Claim Page 20

“I’ll get it,” she mouthed, pulling on a silky robe as she got to her feet.

Ian frowned as he glanced at her rather scanty attire, but she was already heading out of the bedroom before he could call her back.

Tessa made sure to glance out of the peephole to see who was on the other side, not really wanting to open the door to the butler or another male employee dressed this way. But when she saw who was waiting none too patiently on the other side, her reaction was a combination of anger, indignation, and a rather perverse need to teach someone a badly needed lesson.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what purpose Blaire had had in venturing up to the owner’s suite this evening, especially given her appearance. Tessa thought sourly that if the brunette’s office attire had been more suitable for a singles bar, then what she was wearing now was definitely intended for one purpose only - to get very, very lucky. There was absolutely no other reason why Blaire would be waiting at Ian’s door wearing a very short, strapless, red bandage dress that revealed more than it concealed, paired with towering red satin evening sandals. Her makeup was even heavier and more dramatic than it had been earlier today, and she had added a pair of chandelier earrings that reached her bare shoulders. She was holding a clutch bag in one hand, and a thick manila folder in the other.

Tessa glanced around the entryway, a little startled to notice the haphazard way shoes and clothes had been tossed around during her fervent physical encounter with Ian here on this very spot. Her torn, ruined underwear rested near her bare toes, with her bra mere inches away. Had it been anyone but that sly, conniving bitch Blaire on the other side of the door, Tessa would have been hastily gathering up the discarded items and shoving them into the nearest closest. Instead, she deliberately left everything where it was, and then loosened the belt on her silky robe, letting the fabric fall down her shoulder to partially expose a bare breast. She ran a hair through her hair to make it appear even more tousled, and knew that her cheeks were still flushed, her eyes still a bit dazed, from Ian’s passionate lovemaking. Satisfied that she looked very, very well fucked, she slowly opened the door to a visibly startled Blaire.

“Oh.” Blaire glanced around her in confusion. “Tessa - I - I guess I must have the wrong room. I’m sorry. I, um, just assumed that this was Mr. Gregson’s room. I mean, he’s always stayed in the owner’s suite during his previous visits.”

Tessa gave Blaire a sleepy little smile, opening the door wide enough that her uninvited visitor could see where her camisole, Ian’s shirt, one of her shoes, had landed during their frantic interlude. “Mmm, he, ah, is staying here,” she murmured, intentionally lending her voice a dreamy, almost dazed quality. “We’re, um, here together actually.”

Blaire looked as though she’d just been slapped. “You’re kidding. I mean, you’re engaged, right? You just told me that a couple of hours ago.”

Tessa gave a little shrug, causing the robe to slip even further off her shoulder, until it was very obvious that she was naked underneath. “I am engaged, yes. To Mr. Gregson. He’s my fiancé. I’m sorry, I suppose I forgot to mention that. We, ah, tend to keep our private lives private at the workplace. Was there something I could help you with, Blaire?”

Blaire’s complexion had gone pale beneath the thick layers of makeup she’d caked on, and her hand was shaking a little as she held out the manila envelope. “I, uh, wanted to bring by those reports and other files you asked me for. I, um, felt badly that I didn’t have them ready for Mr. Gregson when he needed them. I hope he wasn’t too upset.”

Tessa took the proffered envelope. “He isn’t aware, actually. And the reports are technically for me, for a spreadsheet that I keep updated for him. Thank you for bringing these by, Blaire, though the morning would have been fine. I, ah, don’t plan on doing any more work this evening.”

“I can see that,” muttered Blaire crossly as she gazed down uncomfortably at her feet.

Tessa smiled brightly, forcing a cheerfulness into her voice. “Well, I don’t want to delay you any longer, Blaire. I’m sure you don’t want to keep your date waiting, after all.”

“My date?” Blaire looked confused.

Tessa arched a dainty brow. “You are going out tonight, aren’t you? I mean, why else would you be so dressed up? And he must be someone special to rate an outfit like that. Where’s he taking you?”

Blaire stammered a bit, clearly having been taken off guard. “I, ah, don’t - he’s, um, surprising me. So, yes, yes. I’d better head out so I’m not late. See you in the morning, Tessa. And, ah, sorry if I disturbed you.”

Tessa shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “Not in the least. Though I’d better think about ordering room service very soon. Ian has worked up quite an appetite, after all. All those calories he just burned.” She gave Blaire a knowing wink.

Blaire looked like she was going to be sick. “Uh, huh. Well, enjoy your - your dinner.”

“I do have one question, come to think of it,” mused Tessa. “How did you even gain access to this floor? As far as I know, you need a special card key for the elevator to stop here.”

“Oh. Well,” admitted Blaire reluctantly, “the butler - Zack - is a friend of mine. We, um, used to date awhile back. When I explained to him about the situation with the reports, he arranged for me to have access.”

“I see,” replied Tessa casually. “Well, yet another item to add to the list of things that have to be tightened up around here. I hope your friend isn’t too upset with you when he’s being reminded that no one is allowed access to this floor without the consent of the occupant. Enjoy your date, Blaire.”

Tessa could barely contain her mirth as she shut the door firmly in the face of the enraged PA, and was giggling with glee by the time she returned to the bedroom. Ian had finished his call by then, and looked at her curiously.

In between bouts of laughter, she told him all about Blaire and the not-so-subtle innuendoes she’d been firing all day. Ian’s expression grew stormy when he heard about how uncooperative and downright rude Blaire had been to Tessa, but then couldn’t help himself from chuckling right along with her when she related the well-deserved comeuppance she’d just given the other woman.

He grinned as he pulled her to sit astride him, his back propped up against a mound of pillows. “You, my love, are becoming a very naughty girl as well as a tigress. A lethal combination if I ever saw one.”

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