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He grinned. “Hello, to you, too, wife.”

She propped herself up on an elbow and gazed down at him, brushing her thumb over his lips. “Is that what you’ve decided to call me then? How you’re going to introduce me?”

Ian shook his head. “Because I’ve thought of a much better term to call you.” He reached up and kissed her, his hazel eyes glowing. “Mine.”



Chapter Nineteen

Virgin Gorda, British Virgin Islands

“Please tell me that we don’t really have to go home in two more days. I think I have finally found paradise, and I never, ever want to leave. Especially since it’s summer back in San Francisco, and bound to be foggy when we return.”

Ian grinned at his wife as she lay face down on her padded lounge chair, and couldn’t resist giving the tempting curve of her ass a squeeze. “Last year you told me that Hawaii was paradise. Have you changed your mind then?”

“Hmm.” Tessa turned her head towards him, though her eyes were hidden from view by a pair of oversized black sunglasses. “You do have a point. Let’s say that Hawaii is paradise on the West Coast, while Virgin Gorda is the East Coast equivalent.”

“We can do that,” agreed Ian easily. “Though of course you still haven’t seen Bora Bora or Tahiti or the Seychelles, so your opinion might change again. However, this island is one of my very favorite places in the world. And especially at this moment,” he added, his hand slipping inside her low-cut lilac bikini briefs, “when my very sexy wife is here with me to enjoy all of this.”

The Gregson resort on Virgin Gorda, one of the British Virgin Islands, was considerably smaller than most of the other properties the company owned, with only a hundred guest rooms and suites. It was also extremely secluded, very private, and exceptionally luxurious. Only the very wealthy could afford to stay here, and each guest was treated like something akin to royalty.

The owner’s suite - more like an extravagant beach bungalow - was built on a private stretch of white, sandy beach that was mere steps away from the back patio. Because the waters of the Caribbean were so much warmer and calmer than those of the Pacific Ocean, there was no need for a private pool at this particular property.

They had spent a good part of their time here in the water - swimming, snorkeling, sailing. Despite the teasing comment he’d once made to Tessa, Ian was not in the least bit prone to seasickness, and thoroughly enjoyed being out on the sea. They had hired a catamaran to take them out sailing several times already during their honeymoon, and had plans to take a sunset dinner cruise this evening.

Aside from their twice daily swims, the honeymooners hadn’t done a whole lot else that could be considered especially taxing. They had visited the very well equipped fitness center a couple of times, and Tessa had taken a yoga class or two, but otherwise they had taken a step or two back from their very disciplined workout routine. They had eaten wonderful meals, drank fabulous wines and delicious rum cocktails, and allowed themselves the rare indulgence of being completely lazy and relaxed. Both of them had read several books, watched a few movies on the in-room blu ray player, slept in late, and napped when the urge took them during the day.

And, of course, as all honeymooners were wont to do - but especially Tessa and Ian - they had spent a great deal of time making love, both in and out of the enormous platform bed.

Ian smiled a bit sheepishly as he tried to recall all the various locations where he’d had sex with his very eager young wife thus far, then winced as he recalled one particular occasion when they had made love right on their private beach. Being a gentleman even during their most intimate moments, he’d allowed her to be on top that time. However, once he’d realized just how difficult it could be to rinse sand out of certain areas of the human anatomy, he’d made a mental note to lay on a beach towel the next time.

His fingers walked a path up her spine, noticing as he did so how her tan had darkened considerably over the past ten or so days. And he knew that she would be that same sun-kissed shade of deep apricot over every inch of her body, since they had both been sunbathing in the nude for a short while each day - making sure, of course, to slather on copious amounts of sunscreen. Tessa had been more than a little apprehensive about doing so the first time he’d suggested it, not completely convinced that they wouldn’t be seen. Ian had made her walk around their bungalow, and other parts of the property, while he’d remained outside on their private beach so that she could see for herself just how private their accommodations were. She’d still been a bit tentative the first couple of times, but had gradually begun to relax as the days passed.

He let his gaze wander freely over her prone body, admiring the long, shapely length of her toned legs; the high, tight curves of her buttocks; her small waist, the graceful curve of her back, and the lean, subtly defined muscles of her upper arms and shoulders. Tessa had the figure of an athlete, but also possessed curves in all the right places. In other words, at least to Ian’s way of thinking, she had the perfect body.

A body that he was very eager to posses yet again, even though they had just left their bed barely three hours ago. After a leisurely breakfast on their patio, they had gone for a walk along the beach, then returned to swim in the sea that was as calm and temperate as bath water. He’d been reading a book on his tablet while she had been dozing off and on for the last half hour.

Tessa rolled over onto her back now, stretching those incredibly long legs and arms in opposite directions, and emitted a yawn.

“Guess I’m being extra lazy today,” she admitted with a grin. “My mind is telling me I should get off my butt and go run on the treadmill for an hour, work off everything I’ve been eating and drinking for the last week and a half. But my body is tempting me to just stay put and go back to sleep.”

Ian set his tablet down at the sight of her glorious breasts barely contained in a halter-necked bikini top. The full, heavy globes were tanned the same deep apricot shade as the rest of her body, and with her long blonde hair waving riotously over her shoulders, she reminded him of some wild pagan goddess.

He was already hard as he moved to kneel beside her, his hand sweeping up the side of her ribcage to squeeze her breast. “Your body is tempting me as well, Mrs. Gregson,” he murmured, his thumb flicking over her taut nipple through the fabric of her lilac bikini. “But definitely not to go back to sleep.”

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