Claim Page 10

“You don’t -” he began.

But Tessa placed a finger over his lips. “I do,” she corrected. “And while no one has ever taken care of me the way you do, Ian, has ever made me feel so safe and secure and loved, you need to start letting me be a bit more independent. You can’t keep me under a protective glass for the rest of my life.”

Ian placed his hands on her hips, drawing her in close, while resting his forehead against her. “I don’t mean to do that,” he assured her. “But it’s difficult for me to forget all of the hardships you’ve endured in your life, how alone you’ve been, and how frightened at times. I won’t let any of those things happen to you ever again, Tessa. You’re the single most important thing in my life, and certainly the most precious.”

She gave him a sweet, soft kiss on the lips. “I know that,” she replied gently. “As you are to me. But I don’t need to be coddled all the time, Ian. I know I’ve got issues with shyness and speaking up for myself, but I’m trying to work on those. I want - well, to be more confident and self-assured. Just like your mother is. Not to mention Selina and Victoria. Your brothers certainly don’t over-protect their wives, and you shouldn’t have to, either.”

He scowled a bit, even as his arms tightened around her waist. “My mother and sisters-in-law were brought up very differently from you, darling,” he reminded her. “They all knew the love and security of their families, and each of them was raised in the lap of luxury. None of them were constantly uprooted from their home by an unstable mother, or were forced to look after that same mother while they were still a child. And God knows they never had to worry about where their next meal was coming from, or where they were going to sleep that night. Every time I think about you being homeless or living in poverty, I go a little crazy, Tessa. So, yes, I realize I’m being over-protective at times, but it’s the only way I have of coping with what happened to you.”

Tessa caressed his stubbled cheek tenderly. “You’re trying to make all of it up to me, aren’t you?” she asked soothingly, sensing his agitation. “You think that by showering me with clothes and jewels and luxury vacations that it will somehow make all of those bad years disappear. Or that by watching over me like a hawk, you’re compensating for the times my mother couldn’t be there to do the same.”

Ian sighed. “You’re becoming entirely too perceptive for my liking at times, darling,” he admitted. “And I suppose most of what you’re saying is true. Though I think my actions are subconscious, and not always intentional. I just love you so damned much, Tessa. I treasure you every waking minute of my day. And I won’t permit anything or anyone to hurt you ever again. Won’t permit them to even try. So forgive me if I try to control you at times. It certainly isn’t because you aren’t capable of speaking up or taking care of yourself.” He tucked a strand of glossy blonde hair behind her ear. “I’ve told you once that you’re the strongest, most brilliant woman I’ve ever met, and that sentiment has only increased in the months we’ve been together.”

He kissed her then, a slow, thorough kiss that told her silently just how much he adored her. Tessa was so overcome with emotion, so touched by how profoundly he cared for her, that she deepened the kiss, pressing her body flush against his. She could feel the heavy ridge of his erection rubbing against the notch of her thighs, and triumphed in the fact that she could arouse him so completely with just a kiss. Her breasts felt heavy, her nipples tight, and she knew instinctively that she would be wet, her body eager for him and the way he could make her feel - everything.

“Take me to bed,” she whispered, giving the side of his neck a sensuous little lick. The pulse point there was throbbing madly, and she could hear how unsteady his breathing already was.

“Jesus, like you have to ask me,” he rasped, bending down to sweep her up into his arms, and then carry her as though she weighed nothing into the bedroom. The private, self-contained suite they were occupying at his parents’ townhome included a sitting room, dressing area, bedroom, and bathroom. And the very modern, very luxurious platform bed he set her down on didn’t emit even the tiniest squeak. Which meant that after more than a week of having to tamper down their usually wild lovemaking so as not to be overheard through the paper-thin walls of the family villa, he was finally free to fuck her with the unrestrained hunger he’d had to keep at bay these last few days.

His fingers fumbled with the catch of her zipper, and she had to help him so that the dress didn’t tear beneath his impatient hands. He shoved the top half of the dress to her waist, and nearly lost it on the spot at the sight of her big, round breasts almost spilling out of a lacy, mint green push-up bra. The bra was swiftly dispensed with, Tessa squealing in surprise as he tossed it carelessly across the room, and then he fell on her like a starving man. He plumped one breast up until the pale apricot nipple was at mouth level before sucking the entire areola between his lips. His tongue fluttered over the hard little peak over and over, until she was clutching his head to her, pulling on his hair, and he could hear her groans of pleasure begin to steadily increase in volume. He repeated the action on the other breast, before replacing his tongue with his fingertips so that he could stimulate both of her nipples at once.

“Let me.”

He acquiesced to her breathless plea, allowing her to somewhat clumsily unbutton his shirt and pull it from his shoulders. And then she took him by surprise, pushing him onto his back, and swiftly straddling his thighs. Tessa leaned over until her breasts brushed tantalizingly against his bare chest, her slim hand caressing his abs and pecs, before sliding up to cup his cheek. Ian was powerless to resist as she captured his lips in a sizzling kiss, her tongue dueling with his as their mouths fused together with desperate hunger. But as he would have tumbled her back onto the mattress again, she resisted, clamping her thighs around his legs.

“I want to be on top this time,” she murmured huskily. “And to be - in control. Just like you told me would happen one day.”

Ian stared up at her, mesmerized by the image of blatant carnality she presented at this moment. Her blonde curls fell in wild disarray over her shoulders and back, her full lips reddened from their passionate kisses. Those spectacular breasts were firm and bare and surely the most amazing sight in the entire world. She was still wearing a pair of lacy, semi-sheer mint green panties, along with sheer, lace-topped stockings and the sexy stiletto heels. He wanted her desperately, needed to be inside of her immediately, and right now his painfully aroused body didn’t give a holy damn who was on top when it happened.

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