Claim Page 102

His hand slid up her back to caress the bare skin exposed by her strapless bodice. “Getting very close to midnight, actually. That’s why I came over to steal you back from my uncle. Well, that, and the way the lecherous old bastard was holding you a little too close for comfort,” he grumbled.

She laughed. “He’s harmless,” she assured. “At least, I think so. So does this mean it’s almost time for us to make our getaway?”

“I’m literally counting the minutes, love. This party is bound to go on for at least another hour or two, and I’m sure you’re exhausted. And since this is our wedding night - well, there’s no possible way you’re going to get any sleep for some time yet.”

Tessa shivered in anticipation from the deep, sensual promise of his voice. “Don’t worry,” she whispered. “I drank two cups of coffee when we had cake earlier. But even if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t need caffeine to stay awake tonight. Not on our wedding night, Ian. Especially not on our wedding night.”

His hand drifted up through her thick blonde curls to the nape of her neck, massaging it until she felt like groaning. Or purring.

“I’m very, very glad to hear that, darling,” he breathed. “And especially glad that we didn’t schedule that brunch with the family tomorrow until noon. As much as I’ve been enjoying our wedding day, it’s the wedding night that will be unforgettable. So let’s enjoy this last dance together, because I’m going to whisk you off to our suite within the next five minutes. If that’s all right with you, that is.”

“Definitely, definitely all right,” she assured him.

Tessa burrowed her face against his shoulder as her arms slid up to clasp behind his neck. Ian’s arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, as they slow danced like two besotted high school seniors at the prom. And as eager as she was to retreat to their private villa and be alone with her brand new husband for the first time all day, part of her also didn’t want this beautiful moment to end, wanted her flawless, fairytale wedding to go on and on for days.

She’d danced with Ian’s father, brothers, uncles, cousins; with his friends from England and a number of his business associates; with Simon, Nathan, Ben, a rather awkward Matthew, and with Jordan, who’d held her a bit too closely even for a known flirt like himself, and briefly given Tessa cause to wonder if what Julia had mentioned last week could possibly be true - that the womanizing doctor had the hots for her.

But, no, she’d scolded herself after Jordan had gallantly handed her off to one of Ian’s cousins. She was surely just imagining things. Jordan was simply a ladies man, one who flirted with and teased every attractive woman to cross his path, single, married, or otherwise. And he knew better than almost any of their friends and acquaintances just how much in love Tessa was with Ian, that no other man would ever attract her attention.

The bride and groom had taken a quick break from the dancing to cut their multi-tiered wedding cake, feeding each other bites carefully, despite Colin’s repeated urgings for Tessa or Ian to smash a piece in the other’s face. Ian had muttered under his breath to Tessa that if Colin didn’t shut up he was going to shove his entire face into the cake.

Later in the evening had come the traditional tossing of the bouquet - the smaller one that had been made expressly for this purpose so that Tessa could keep the real thing. She had been delighted when Rebecca Mellor had come up with the bouquet, and hoped that Ian’s old friend would have her own happily ever after with the man she’d been dating for several months now. Rebecca had remained firm in her resolve not to return to her longtime married lover, and had confided to Tessa at the bridal shower in April that she hadn’t spoken to the man since January.

Tessa’s frilly blue garter was caught by one of Ian’s cousins, the youngest son of his Uncle Wesley, much to the delight of the young man’s girlfriend. There had been more photographs after that, more dancing, and more fun than Tessa could ever remember having in her life.

Still, as much as she longed for the party to continue, her feet really did hurt, even in the outrageously expensive stiletto sandals. And the desire to have fun and dance the night away couldn’t even begin to compare to the desire she felt for her darkly handsome husband, who took her breath away every time she glanced his way. By now, his five o’clock shadow had begun to darken his cheeks and chin, and she couldn’t resist nuzzling her nose against the stubble.

“Promise me you’ll shave as little as possible during our honeymoon,” she murmured as he continued to guide her around the dance floor. “You know how sexy you look that way.”

“It’s a deal,” he agreed. “As long as you promise to wear as little as possible. Though I must say most of those bikinis you bought leave very little to the imagination. And since I have a very dirty imagination where you’re concerned, I’m looking forward to a very imaginative honeymoon.”

The music came to an end just then, followed by the bandleader’s announcement that they would be taking a short break, and returning in a few minutes for their final set of the evening.

“I’m going to hand the mike over to the groom at this time,” the bandleader told the guests. “He has a few words he’d like to share with all of you.”

Taking Tessa firmly by the hand, Ian led her over to the raised platform where the band was assembled and thanked the bandleader as he took the mike.

“I’ll keep this very brief,” he began. “First, I’d like to thank all of you for being here for what’s easily been the happiest and most important day of my life. Many of you have traveled here from England or even further away, and it means a great deal to Tessa and me that you made the trip. And while the party isn’t quite over yet, I hope you’ll understand how badly I want to be alone with my beautiful bride right now. Thank you, and good night!”

And then Tessa squealed in delighted surprise as Ian picked her up – frothy skirts and all - and began to carry her across the outdoor patio where the wedding reception had been set up. She clasped her arms around his neck as his stride never faltered once, as though she weighed less than nothing, and beamed at all the happy faces that watched their progress - her brand new in-laws; her best friend and her husband and family; Simon, Sasha, Mrs. Carrington, and so many other familiar faces here this evening.

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