Claim Page 14

Julia shrugged. “Who cares? I’m already married and don’t have to worry about squeezing into my wedding dress any longer. What about you, Tessa? You really want to stick with that yogurt and granola parfait, or do you want to live it up a little?”

Tessa glanced down at her half-eaten breakfast, something she’d felt compelled to order this morning with a health nut like Sasha along. The granola had too many seeds and nuts in it for her liking, and she could almost taste the cinnamon sugary goodness of the giant roll Julia had eyed upon their arrival at the café half an hour ago.

She gave Julia a wicked grin. “Let’s do it. Maybe we can even tempt this one into taking a bite or two.” She inclined her head towards Sasha.

In reply, Sasha merely speared a bite of fresh pineapple from the fruit plate she’d ordered, leaving Julia to shake her head in disgust.

“Nah. It’s hopeless,” she told Tessa. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone with that sort of discipline. Sasha never strays off the straight and narrow.”

Those mysterious green-gold eyes were almost glowing as Sasha winked at her two companions. “You might be surprised,” she replied casually. “Though if I ever was tempted to stray, it would be for something a lot more satisfying than a doughy breakfast pastry.”


“With the exception of my beautiful wife and myself, I don’t think I’ve ever met two people who were meant to be together more than Tessa and Ian. Julia and I are counting the days until their wedding next June, as I’m sure all of you are as well. So let’s raise our glasses in a toast to the engaged couple, and wish them a lifetime of happiness. Cheers!”

At Nathan’s heartfelt toast, Tessa clinked her champagne flute against Ian’s before taking a small sip of the fine Napa Valley brut. Ian did the same before setting his flute aside, and then sweeping her into his arms before she could properly react. The other couples present cheered and whooped loudly as he kissed her with undisguised passion, their tongues tangling as he began to bend her back over his arm.

Her cheeks were red with embarrassment as he finally released her, and she quickly bolted down the rest of her drink.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” she whispered to Ian urgently. “Especially after hearing from all of your friends and family how you never even held hands with a woman in public before.”

Ian chuckled, massaging the back of her neck soothingly. “Ah, but that was all before I met you, love. And as you well know it’s all but impossible for me to keep my hands to myself for very long when you’re around.”

She slipped an arm about his waist, turning her face into his shoulder. “Then don’t,” she murmured softly. “The hell with what anyone else thinks. Just follow your instincts from now on.”

He grinned. “You are becoming rather ferocious, aren’t you? Maybe upping your training in the gym wasn’t such a good idea after all. But, seriously, darling, if I were to follow my instincts every time we’re together, we might, ah, give other people in the room something of a peep show. And I’ve told you before, Tessa, that some things will always be for my eyes only.”

“Do you lovebirds need a room? Don’t you own a hotel not far from here, Ian? One with about three hundred or so rooms? They must have one available for the boss.”

Ian rolled his eyes at Jordan Reeves’s attempt at humor. The handsome, affable OB/GYN was a rather notorious playboy, one who could have easily rivaled Colin in his day. He was also one of Ian’s closest friends here in San Francisco, despite their very different attitudes towards women and dating. Ian guessed that the very attractive blonde accompanying Jordan here this evening was merely his latest fling, and that it was highly unlikely the flirtatious doctor would ask her out again.

Jordan gave Tessa a peck on the cheek in greeting, but Ian frowned when the other man’s lips lingered a bit longer than he would have liked. Tessa was probably the one woman Jordan didn’t actively flirt with, but his treatment of her concerned Ian in a whole different way. Jordan always exhibited both gentleness and tenderness towards Tessa, giving Ian cause to suspect that the raven haired doctor had a secret crush on his fiancée. But it was probably nothing, reasoned Ian, especially since Tessa was the direct opposite from the type of woman Jordan usually dated. Instead, it was likely just a case of Ian being extraordinarily possessive of her, and wary of any man who even dared to flirt with her.

They were all gathered at Le Mistral on this Saturday evening in early November to celebrate the engagement. Neither of them had wanted a big party, especially since it would have hurt Joanna’s feelings after they had refused to let her hold one for them back in England. Instead, there were roughly two dozen couples here tonight, everyone assembled in the Blue Room that had been the location of their first date. In addition to Julia and Nathan, and Jordan and his date, the guest list included Sasha and her escort, Matthew and Lindsey, Andrew and Isobel, a few of Ian’s management staff, and friends from his social circle.

One of those friends happened to be Rebecca Mellor, the dark haired bank president who’d been Ian’s escort at last year’s office holiday party. He had reassured Tessa enough times since then that he and Rebecca had only ever been friends, and that nothing romantic had ever existed between them. Tessa also knew about Rebecca’s ill-fated, long-term affair with a married politician, though she’d never asked Ian about the man’s identity.

And she and Ian were both delighted to see Rebecca in attendance this evening with a new boyfriend in tow. Upon receiving the invitation to tonight’s party, she’d confided to Ian that she had finally ended things with her longtime lover, refusing to listen to his protests or one more empty promise about their future together. Rebecca was remaining firm in her resolve to move on, to carve out a life for herself, and she had a very good feeling about the man she was currently dating.

“Another example, darling,” Ian murmured to Tessa as Rebecca and her escort took their seats at the dinner table, “of the stars taking awhile to properly align. Just like it was with you and I. I only hope Rebecca sticks to her guns this time and doesn’t go running back to that old bastard she’s wasted so much of her life on. Who knows - maybe seeing how happy you and I are has inspired her to find that for herself. Though, of course, it’s impossible for anyone to be as happy as I’ve been these past ten months.”

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