Claim Page 35

He grit his teeth, and tried to will his fully aroused body to behave itself until they were somewhere private. “I’m sure you are, darling,” he muttered in a low voice. “But I’d strongly advise you to exercise some self control right now. Otherwise, when I get you inside, you’re going to find yourself with far more than you can handle.”

Tessa giggled, the sound making him even harder. “Mmm, you might be right,” she breathed into his ear. “This might be more than I can take tonight.” Her free hand slid up the hard, tightly bunched muscles of his thigh until it reached his crotch. Before he could stop her, she was squeezing his rock hard cock and he had to bite down on his bottom lip – nearly hard enough to break the skin – to stifle the loud moan he would have otherwise uttered. Frantically, his fingers encircled her wrist and firmly removed it from his lap.

“You’ll take all of it,” he growled. “In fact, you’re being such a wicked girl right now that you’re going to take everything I’m going to give you. Maybe even a spanking for your naughtiness.”

Her eyes widened in arousal, her lips parting enticingly as she ran her tongue around them. “Promise?” she asked in that breathy little voice he adored.

Ian laughed in delight at her response, bringing their tightly clasped hands to his lips. “Wait and see, you little imp. Ah, thank Christ, we’re only a block away now. I’m not sure I would have lasted another five minutes. You’re making it very, very difficult to resist you. Which I’m quite sure you’re very well aware of.”

Ian paid the driver, giving the man a disapproving look when he gave him a knowing wink. The driver instantly sobered, mumbling his thanks, and wishing them a pleasant evening before driving away. Tessa gave a little shake of her head.

“Was it really necessary to terrify that poor man?” she asked in amusement. “That look you just gave him - as though you were going to throttle him or something.”

He shrugged, unconcerned. “I didn’t like the way he was staring at you. Or that wink he gave me. Like he knew exactly what I was planning to do as soon as we walked through the front door.”

“And what would that be?” she teased, looping her arm through his as they walked through the front gate of the townhouse.

Ian swept her into his arms, drawing a startled little gasp from her lips as he kissed her soundly. “Fuck you straight through till morning,” he rasped, as he opened the door and pulled her inside.

Once he’d locked the door firmly behind them, he pushed her up against the entryway wall, his lips claiming hers in a possessive kiss as he deftly unfastened the buttons of her coat. Blindly, he pulled the coat down her arms, letting the expensive cashmere garment fall to the floor unheeded. He lifted one of her legs to wrap around his waist, his hand gliding up beneath the hem of her dark blue knit dress to caress her stocking-clad thigh. The movement brought their bodies into direct contact with the other, allowing his fully engorged dick to nestle into the soft, welcoming notch of her thighs. Tessa moaned beneath his blistering kiss, clearly aroused by the way he kept grinding himself against her.

Impatiently, Ian tore off his own black wool overcoat. The blood was roaring in his ears by now, his body so aroused and needy that he felt his famed powers of self-control rapidly disintegrating with each second that passed.

He caught the hem of her dress in his hands. “Let me see you,” he told her in a raspy voice.

She nodded, offering not the slightest resistance as he stripped off the dress. His breath hissed out sharply at the sight she made - still wearing the knee-high black leather boots, the tops of her silky black stockings visible from knee to upper thigh; and wearing a particularly sexy matched set of black lace lingerie - the panties sheer and lacy, the bra displaying her opulent breasts to their absolute best advantage. Tessa looked sinful, decadent, forbidden - except that she belonged to him now, was his to do whatever he wished with. And at this particular moment, he could think of many, many things he’d like to do with her - every one of them dirty and naughty and extremely pleasurable.

Ian traced a finger along the heavy swell of her breasts, beautifully displayed in the low-cut bra. “You’re magnificent, Tessa,” he told her in a husky voice. “The sexiest, most beautiful woman I could ever imagine. Every time I look at you I have to remind myself that you’re mine. And I thank my very lucky stars for that fact every single time.”

She gasped as he slipped two fingers inside a lacy bra cup to find her nipple. The moans she made as he fondled her made his cock swell to epic proportions, and he felt sweat pop out above his upper lip. Almost roughly, he unhooked her bra, peeling the lacy cups away to bare her breasts.

“God, how I adore these,” he rasped, his big hands cupping the firm globes. “You are ten thousand times sexier than the most provocative centerfold could ever hope to be. Let me, darling.”

Ian bent his head to her breasts, his tongue laving one taut, pale apricot nipple while his fingers plucked at the other hard peak. Tessa threaded her hands into his hair, clutching him even closer, and her moans of pleasure quickly grew to a fever pitch. Ian wasn’t at all certain how long he could hold back his own need for fulfillment, as the sounds she was making were turning him on unbearably.


The long, drawn-out groan escaped Tessa’s lips as he slid two fingers inside her panties, brushing through the soft nest of her pubic hair, his thumb circling her clit. She clutched his upper arms, steadying herself, as his fingers dipped inside her drenched slit.

“Mmm, you’re so wet, love,” he purred in her ear. “I’ll bet you taste delicious. Let’s see, shall we?”

Tessa’s eyes were half-shut with passion as she watched him bring his fingers to his lips, licking her juices off. “Just as I thought,” he murmured in a seductive voice. “Absolutely delicious. Here, taste.”

“Ah, God.” Tessa shuddered as he once again slid his fingers deep inside her vagina, gathering up the moisture he found there. Obediently, she sucked his fingers into her mouth, her tongue swirling around his knuckles.

This time it was Ian who hissed sharply, his eyes darkening, his entire body so fully and thoroughly aroused that he was almost shaking. He jerked his fingers from her lips only to grasp one of her hands and draw it down his torso to his throbbing cock.

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