Claim Page 93

Julia shuddered. “Well, I might pack three more pounds directly on my hips and ass as a result, but I’m planning on eating whatever I want today and not even thinking about exercising. I’ve been so busy at work these past couple of months that I’ve hardly had time to cook a decent meal. And the food here has been incredible so far. I can only imagine how wonderful the dinner is going to be this evening.”

Tessa smiled as she piled her plate up, though she doubted she’d be able to eat even half of the delicious food, given her rapidly escalating case of bridal jitters. “Ian went over that menu with a fine tooth comb. He wanted everything to be perfect. And when Mr. Gregson wants something, believe me - he gets it.”

Julia looked at her slyly. “Well, he wanted you badly enough to wait two and a half years for you. But he got you in the end, didn’t he?”

“He did.” Tessa smiled dreamily as she brewed herself a cup of tea. “And I got way, way more than I ever dreamed of with Ian. And I’m not even referring to his money. Though I have to say the man’s idea of a wedding gift goes way beyond what most people would consider generous.”

Sasha speared a slice of honeydew melon. “I thought he gave you those beautiful pearl and diamond earrings and the matching bracelet for a wedding gift. Those must have cost a small fortune, Tessa.”

“I’m pretty sure they did,” she sighed. “But evidently that was just a warm-up for the real thing. He, um, sort of gave me a house. In particular, that beach house up on the Sonoma coast we’ve rented a few times. He knows how much I love that place so he bought it for me. And put the deed in my name.”

Julia’s fork clattered to her plate. “Holy shit!” she whispered in disbelief. “Is that the same place you showed me pictures of, Tessa? That house has to be worth close to three million dollars! And he just gave it to you? It’s not in both of your names?”

Tessa shook her head. “No, just in mine. He told me that he wanted me to have something that was just my own, and even though everything else he owned is now in joint name that this house was going to remain in my name.”

“That’s a wonderful gesture, Tessa,” said Sasha quietly. “And I think it’s not so much the money he spent on the house but his intention in giving you something that would belong only to you.”

Julia scrunched up her nose. “And to think Nathan only gave me some naughty lingerie and a nightie for our wedding - a gift that was really more for him than for me.”

“He did give you a car for Christmas year before last, though,” pointed out Tessa. “And that had to cost him big bucks.”

“You’re right,” acknowledged Julia. “Though it’s not in the same league as a three million freaking dollar beach house. Then again, Nathan’s net worth isn’t even in the same ballpark as Ian’s.”

Tessa recalled now when she and Julia had gone shopping together last year, right after the fire at her old apartment where everything she’d owned had been destroyed. Tessa had fretted about spending too much of Ian’s money, especially after Julia had told her how much the outfit she was wearing had probably cost. And when she’d protested about buying even one more blouse or sweater, Julia had confided what Nathan believed to be Ian’s approximate net worth - a sum that had sent Tessa reeling in shock.

But even that lofty sum hadn’t come close to the real value of Ian’s assets - the mansion in Pacific Heights, his cars, artwork, antiques, savings accounts, and stock portfolio. And when he’d brought Tessa with him to his attorney’s office a few weeks ago in order to sign a stack of paperwork that would name her as a joint tenant of everything he owned, she had nearly dropped her pen in disbelief at seeing the grand total of it all.

She’d protested that it was too much, that he couldn’t possibly mean for her to be entitled to half of this much money, and that if he wanted her to sign a pre-nuptial agreement she’d be more than willing. But Ian had given a firm shake of his head, telling her that since the mere possibility of a divorce was too ridiculous to even think about, the need for a pre-nup was nonexistent. He’d stuck the pen back in her hand and urged her to sign the mountain of paperwork.

Later, when she’d expressed surprise at just how much he was really worth, Ian had carefully explained how he’d managed to grow his wealth to such a high level.

“My brothers and I were fortunate enough to have some seed money given to us,” he’d begun. “Both sets of grandparents were extremely wealthy, and set up trust funds for each of their grandchildren. When I was twenty-one I came into what most people would consider a sizeable fortune. And when I began working for the company, I earned a good salary that kept increasing the higher I rose up in the ranks. When I turned thirty I began receiving shares of the company stock once a year, and the dividends they paid each quarter were considerable. On top of all that, I did a great deal of investing on my own, researching stocks and mutual funds and annuities, and I was able to further add to my net worth. Which is now half yours, darling. So when I tell you that it’s not necessary to wear the same pair of shoes a dozen times, or wait until a dress goes on sale, or do your own nails because you don’t want to spend fifty dollars on a manicure, you can fully understand why that’s so. I appreciate that you aren’t a spendthrift, but you don’t have to be a penny pincher, either.”

Now, however, Tessa didn’t comment further, not willing to share something as confidential as the size of Ian’s bank account - correction, their bank account - even with her two best friends. Fortunately, right about then the beauty team from the spa knocked on the door, and began to wheel in all of their supplies and equipment.

There had been such demand for spa services from all of the guests who were staying at the resort for the wedding that additional staff had had to be borrowed from other nearby Gregson hotels - San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Carmel, and Lake Tahoe. And Ian had made sure that the very best technicians would be taking care of Tessa and her bridesmaids today, doing their hair, nails, and makeup. They had already spent hours in the onsite spa the previous day, each having a facial, full body exfoliation, and a massage.

Julia, of course, loved all things girly and feminine, and had gushed over being so pampered and catered to, while Sasha seemed more than a little overwhelmed by so much lavishness. Of course, she was herself an extremely skilled masseuse, focusing primarily on deep tissue and intense therapeutic work, rather than the more relaxing styles offered here at the hotel.

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