Count on Me Page 16

Relief rushed through her at his words. Vindication followed, as it did every single time she was able to show people the evidence and they saw it like she did.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I spoke with Peter and Justin about this as well. I want to help. Justin wants to help too. This is pretty out of Peter’s specialty area, but he’s totally in support of Justin and me helping and giving some of the firm’s time and money to the effort.”

She blinked back tears. “I didn’t expect any of this. I just…I just want to prove his innocence. I don’t want his death to mean nothing. I don’t want people to keep on thinking he was capable of such a thing. And I don’t want the real killer out here living a life that was stolen from my dad and me and my siblings too. I don’t expect the firm to take on my cause.”

He grinned, reaching out to pat her hand. “I know you don’t. Which makes it easier to offer, I suppose. You’re not alone, Caroline. Let us help you. Justice delayed is justice denied.” He indicated the Gladstone quote she had on her wall. “I think this has been delayed long enough. You’re back in Petal to dig for the truth. Let’s do it.”

Edward stayed for her meeting with her investigator. She’d worked with Ron Rogers before on her dad’s case when they’d needed things done for the appeals. She was an attorney. A really good one she could admit, but this sort of investigation work wasn’t her strong point and Ron had the time, skill and contacts to handle it.

When she ducked out to grab some lunch, it was with a huge smile on her face and a weight lifted from her shoulders.

She dashed into the Honey Bear, craving something warm and hearty. A big bowl of soup and a sandwich would hit the spot perfectly.

There was a counter on the bakery side that snugged up against the window with barstools so she took her lunch there, settling in to watch the people outside as she ate.

She’d sort of stared off into the middle distance as she chewed when someone tapped on the window, and she nearly fell off the stool.

It was Royal.

He held his hands up and came inside. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to startle you.” He gave her a hug and she hugged him right back, so totally pleased by the way her day was turning.

And then he kissed her. Right there in the Honey Bear. In front of the windows. It wasn’t a full-on tongue-kiss seduction like they’d shared at her door the weekend before. They were in public after all. But it was definitely not a kiss you’d give a friend. Nope, this was a hey everyone I’m dating this person kiss.

“It’s good to see you too.” She managed to stop herself from grabbing the front of his shirt and hauling him in for another kiss. Barely.

“You here for a while? Like long enough to have lunch with me?”

Lunch with Royal would be a really nice thing indeed. “Yes. I just sat down five minutes ago.”

“Be right back.”

She watched—because yeah, great ass. He joked with Mrs. Proffit who worked the register and shouted out a greeting to William, another Murphy, this one the head baker.

Royal was comfortable in his skin. Easy. People always smiled as they talked to him.

Within a few minutes he was back, sitting close as he spooned up his chili.

“What brings you to downtown Petal today?” She bumped his shoulder once he’d taken a bite.

“I was at city hall. I had to file some permits. We have a roadside stand, at the farm I mean. I have to fill out the paperwork once a quarter. Anyway. I knew it was chili day so I figured I’d get some to go. Then I was rewarded by the sight of a gorgeous woman sitting inside, and my day got way better. How are you?”

“I am having a really awesome day, as it happens. Even better now.”

“All this mutual admiration is making me blush.”

They both laughed and continued to eat.

They had a rhythm. Easy. There was energy too. Just being with him made her sort of intoxicated with all those feel-good chemicals.

He told her he’d gone bowling the night before with his friends. It was clear Anne had been there, but truthfully Caroline was pleased he wasn’t making a big deal out of it. She didn’t want it to be weird, and she’d have to find a way to deal with Anne because Caroline really liked Royal.

“What are you doing today?” he asked as he reached out to brush her hair back from her shoulder. It pleased her to have him touch her. Simple and warm. This man made her feel good.

Royal had been operating on very little sleep after a late night bowling and then darts at the Pumphouse along with drinks.

On top of that mild hangover, one of the irrigation hoses had gone out on him, and he’d spent two hours in the mud in the cold getting it replaced. And then he’d had to run that permit to city hall so he was not having such a great day.

He’d planned to grab lunch to go and head back to the farm to get stuff done. But Caroline had been in the window, so lush. And then once you focused on her, you saw the edge her intensity gave her. She gave off so much personal charisma and energy it seemed to hum around her.

It was like that frequency snagged him. He wanted to touch her and smell her and listen to her laugh, and he was harder than he should have been in public but Caroline Mendoza had a lot of stuff he wanted to roll around in.

She looked at him when he spoke. And she listened to him as well. She was pretty much the most brilliant person he’d ever met. It was so f**king sexy that she was intelligent and powerful.

And she had a really foul mouth. She reined it in mainly in public, but sometimes she got her rant on. Also. Really. Hot.

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