Claim Page 31

“No.” Tessa shook her head firmly. “Nothing happened until my divorce was almost final, and Peter had been out of the picture for months already. And, no, Mr. Nosypants, you are not getting even one tiny detail about how and when things, um, developed. You’ll just have to use your imagination. Which, knowing you, shouldn’t be a problem.”

Kevin pretended to pout. “Aw, you’re no fun, Tess. Guess my scheme to get you drunk and spill all your secrets isn’t going to work, either, huh? But, seriously, sweet pea, you look amazing, really, really amazing. And I’m not just talking about the gorgeous dress and the jewels, and - oh, hell - are those Jimmy Choos on your feet? I mean, you look like a million bucks, but more importantly you look - happy, Tess. Way, way happier than I’ve ever seen you. Sort of like this glowing aura surrounding you. And, wait a minute - aren’t pregnant women supposed to glow? His Hotness didn’t waste any time knocking you up, did he?”

She gasped in feigned outrage. “He didn’t knock me up,” she hissed urgently. “And keep your voice down, would you? I’m sure people are gossiping about us like crazy as it is. The last thing we need is for a rumor like that to get started.”

He snickered. “Not that it would surprise anyone. I mean, he’s such a stud, after all, and I’m betting you keep him pretty busy in the - ouch!”

Kevin grimaced, hopping around on one foot - the one Tessa hadn’t just stomped on with the pointy heel of her stiletto sandal.

She placed a warning finger over his mouth. “Hush, now. Keep your very vivid - and dirty - imagination to yourself. And is that really Terence over there? The two of you are still together?”

Kevin scowled at her. “Why do you sound so surprised? I mean, I agree that this is the longest I’ve ever been in a relationship with anyone but, well, I guess the old guy isn’t so bad. We’ve even talked about getting married next year, but I’m not convinced just yet. But he’s been good to me, Tess, puts up with all of my drama and BS, and hasn’t kicked me out yet. So, yeah, we’re still together, and I can finally appreciate what a good guy he is. Think I’ll hang onto him for awhile.”

They chatted for a few more minutes, with Terence joining them at some point. He, too, cooed over Tessa’s ring and dress, and gave her a hug.

She could sense Ian’s presence behind her well before he slid a possessive arm around her waist and pulled her against his body. Perhaps it had been his scent that alerted her to his arrival, the scent she would recognize anywhere as belonging only to him. But it was more than that, she realized faintly. The two of them were now so in tune to each other, so completely, utterly in love, that they could simply feel the other nearby without ever seeing or hearing them.

“Time to take our seats for dinner, darling,” he whispered in her ear. “Except that we have one quick task to take care of first.”

Before she could guess at what he was about to do, she was being tugged along in his wake as he approached the raised platform where the band had been playing some jazzy pre-dinner music. The vocalist handed Ian a microphone, and then stepped back as he began to speak.

In his deep, cultured voice, he welcomed everyone to the party and extended his wishes for a happy and healthy holiday to all. He kept Tessa tucked firmly against his side during his brief speech, and then shocked her to the very core by what he said next.

“For those of you who haven’t already heard the very happy news,” he told the roomful of guests, “I’m very pleased to announce that I became engaged this past September. I’m sure most of you will remember Tessa from her years working here at the office, and it was the happiest day of my life when she agreed to become my wife. Ladies and gentleman, it gives me tremendous pleasure to present my fiancée - who is also the love of my life - to all of you this evening.”

And then he really shocked Tessa - not to mention every other person in the room - by sweeping her into his arms and kissing her with great enthusiasm. Her hands drifted up to rest on his shoulders, and she found herself kissing him back eagerly, not even aware of the dozens of cell phone cameras flashing around her as Ian’s startled employees rushed to capture a photo of their normally formal, reserved boss French kissing his bride-to-be right in front of everyone. It was only the wild round of applause that finally made Ian break the kiss.

Tessa’s rosy cheeks were flushed a vivid shade of crimson as Ian guided her to their table, murmuring her thanks shyly to everyone who congratulated her along the short walk. Once seated, she buried her face in her hands, giving her head a little shake of disbelief.

“You might have warned me you were planning to do that,” she whispered to Ian urgently as he took his seat. “I almost fainted from shock. And from the looks on everyone’s faces, I think they almost did, too.”

Ian grinned, and began to fill her wine glass with a very fine vintage of Chardonnay. “Once in awhile, it pays to throw the staff off balance a bit. And I think it’s fair to say that little kiss did the trick.”

She stared at him wide-eyed. “Little kiss? For a few moments there, I thought you were going to - never mind.”

He leaned over to whisper in her ear, “Never fear. You know I’m not into exhibitionism. A kiss is pretty much the extent of any - what do they call it - PDA? - that I’m willing to engage in.”

Tessa rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her wine. “That was way more than a simple kiss and you know it. It felt like - well, like you were claiming me up there.”

“That’s silly, love.” He brushed a kiss over her flushed cheek. “You and I both know that I claimed you months ago. Ah, here’s the waiter with our first courses.”

It took her some time to recover from the dual surprises that Ian had sprung tonight - proudly announcing their engagement to everyone here, and then boldly kissing her for what had felt like five full minutes. But she was deeply touched by his very, very public declaration of love for her, and knew somehow that it had been his way of making sure that none of his staff would ever dare to speculate about whether or not she was worthy of a man like him.

Once the superb dinner and dessert had been consumed and the dishes cleared away, the dancing began. Tessa sighed in utter contentment as Ian drew her into his arms, guiding her around the dance floor with his usual expertise. The band was playing a jazzy version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, and she couldn’t help remembering how sad and alone and more than a little frightened about the future she’d felt at this same time last year.

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