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And when Peter gave him a firm thumbs up, Ian knew that he would never need to worry about Tessa’s ex-husband ever again. He and Tessa had Peter’s blessing to be happy, and all was right with the world once again.



Chapter Eleven

February – Paris

Ian ran a hand idly up and down the curve of Tessa’s bare hip, giving her buttock an occasional squeeze. He nuzzled his face against the nape of her neck, where her blonde hair was damp.

“The French have a saying for this, you know,” he murmured in her ear. “They call it l’amour dans l’apres-midi.”

Tessa uttered a low moan and buried her face in the pillows. “What does that mean?” she asked sleepily. “I hope it translates to nap time.”

He laughed, his hand moving to caress her lower back, as his lips traced a path along the side of her throat. “Not quite. The actual translation is more like love in the afternoon.”

She flipped onto her back, grinning up at him. “Except that it’s been more like love in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Not to mention all night long.”

Ian returned her grin wickedly. “Complaining, love?”

She shook her head. “Never. You know better than to ask something like that.” She winced as she tried to sit up. “Though it’s going to be a challenge to actually get up and walk. You’ve been especially - ah, passionate today.”

He chuckled, then gave her a quick kiss. “I would tell you I’m sorry, but we both know that would be a lie.”

Tessa sighed dramatically, falling back onto the mattress, her arms widespread. “Well, I suppose you’ll just have to carry me everywhere then.”

“Gladly,” he whispered, his hands gliding up the sides of her rib cage to cup her breasts. “You know you’ve got me enslaved, love. I’ll do anything you ask of me.”

“Mmm. You mean besides having day long sexual marathons in the most romantic hotel room in all of Paris?” she laughed softly. “I suppose a nice hot shower and a little food would help keep our strength up, too. And you did promise we’d do a little more sightseeing today.”

Ian nodded. “We have a late afternoon tour scheduled at The Louvre. So I suppose you’re right about getting dressed and having a light meal before we have to leave.”

She pressed a kiss to the base of his throat, then snuggled close. “Okay. In five more minutes.”

He ran his fingers through the long strands of her hair. “I’m not sure bringing you to Paris for four days was such a good idea after all. You’ve been very lazy since our arrival, love. Skipping your workout two days in a row.”

Tessa stared at him slack-jawed. “You’re kidding, right? I might not have made it to the gym or a yoga studio since we arrived, but I’m guessing we’ve both burned up a few thousand calories with all of our, ah, physical activity.”

He laughed heartily, pulling her on top of his body until they were nose to nose. “And it’s been a much more pleasurable way to burn calories than running on the treadmill or doing pull-ups, too.”

She caressed his bare chest and abs, her lips following the same path down his body. Rather astonishingly, he realized he was quickly becoming aroused again, a feat he wouldn’t have dreamed possible considering how much sex he’d had over the past eighteen hours.

Tessa snickered at the sight of his semi-hard cock, tracing a fingertip along its rapidly expanding length. “And you think I’m the insatiable one. Who’s being the greedy lover now?”

Ian emitted a low groan, clamping his hand over her wrist as she began to stroke his willing but weary cock. “Obviously I’m not thinking with a certain part of my body at the moment. Because if I was it would understand that man cannot live by sex alone. We do need to eat, and then shower before we can leave for our tour. I can’t recall the last time we did either of those things, can you?”

“Hmm,” mused Tessa. “I seem to recall having a pot of tea and some breakfast pastries earlier. As for the shower.” She wrinkled her nose. “Considering we both reek of sex, I’d say it was probably twenty-four hours ago.”

“That settles it then,” he declared. “You go get the shower started and set out towels, while I call room service.”

“Okay,” she yawned, stretching her arms wide as she sat up. She smirked at him knowingly as his gaze dropped to her bare breasts.” Unless, of course, you’re up for one more round. We can make it a quickie.”

Ian shook his head slowly. “Don’t tempt me, love. At least not right now. You’re familiar with the theory that a man’s balls begin to ache when he hasn’t had sex for awhile?” At her nod, one corner of his mouth quirked up. “Well, I’m afraid the same thing tends to happen when he has too much sex.”

“Aww. My poor baby,” she clucked teasingly. “Did I finally manage to wear you out? You’d better order up some food then before you faint. I know for sure I wouldn’t be able to budge you even an inch if you collapsed from hunger.”

He gave her a playful smack on her delectably bare ass as she eased herself out of bed, and then chuckled as she strutted towards the bathroom, wiggling her buttocks provocatively.

Ian picked up the phone that connected him directly to their private butler, Thierry. He had known the older, very dignified man for more than two decades, going back to a time when Ian had worked at this very hotel as the manager for almost a year. And if the rather prim, stately butler was the least bit shocked that Mr. Gregson and his luscious fiancée hadn’t emerged from their suite for nearly eighteen hours, he gave not the slightest indication as Ian relayed instructions to have food delivered.

“We’ll need the limo ready in about ninety minutes,” continued Ian in fluent, flawless French. “Can you arrange for housekeeping to come in after we leave? I apologize for the late hour. We, ah, slept in a bit today.”

“It is no problem at all, Monsieur Gregson,” assured Thierry in his usual formal manner. “The staff is always at your disposal, no matter the hour. The food will be delivered in twenty minutes time, Monsieur.”

“Merci, Thierry.”

Ian disconnected the call and headed off to join Tessa in the shower, resolving as he did so that it would be just for a shower and nothing more. They really did need to hustle a bit so that they could shower, dress, and eat in time to make their tour at the Louvre. A quick, lusty bout of shower sex would make them very late, especially since it likely wouldn’t be all that quick. Not to mention the fact that he hadn’t been exaggerating a few minutes ago when he’d complained about being sore. And while he and Tessa enjoyed a very active sex life, the marathon-like session they had just indulged in was unusual even for them.

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