Chased Page 2

Maggie laughed. “No one but you two and Kyle knows about the pregnancy so watch it. Polly will kill me if she hears it before Kyle and I can tell her. As for you? Lotsa frogs in this world, Liv. Your prince is out there.”

Liv groaned. “Maybe I need to sign up with a dating service or something.”

Cassie shrugged. “I don’t know, Liv. I mean, do those things work? Maybe you just need to get out there and meet people. Or give people a second chance. You’re very picky. There are some great men in this town.”

“Who are all married, cheaters or quite happily single like those damned Chase boys.”

“Well, there’s always Marc. He’s damned good looking. Sweet too.”

“Maggie Chase, Marc is way too young for me. Not to mention the fact that he goes through women like potato chips. I’m done being a potato chip.”

“He is not too young for you. It’s not like he’s twenty or anything. But you’re right about the potato chip part. Let’s just look for someone appropriate then. In the meantime, you need to stop riding yourself so hard about this.”

Easier said than done. Liv knew it wasn’t a problem with her looks. Without vanity, she accepted that she was beautiful. The kind of woman who got second glances everywhere she went. She had a good job, a good life, she was intelligent and most people thought she was funny. She did have a bit of a smart mouth, but it wasn’t like at nearly thirty-five she could change that part of herself. And she had self-respect, damn it. She would not start lying and biting her tongue just to appeal to men!

“You could always ask for Polly’s help.” Cassie winked as Liv groaned. “She’s got her finger on the pulse of this town. She can find you an eligible man in minutes, I’d wager.”

“You know, I may take her up on that if this goes on too much longer.”

They pulled up out front and Liv sighed at the exterior of the house. Matt had strung white fairy lights in the trees out front and the lights inside burned out a warm, inviting glow. Truth be told, Liv missed being a regular part of the Chase family more than she missed Matt. Missed the house and Sunday dinners. Belonging to the Chase family had felt really wonderful.

“Ugh, I’m such a f**king whiner,” she mumbled before joining Cassie and Maggie to go inside.

“By the way, nice tan.” Liv put her arm around Cassie as they entered the foyer.

“All that vacation sex really relaxed you.”

Cassie laughed. “Shane, the sun, fruity drinks and lots of hot monkey love. I’ve never enjoyed myself more. Come on through, the present table is in the sitting room but we’ve set up the food in the back so that’s where everyone will be.”

“They’re here!” Kyle yelled as Polly and Edward approached the door. As Polly and Edward came into the house, everyone gathered shouted Happy Anniversary! Polly clapped her hands and started smooching up on everyone she could grab as Edward just took it all in with a calm smile. They’d tried to plan a surprise party but Polly was too nosy and she’d found out early on. Instead, her sons and daughters-in-law had made Polly and Edward agree to let them plan the event and to stay out of the way until it was time to start.

Getting out of the way, Liv went to hang up her coat and bag before going back to the living room. She saw Polly Chase’s hair first and then the rest of her as the crowd parted to let her through.

“Why hello there, Olivia. It’s good to see you, honey. I’m glad you could make it.” Polly click clacked on over in her stiletto heels, that giant, lacquered wall of hair not budging an inch as she moved.

Liv bent and hugged Polly, wishing her a happy anniversary. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. You and Edward are a fine example to the rest of us. I hope I can find what you two have someday.”

“Aw, well, it’s all Edward. The man is quiet, lets me have my way, doesn’t say much. A good father and a good man. I’m fortunate.” Polly turned and Liv followed her gaze to where Edward Chase stood with Matt. It was hard to see him, even after a few years. There’d been a time when she’d believed Matt Chase was the one for her. He was attentive and fun, they had sexual chemistry that was off the charts and Liv kept thinking that soon he’d fall for her too. But it never happened. Sure, he had affection for her, but as they’d reached the year mark he hadn’t moved even an inch toward marriage or living together. She’d tried to deny it, tried to pretend he’d change but in the end, she knew he didn’t love her and never would.

Pride intact but heart broken, she’d left their relationship because it was time to go. She wanted something permanent and it wasn’t fair to just spin her wheels with a man who’d never want more than a Saturday date. Matt saw her and smiled. She waved in return.

“That boy is a fool.” Polly shook her head and Liv warmed. “Tells me you’re his best female friend. I said he doesn’t need any more friends, he needs to settle down and if not with a beautiful, successful woman like you, who? I swear. Kyle was always the sweetest one so of course it wasn’t a surprise when he ended up with Maggie. Shane, well, he’s been a trial since the moment he was born but Cassie can handle him just fine. Marc doesn’t think he needs forever but I think he needs it more than any of the others do. Matt though? I’m afraid he’s going to be in for a rude awakening when he finally realizes just how much he let go when you left.”

Fighting back tears, Liv squeezed Polly’s hand. “Thank you for that, Mrs. Chase. That means a lot to me. He and I weren’t meant to be. I wish that weren’t so, but it is. And he is my best guy friend, even if he can be a total butthead. You raised four good boys. The last two will do fine when the right woman comes along.”

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