lick them for me.”

Holy. Crap.

She breathed out in a shudder of sensation at the tone of his rough words. It worked. Hell yes it worked. She licked his fingers, reveling in the way he gasped, feeling all the right kinds of dirty.

When those slick fingers moved again, it was to her clit where he slowly squeezed it in time with his thrusts.

This time climax slammed into her, sharp and hard. Nearly painful, but then the pleasure bloomed super hot over her, and she moaned.

“Jesus,” he muttered, never losing his rhythm until he held her still with the press of his palm right below her belly button. Just a few more harsh breaths and he came, his teeth grazing her ear as he leaned forward. “So. Good.”

He rolled from bed as she flopped onto the pillows, catching her breath.

On his way back from the bathroom, she called out. “You may as well open that door or he’ll pout.”

Royal laughed as he opened up, and Spike raced into the room, making sure he hadn’t missed anything really good.

He jumped up, chittering at her in his purry tone.

“I know. It’s comfortable in here and we’re always handy to pet you when you want love and I shooed you out. I’m sorry.”

He headbutted her lips, and she gave him the kind of brisk petting he liked. Until he didn’t and got up to stalk off.

“I’m getting used to this,” Royal said as he got into bed and pulled Caroline close. “You here with me. Your stuff around. Waking up to you in my bed all warm and amenable to morning sex as long as I make coffee.”

“It’s an important quality in a person, right?”

He kissed her soundly. “It’s a very important quality in a person. It’s up there along with will help move irrigation hoses and not afraid to get dirty.”

That was a great compliment. She knew she was pretty enough, and men loved boobs so she was good in that department. Knew she was smart. But that he knew she’d chip in and work alongside him if he needed it, well that meant a lot.

Chapter Eleven

Caroline indicated Ron take a seat as she smiled at both him and the police officer from nearby Millersburg.

Elliot Charles was a police officer there and had gotten in contact after Ron had made a visit.

No shadows in his gaze or hard lines at his mouth. His grip was strong but not sweaty or too hard.

“I just made a pot of tea. Would either of you like a cup?”

“Tea would be good, thanks. It’s wet out there today. Goes straight to my joints.”

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