Claim Page 23

She’d loved their time together in New York, finding the big city exciting and full of life, despite the traffic and crowds and the hectic pace. She didn’t think she would actually be able to live in a place like this, though Julia had resided here for a few years after college and always spoke fondly of the time she’d spent in New York. But it was definitely a wonderful place to spend a few days or a week, especially at such a magical time of the year.

Ian had hired a town car to drive them back to the hotel, but with so much traffic it took quite some time to travel just a few miles. Tessa could sense his relief when the car pulled up outside of the hotel, and he whisked her through the crowded lobby to the private elevator that would bring them to the penthouse level, barely allowing her time to keep pace with him.

She wrapped her arms around his waist as the elevator began its rapid ascent upwards, gazing up at him teasingly. “You were in an awful hurry just now. Hungry for that brunch you ordered up for us?”

Ian cupped the back of her head in his hand, holding it still for his devouring kiss. “Hungry for you, to be precise,” he murmured huskily. “Though I suppose we should have a quick bite first. After all,” he added suggestively, “you’ll need the calories for what happens later.”

But when they walked inside the suite, she was surprised to find that the aforementioned brunch had been set up for them at the breakfast bar instead of the dining room table. And even more surprised to discover that the big table had already been set for the Thanksgiving dinner they would be enjoying later this evening - and that the elegant place settings of china, crystal, and silver had been laid for a total of eight guests.

Tessa turned to Ian inquiringly. “Something you’ve forgotten to mention? Like the fact that we’re having guests for dinner?”

He smiled at her mysteriously as he hung up their coats. “I was planning to tell you over brunch. But the identity of our guests is going to remain a carefully guarded secret until they arrive later this evening.” He guided her with a hand on the small of her back to the breakfast bar. “No worries, love. You’ll be very pleased when you see who’ll be joining us for Thanksgiving dinner.”

She knew better than to try and coax the information from him, for Ian was surprisingly stubborn at times. Instead, she began to uncover the heated plates of food that the hotel staff had set out for them - a beautifully prepared meal of eggs Benedict, breakfast potatoes, fresh fruit, and a mouthwatering dish of brioche bread pudding, accompanied by mimosas made from fresh squeezed orange juice and a very fine French champagne.

She had barely pushed her plate away when Ian was drawing her to her feet and into the master bedroom, where he took his time undressing her. He made a rude noise when he reached the woolly tights, rolling them down her thighs with thinly concealed revolt.

“These are a far cry from your usual choice in hosiery, love,” he chided as she kicked them away. “And they’re about as sexy as a burlap sack.”

She patted his cheek teasingly. “But they are warm, and since it was literally freezing outside this morning I knew that silk wasn’t going to do the trick. Not to worry. I’ll only wear them again if the weather is this cold.”

Ian glared at the warm but decidedly un-sexy tights. “And only if you can find where I’m going to hide them away. Ah, this is much better.”

Tessa shivered in anticipation as he knelt in front of her, running his palms up and down her bare legs - from the ankles to her knees and then up the sides of her thighs. He hooked one finger in the gusset of her dark green lace thong, pulling it far enough to one side to bare her crotch. He splayed one hand over her ass, holding her in place as he ran his tongue over the slick flesh of her labia. A long, drawn-out whimper escaped from her throat as he took his time with her, savoring her as though she was the most delicious of desserts. Her fingers grabbed handfuls of his thick hair, pulling on it as he thrust two fingers deep inside of her vagina, while his thumb stimulated her clitoris at the same time. She climaxed easily, powerfully, small wonder considering how incredibly skilled he was at oral sex.

He laid her down gently on the big bed, his cheeks flushed with his own arousal, his breathing growing rougher when he saw the way she was looking at him as he undressed. She reached for him as he joined her on the bed, her hand sliding down over his belly towards his fully erect penis.

But Ian had very specific ideas about what he wanted this morning, and grasped her wrist before she could reach her intended target. He eased her instead onto her stomach, and then lifted one leg out to the side, bending it at the knee. They both groaned as he slid inside of her from this position, her body pressed flat into the mattress as his chest rested against her back.

Tessa turned her head to one side, her eyes closed and her breathing labored as he picked up the pace of his thrusts. “God, that’s good,” she panted. “Don’t stop, please. You feel so amazing this way, so big.”

He took hold of her hands, stretching her arms out above her head, their fingers linked together.

“It’s not too much for you this way?” he breathed. “I’m not crushing you?”

She gave a brief shake of her head. “No, she groaned. “You could never hurt me, Ian, only love me.”

“My God.” He buried his face against the side of her neck, his lips caressing the soft spot beneath her ear. “You are the most generous, loving woman I could ever dream of. The perfect lover. The perfect woman.”

Ian knew that despite her assurances to the contrary, he had to be causing her some discomfort in this particular position. At six foot four and two hundred pounds of hard packed muscle, he outweighed Tessa by a good seventy pounds. And the way he was taking her now - his body pressing hers into the mattress, effectively trapping her in place - was a very dominant position. But he knew Tessa got turned on when he dominated her, that she loved it when he took control, and that she would gladly give herself over to him whenever he desired. It both aroused him unbearably and touched him deeply that she could give of herself so fully - the way she trusted him implicitly, how her every waking moment was focused on pleasing him, all the many ways, both overt and subtle, that she proved how much she loved him. The realization brought tears to his eyes as his lips tenderly caressed the nape of her neck.

“God, how I love you,” he whispered roughly as he thrust into her again with slow, careful movements, struggling to hold back his climax and thus prolong the pleasure for them as long as possible.

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