Claim Page 76

Tessa instinctively clutched Ian’s hand, and he felt a little tremor go through her body at this very, very welcome announcement. As for himself, he couldn’t contain the joy that instantly lit up his face, smiling at his beloved at the good news.

“You - you mean it?” she asked hoarsely. “You don’t think that I’m like my mother? That I’m at risk?”

Doctor Gatlin shook her head. “Not from what I’ve been able to determine. You present with none of the symptoms, not even a hint. The lab tests that we had you take earlier this week all look perfectly normal, too - no hypothyroidism or anything else that we look for in these cases. The psychological evaluation is completely normal, though I would like to discuss your past episodes of depression with you.”

“What about the genetic tests, Doctor Gatlin?” inquired Ian. “The research I did discussed three separate tests that could be done.”

The doctor smiled. “Why am I not surprised that you’ve already read up on that, Ian?”

Tessa grinned, the color returning to her cheeks for the first time in a week. “His middle name is “Thorough”, Doctor Gatlin,” she teased. “And over the past year, I’ve learned that my fiancé doesn’t take no for an answer very often. Actually, not at all.”

“You’re a lucky woman, Tessa,” remarked Doctor Gatlin thoughtfully. “But not nearly as fortunate as Ian is to have you. Now, to answer your question, Ian. Yes, there are three tests currently being used to help diagnose the disorder. None of them are considered perfect, but each one has at least a ninety percent accuracy rating. And they’re not cheap.”

Ian waved a hand in careless dismissal. “That’s the very least of my concerns. I’d fly Tessa to the ends of the earth, happily pay for whatever sort of tests or treatments that are available to make sure we get the most thorough diagnosis.”

“Very well.” She gave a curt nod. “I have all three testing kits here in the office, and each one simply requires a cheek swab. If we take care of them now, Patty can ship them out by express mail this afternoon and we can have the results back in about a week. And while I don’t expect any of them to show anything amiss, having the tests done will give you additional peace of mind.”

Tessa nodded, and she looked so relieved, so happy, and so much more like herself that Ian wanted to pick her up and swing her around the office with glee. Instead, he shook the doctor’s hand and told her in an emotion-laden voice, “We’re very, very grateful to you, Doctor Gatlin. Thank you for squeezing us in so quickly, and mostly for helping to put our minds at ease. It’s been a very difficult week for both of us, but especially for Tessa.”

“I can tell,” replied the doctor calmly. “But you can rest easy now, Tessa. You, too, Ian. Now, I would like to see Tessa again. Nothing to do with the bipolar issue, but about these bouts of depression in her past. Have you ever spoken to anyone about them, Tessa? A professional, I mean.”

“No.” Tessa stole a sideways glance at Ian before continuing. “Ian has encouraged me to do so, but since I haven’t had a recurrence in more than a year, I didn’t think it was necessary. Being with him makes me so happy, Doctor Gatlin, that I can’t ever imagine feeling sad or depressed again.”

The older woman smiled. “It’s rather obvious how in love the two of you are,” she chuckled. “And that he takes very good care of you. But after hearing what your life was like as a girl, Tessa, all the hardships you endured growing up with your mother - well, that’s not something you typically get over on your own. I think that talking things out for a few sessions would be of tremendous help to you. To get some closure, if nothing else.”

Tessa glanced at Ian, who was nodding emphatically at this idea, before returning her attention to the doctor. “All right,” she agreed.

“Good.” Doctor Gatlin squeezed her hand firmly before giving her a little hug. “You’re a lovely young woman, Tessa,” she added kindly. “Both inside and out. And I’m positive you were a joy to your mother, likely the only good thing in her life. Take some comfort from that, hmm? Now, let’s get you set up with those tests as well as make an appointment, shall we?”

It was a good half hour later, after filling out all the paperwork that accompanied the tests and setting up an appointment for Tessa with Doctor Gatlin, when they emerged from the medical building - both of them considerably more at ease then when they had entered two hours prior. Tessa, in fact, was almost bubbling over with happiness, the light that he’d feared would never shine again back in her eyes.

“Do you have to go back to the office this afternoon?” she asked as they waited at the curb for Simon to drive up.

Ian shook his head. “I had Andrew clear my schedule for the rest of the day. Why do you ask?”

She grinned at him adorably. “I’m, uh, sort of starving so I was hoping we could get something to eat. And then, well, as you mentioned up in the doctor’s office, it’s, ah, been awhile, hasn’t it?”

He guffawed, and this time he did pick her up and swung her around in a circle, causing her to squeal in surprise and passers-by on the sidewalk to smile at the happy couple who were so obviously in love. And then he kissed her, in full view of anyone who happened to walk by, until she began to make those little sounds of arousal that always drove him crazy with lust.

Ian set her down just as the town car pulled up to the curb. “What appetite would you like to satisfy first, love?” he teased, holding the car door open for her. He murmured in her ear as he helped her inside, “Your choices are Italian or British.”

Tessa was just about to reply when she was pre-empted by the unmistakable sound of her stomach growling with hunger. “Well, I guess that answers that question,” she replied sheepishly.

He grinned as he slid into the car beside her. “Simon, can you take us to Perbacco, please?” Then, as they drove away from the curb, he slid a hand over Tessa’s belly.

“We’ll take care of this particular appetite first, my love,” he whispered naughtily in her ear, “and then attend to this one the moment we get home.”

His hand slid down her belly to the notch of her thighs, cupping her sex, and drawing a gasp from her lips.

“Ohhh,” she sighed, her head falling back against the seat, her eyes fluttering shut. “I, ah, think the second one is going to take a much, much longer time to satisfy.”

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