Claim Page 28

Tessa giggled, then sighed with pleasure as she took a deep sniff of his scent - a knee-weakening combination of soap, aftershave, and pure male, one that never failed to enthrall her. “Have I told you yet today that I love the way you smell?” she asked in a breathy little voice, her hand cupping his cheek. He had waited until just a short while ago to shave, since doing so this morning would have required him to repeat the task later in the day. His lightly tanned skin was smooth to the touch, and she couldn’t resist nuzzling her nose against his face.

“Ah, none of that, or you’ll smudge your lipstick,” he scolded playfully. “Time for you to get dressed anyway. Simon will be meeting us downstairs in less than fifteen minutes.”

With Ian’s help, she stepped into the gorgeous gold silk chiffon gown that she’d fallen for the moment Madelyn had brought it into the dressing room at Bergdorf’s. The bodice was Grecian in style, softly draped, and baring one shoulder. A pearl and diamond brooch was affixed to the fabric at the small of her back, and provided the gown’s only ornamentation. The skirt was long and flowing, and she hadn’t been able to resist the urge to twirl around in it a few times.

She grinned down at him as he knelt to fasten her strappy gold Jimmy Choo stiletto sandals. “I think I know now exactly how Cinderella felt when the prince held that glass slipper for her,” she teased.

Ian caressed her silk clad ankle sensuously. “Ah, but you’re not supposed to be Cinderella this evening, love. Tonight you’re going to be my queen. My golden girl. I used to think of you that way all the time, you know. And tonight that particular fantasy is coming true. Now, tell me, darling. Why does this particular pair of shoes look so familiar? As though you’ve worn them, oh, I don’t know, three or four times already?”

Tessa gave a little eye roll. “Ian, I don’t have to buy an entirely new outfit every time we go somewhere. Honestly. And maybe I have worn these shoes a few times, but they cost close to a thousand dollars, and I’d just feel so wasteful if I didn’t get some use from them. And no one is going to notice them beneath my dress, especially since this is the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen and -”

He shushed her with a finger against her lips. “I get the picture,” he told her dryly. “And while I appreciate your, er, frugality, it simply isn’t necessary for you to pinch pennies any longer, Tessa. You’re going to be the wife of a very, very wealthy man, and he can easily afford to buy you a new pair of shoes. Or whatever else you might like.”

“I know.” She fiddled slightly with his bow tie. “I suppose it’s still taking me some time to get used to that idea. While I was at the salon earlier today, I was thinking back to this exact same day last year. I was at Julia’s flat, and she was doing my hair and nails and makeup for me because going to a salon was the very last thing I could have afforded. She loaned me an evening bag and some costume jewelry because I didn’t own any, and I was cringing at the thought that I’d actually spent a whole hundred dollars on my dress and shoes for the party. I’m pretty sure the panties I’m wearing tonight cost more than that.”

“And worth every penny, considering how delectable you look in them,” he murmured to her wickedly, his hand caressing her ass through the dress. “But on a more serious note, love, I understand what you’re saying. You went without so many things for your entire life, lived in poverty for far too many years, that I’m guessing it’s difficult for you to truly accept that everything has changed. You don’t have to borrow jewels because you have an entire collection of your own. And you certainly don’t have to scrimp and save to buy a dress or a pair of shoes. You can have whatever your heart desires from now on, Tessa. I will happily give you the world.”

“Good,” she whispered, pressing a little kiss to the corner of his mouth, not giving a damn if she mussed her lipstick. “Because you are my world, Ian. And so long as I always have you that’s all I’ll ever need.”

“My darling Tessa.” His lips brushed her forehead with exquisite tenderness. “You took the words right out of my mouth. And now, I suggest you finish getting ready, my love, or we are going to be the last ones to arrive at this party that we’re supposed to be hosting.”

Quickly she inserted a pair of pearl and diamond drop earrings into her pierced lobes, then fastened a gold and diamond bangle around her wrist. Her blonde hair had been arranged in a thick knot at the nape of her neck, her makeup all soft golds and pinks. She felt every bit as regal and poised as the queen Ian had compared her to a few minutes ago, and it was that feeling that gave her the little boost of confidence she needed in order to stroll into tonight’s party on Ian’s arm a short time from now.

Simon gave her hand a little squeeze as he helped her into the back of the town car, and his eyes twinkled at her kindly. “You look exquisite this evening, Miss Tessa,” he told her sincerely. “Just like a princess.”

“A queen, Simon,” corrected Ian, clapping his trusted chauffeur on the back in greeting. “My queen, to be exact.”

Simon chuckled, something he seldom did, as he held the door open for Ian. “You’re quite right, sir. And it’s my honor to be driving the royal couple to the ball this evening.”

On the drive to the hotel, Tessa couldn’t quite suppress a little yawn, or the way she rested her head on Ian’s shoulder a bit wearily.

“I guess I should have made time for a nap today,” she told him regretfully. “But I had to study for a test next week, and get some Christmas presents wrapped, and then I was at the salon for almost three hours. I might have to drink coffee tonight instead of champagne.”

“It’s been a hectic couple of months, that’s for certain,” agreed Ian. “And unfortunately our schedule isn’t going to ease up anytime soon.”

The remainder of the month, in fact, was jam packed with holidays events. Over the next week and a half, they had committed to attending a number of receptions, cocktail parties, brunches, and a special performance of The Nutcracker by the San Francisco Ballet. In between, Tessa had final exams to take, Christmas shopping to finish up, gifts to wrap, and to pack for their trip to England.

She was eagerly anticipating spending the holidays with Ian’s family, having heard multiple stories from both him and Joanna about the various dinners, parties, and other celebrations and gatherings. Joanna had a large extended family of brothers, sisters-in-laws, nieces and nephews, and cousins, while she and Edward also had a sizeable number of friends, neighbors, and business associates that they socialized with during the holiday season. With so many events to attend, she’d fretted a little that she and Ian wouldn’t have any time to themselves, but he had been quick to assure her otherwise. They were flying to London two days before they would be expected to see his family, two days where they would be entirely alone, and where he planned to show her the city decked out in its Christmas finery.

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