Claim Page 90

It was only the none-too-discreet clearing of a throat that finally forced him to break the kiss, and take a step back from her. And even though he was a full grown man of forty-one, Ian nonetheless felt more than a little embarrassed at the way his father was grinning at him knowingly.

“Getting in some last minute practice for when the minister pronounces you man and wife?” joked Edward. His hazel eyes, so like Ian’s, twinkled merrily, and from the flush on his cheeks it was apparent that he’d been tippling a bit too much Scotch this evening.

Ian returned his father’s grin, wrapping his arms around Tessa’s waist and drawing her back against his chest. “We don’t need to practice, Father,” he laughed. “I’d say we’ve got that particular part of the ceremony down pat, wouldn’t you, darling?”

Tessa winked at Edward. “I’m not so sure. In fact, I think we ought to call it an evening so that we can get in a little more practice.”

Edward guffawed. “If you’re going to do that, my dear, I suggest you sneak off quietly before Joanna sees you. Or Francine, for that matter. I overheard both of them a few minutes ago going on about how improper it is for the bride and groom to share a bed the night before the wedding. They might actually be plotting to kidnap Tessa and lock her away in a different room for the night.”

Ian rolled his eyes. “Are they still on that? I thought that subject was closed once and for all. I’m as much of a traditionalist as the next man, Father, but on this one issue I’m setting my foot down. And it’s a tad ridiculous, don’t you think? After all, we’ve been living together for over a year now. I don’t care what anyone has to say on the matter - Tessa stays with me tonight.”

Edward patted his son on the shoulder. “Then I’d suggest you sneak out of here the back way before those two assemble a posse. I think they might be gathering reinforcements.”

Tessa laughed and reached up to press a kiss on her future father-in-law’s cheek. “We’ll do that. And thanks for the warning. And thank you for hosting the dinner tonight. It was wonderful to have this time with the family.”

“My pleasure, dear,” assured Edward. “Joanna and I were happy to do it. And you’re right. As wonderful as the wedding is going to be tomorrow, with so many guests it will be difficult to carve out time for the family. I’m glad we were all able to get together this evening.”

When they had realized the guest list for their wedding had swelled to more than three hundred people, Ian had insisted on having several smaller, more intimate dinners with his family and the bridal party before the big day. Back in San Francisco, he and Tessa had hosted just his parents, brothers, and sisters-in-law at Le Mistral the first night, followed by a larger event at the Gregson hotel that had included aunts, uncles, and cousins. Tonight’s meal here at the Napa resort had been expanded to include Tessa’s two bridesmaids, Francine and Oliver Carrington, and a handful of Ian’s very closest friends.

And that didn’t count last night’s rehearsal dinner, attended by just the bridal party and Ian’s parents, or the girls-only tea that Joanna had hosted back in San Francisco. Fortunately, part of Ian’s rationale in arriving here at the resort yesterday morning had been having plenty of time for relaxation and recreation in between all of the socializing. The pools, tennis court, golf course, spa, and fitness center were all open and fully staffed, and the guests had been making good use of the facilities thus far.

But even though she’d slept in relatively late this morning, had indulged in a relaxing massage this afternoon, as well as a short nap, Tessa wasn’t able to suppress a yawn now. Smiling indulgently, Ian took her firmly by the hand and led her around the paved, well-lit path that would take them to their private villa. A number of the larger suites here at the brand new resort - including the owner’s suite that he and Tessa were occupying - had been designed as detached residences apart from the main building. The entire place was indeed built along the same design as a luxurious Tuscan villa, with a combination of stone and stucco walls, red tiled roofs, and meticulously landscaped grounds. Olive, fig, and orange trees had been planted around the resort, and there were plans to grow grapes as well, with the eventual goal of producing an exclusive vintage of boutique wines.

“Shouldn’t we at least say good night?” she whispered urgently, as he drew her further and further away from the poolside terrace where dinner had been served al fresco.

“We should most definitely not say good night. To anyone,” retorted Ian. “Otherwise, I’m afraid my father is right. You’d find yourself being carried away by a small army of indignant women who still believe that a bride and groom shouldn’t be sleeping together the night before the wedding.”

Tessa laughed softly. “I would just tell them not to worry, since we’re probably not going to actually get much sleep.”

“Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong, love,” he corrected as they reached the largest of the detached villas. He inserted the card key in the lock, then held the door open as she walked inside the luxuriously appointed living area.

As expected, Tessa was frowning at him as he turned her way after securely locking the door. “And what exactly does that mean? Please don’t tell me that you’re planning to sleep in the other bedroom? Because that would completely defeat the purpose here, Ian, and -”

“Shh.” He placed his index finger over her lips. “That’s not it, no. The only place I’m sleeping tonight is right beside you in our bed, love. But as far as anything else - well, I’m still old-fashioned enough that I want to wait until our wedding night before we make love again. I hope that you’ll feel the same way.”

Tessa pretended to pout a bit before wrapping her arms around his waist. “I suppose you’re right,” she sighed. “Once again. Will you always be right about everything?”

“God, no,” he chuckled. “After all, being married is an entirely new experience for me. And I fully expect to slip up every now and then. Which is why I’m counting on you to tell me when that happens.”

She brightened, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “Okay. Well, right now, for example. The more I think about it, I really don’t agree with your rationale about abstaining from sex tonight. I think we should get in some practice for the main event tomorrow night.”

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