Claim Page 7

Fortunately, Colin, Selina, and Lucien had elected to stay here at Hugh’s during their week-long visit, giving the boy an opportunity to play with his four cousins. Ian scowled a bit as he imagined his irrepressible younger brother sneaking around their parents’ home in London trying to eavesdrop on Ian and Tessa’s amorous goings-on. Much better all around, he thought wryly, that he and Colin would be separated by a half hour’s drive.

As Hugh, Victoria, and the four boys - Jeremy, Evan, Christopher, and Daniel - assembled just outside the wide front doors of the house to greet their guests, Ian squeezed Tessa’s hand in reassurance.

“Relax,” he whispered to her. “They’re all going to adore you, I promise. And you look stunning, darling. Simply stunning.”

His gaze raked over her tall, slender body appraisingly, approvingly. The mint green dress flattered her feminine curves without being too clingy or revealing, and it shrieked class and money. As usual, Tessa didn’t fuss much with her appearance, her makeup and accessories minimal, her abundant blonde curls cascading down her back, and tempting him as they always did to bury his face in their silkiness. She looked every bit as polished and sophisticated as his mother and sisters-in-law, looked as though she had been born into the same sort of privileged lifestyle that everyone else here present had always known. No one looking at her now would ever imagine she’d lived in homeless shelters or her car at various points in her young life. Or that she’d bought her clothes at charity shops or discount stores. She was beautiful and refined, but also undeniably sensual, and would always be the sort of woman who attracted attention, no matter who else might be in the same room at the time. Ian silently congratulated himself yet again for having snagged such a rare and coveted prize for his very own - a prize that he would treasure every day of his life.

Hugh was grinning broadly as the four of them walked up the wide front steps of the house, the hazel eyes that were identical to Ian’s twinkling merrily as his gaze settled warmly on Tessa. He was an inch or so shorter than Ian, and considerably leaner, but otherwise looked very much like his younger brother. All three of the Gregson brothers, in fact, bore a great resemblance to each other with their dark hair, hazel eyes, and aristocratically handsome features. Like Ian and their father, Hugh was wearing slacks and an open-necked shirt, but was without a jacket.

As they stopped in front of their hosts, Ian felt Tessa’s grip on his hand - which had been tight enough to cause him to wince once or twice - loosen slightly, and he sensed that she was a bit less terrified. Hugh had that effect on people, after all, being the most easygoing of the three brothers. His charm was far more subtle than Colin’s very brazen flirting, and Ian couldn’t think of a single person who disliked his older brother.

“Well,” began Hugh with a lazy drawl, “I thought for sure that Colin was just spinning one of his usual wild stories when he described your fiancée to us, Ian. But now I can see for myself that he didn’t even begin to do you justice, Tessa. I’m - well, rather speechless, I think.”

Victoria was a slim woman of medium height with sleek, shoulder-length auburn hair. She wore a very stylish ensemble of a sleeveless black silk shell, a black and white polka dot silk skirt, and pointy-toed black leather sling-backs. Her sherry-brown eyes twinkled warmly, and her welcoming smile lit up her pretty, perfectly made-up face. “That would probably be a first for Hugh,” she replied mockingly. “He’s very seldom at a loss for words. While my husband is trying to find where he lost his tongue, let me welcome you to our home, Tessa. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. And even more so to see this one so happy,” she added, gesturing to Ian.

Tessa placed her hand in Victoria’s and squeezed it gratefully. “Thank you so much for having us over,” she replied sweetly. “I hope this isn’t too much trouble for you.”

Victoria waved a slender hand in dismissal. “Not in the least. All I had to do was let my housekeeper know how many guests for dinner, and she took care of the rest. I’m afraid taking care of this wild bunch doesn’t leave me much time to cook.”

One by one, she introduced the boys to Tessa, and they politely shook her hand, and murmured, “Pleased to meet you.” They ranged in age from the eldest - Jeremy - who was eleven, to the baby of the family - four-year-old Daniel. Tessa noticed that they were all freshly scrubbed, their hair carefully combed, and each was neatly attired in slacks and a pullover shirt. But she glimpsed the mischief lurking in their eyes, and had a hunch that none of them would look quite so well groomed before the evening was over.

Instead of shaking Tessa’s hand, Hugh pulled her into a brief embrace, and pressed a light, brotherly kiss on her cheek.

“Welcome to the family, Tessa,” he told her warmly. “We’ve all been waiting for this particular moment for a very long time - finally seeing my brother fall in love. Colin and I had an informal bet going for years that it would never happen, but I’m very happy to report I just collected my winnings from him about an hour ago. Though seeing Ian this happy is more than enough reward.”

And just like that, Hugh succeeded in easing any remaining fears or doubts Tessa might have been harboring. He and Victoria ushered everyone into a huge, high-ceilinged living room that was decorated in varying shades of cream and gold. The room was both elegant and welcoming at the same time, with tasteful yet comfortable furnishings. Colin and Selina were already present, and stood to greet the new arrivals.

Colin, too, gave Tessa a hug, but it was far less brotherly than Hugh’s had been, and his lips lingered on her cheek a bit too long for her liking. He grinned at her cheekily.

“Love the dress,” he told her. “Perfect color for your hair and skin. Not to mention a perfect fit for your -”

Selina interrupted him by placing a hand over his mouth. “Enough. There are children present, after all. And I believe you’ve embarrassed Tessa one too many times already on this trip. But you do look lovely, cheriè.“

While the boys, including young Lucien - who seemed to be having the time of his life with his cousins - ran off to play in another part of the enormous house, Hugh took everyone’s drink order. Silver trays of beautifully prepared canapes had been set out on the glass-topped coffee table, and Victoria urged everyone to help themselves. Ian snagged two delicious looking morsels topped with smoked salmon and crème fraiche, and held one up to Tessa’s lips. She opened her mouth automatically as he popped it inside, then used his thumb to whisk away a stray crumb.

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