Chased Page 43

Her voice, flat, empty didn’t fit with the pain glittering in her eyes. He had plenty of time to relive the entire event as he lay there on the sidewalk after his gloriously pissed off woman had kneed him in the balls and took off running. He limped back into the studio where Nancy stood, fully dressed and looking upset.

“Oh goodness, Marc. I didn’t… I’m so sorry. Is she all right?”

“I don’t know,” he said, voice strained as his balls throbbed. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“I was just flirting. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I may have wanted you back and wanted to test to see what your commitment to Liv really was, but I’d never, not ever in a million years want to hurt her like that. Or you. I’m so sorry.” Nancy wrung her hands anxiously. “Do you want me to talk to her? Tell her what happened?”

“Not for now. Maybe later. Fuck.” He pushed a hand through his hair. “I have to go find her.” He put up the closed sign and Nancy left, promising to be available to talk to Liv if he needed her to.

* * *

Maggie opened her front door and her warm greeting died in her throat. She reached out and pulled Liv inside.

“My goodness, honey, what is it? Is everyone okay? Who got hurt?”

“Marc,” she gasped.

“Marc got hurt? What happened? Where is he?” Kyle came into the room.

“Marc cheated on me.” Liv crumpled to her knees as she wept as if her heart would break.

“He what? No. No, he wouldn’t!” Maggie sank to scoop Liv into her arms and rock her slowly. “Honey, you must have misunderstood.”

“Two weeks ago he was h-hiding something and tonight I found him on the floor with Nancy Ellis. He was on top of her, her legs wrapped around him. She was llaughing.”

“This can’t be right. Liv, honey, my brother adores you. He would not do this to you. I know it.” Kyle looked helplessly at Liv as he brushed a hand over her hair. “Did he explain?”

“Explain what? Do you think I’m a moron? Or some desperate woman who’ll buy a bunch of lies to hold onto a bigger lie?”

“Let’s get you up and on the couch, all right? Kyle’s gonna go and make us some tea and we’re going to talk after you finish your cry.” Maggie raised a brow at Kyle who left the room quickly.

“I love him so much. My God this hurts more than anything I’ve ever felt before. This is not right. Why would he do this? If he wasn’t ready he shouldn’t have pushed me. I was…I had a plan! Damn it, I had a plan and he promised he loved me and I fell in love with him and he sucks. Oh he sucks and I hate him and I hope I did permanent damage when I kneed him in the sac. That f**ker.”

Maggie sighed heavily, not knowing what to do but hoping like hell Kyle picked up her hint and was tracking down his brother to find out what was happening.

“I tell you something, Olivia Jean, if Marc has cheated on you, I will personally skin him alive. I swear it. I’ve got your back. But let’s not be hasty here. Let him explain.”

“Explain what? Maggie, he was on top of another woman with her legs wrapped around his waist! What is there to explain about that that isn’t totally obvious?”

“Okay so it sounds pretty bad.” And boy how it did. What the hell did Marc do?


Liv stood. “No buts, Maggie. I never should have allowed myself to get close to him. I should have listened to my head and not my freaking vagina. I have been such a fool. This probably isn’t even the first time.”

Kyle came into the room and put a tray down on the table with a pot of tea and some mugs. “I’m going to go check on the baby. Should I make up the guest room for you, sweetie?”

“No. No. I need to go. Be alone. I have to think.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You should be with people who love you right now. Stay here, please. You know Nicholas adores his auntie. Stay here tonight and we’ll have pancakes tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, I’m having biscuits and gravy and six slices of bacon tomorrow morning. Maybe a cheeseburger for lunch. But I don’t want to be around Nicky in this mood, it’s not good for him to see me this way. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come.”

“Of course you should. Liv, you’re my best friend. You’ve been there for me when I’ve needed you for thirty years. Please, let me be there now.” Maggie took her hands, aching at the pain on Liv’s face.

Liv kissed Maggie’s cheek. “I love you for being my friend, I truly do. But I know Kyle called Marc when he was in the kitchen and I don’t want to see his face. I can’t.” She moved to the door. “I’ll call you when I’m ready.”

She turned and left and Maggie stared at the door with tears in her eyes.

“He’s on his way but he was at her house when I called so he won’t make it. Let me call him back.”

Maggie turned to her husband. “And tell him what? She didn’t tell me where she was going because she didn’t trust me not to tell Marc. Kyle, I’ve betrayed her today just like your dumbass brother did.”

Kyle took her in his arms. “You didn’t betray her. You wanted to help her and make this thing right. He says it was all a stupid misunderstanding. That she walked in at the wrong moment.”

“Clearly! I’m sure he was hoping to finish up by the time his girlfriend walked in on him between another woman’s legs.”

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