Chased Page 12

He barked a surprised laugh. “I’m good. Business is doing well as it happens and you do look pretty. I like the new thing you’re doing with your hair. It was sort of sleek and straight last month but I like this tousled, curly thing you’re doing.”

Liv stilled mentally. It wasn’t so much that he was flirting. She could handle flirting. He was…earnest. Sincere. It was off-putting because while she could blow off flirting, sincere compliments and a keen interest in her and her perspective from him felt intimate and had the added effect of making her all tingly. Lawd. She was such a loser.

“Uh, thanks.” Uh thanks? Could she be any less coherent? “So, how’s your mom?”

“She’s good. Says you should come to dinner soon. She and I were talking about you yesterday and we both agreed you don’t come around near enough.”

Liv put the barbells back and moved to the next station to work her legs.

“What’s your game, Marc?” She grunted as she pushed the weights the first time. Lovely. Grunting.

“No game. Why do you ask? That’s a very half-assed rep, Olivia. Work it, don’t puss out.”

“Puss out? I most certainly do not puss out. I’m tired.”

“You’re pussing out. Now work it. Your ass will thank you. And I will thank you because you have a very nice ass. You should come with me to open mic night at Lindy’s tomorrow. You like live music, don’t you?”

She stopped outright. How did he expect her to concentrate when he stood there all hard and yummy, acting sincere and then asking her on a date?

“We went through this already, Marc Chase.” Gawd, even she didn’t believe the conviction in her voice.

“Stop slacking, Livvy. Move those legs or I’m gonna make you run an extra mile on Wednesday morning.”

She snorted. He was gonna make her? “I’ll have you know I now run Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I run lots of extra miles.” She gritted her teeth and pushed out the last four reps, sweat beading on her temples.

“Good for you.”

She heard him arranging the weights as she settled in, grabbed the bar above her head and pulled, working her biceps and shoulders.

He leaned over, his mouth just a whisper from her ear as he adjusted her hands on the bar. “You smell good, too. No chemicals, all woman. I like that.”

“I can’t concentrate when you do that.” Her voice came out breathy and she felt faint.

“What?” He straightened and indicated with a nod that she continue. “Talking about how good you smell messes with your concentration?”

“You know damned well it does. What are you up to, Marc?”

“Finish up.” The bastard sauntered away and made some notes, so she ignored him and completed that set. He left her alone for the next two machines but came back into her space when she did her lunges.

“Good. I like the way you’re holding your back. Nice work.”

She was suspicious, yes, but his praise warmed her despite that. When she was done, she hurried into the back to change and get going. She’d shower at home and she wanted to get out of there before the giggly client came in. One of the Scott girls if she wasn’t mistaken. Couldn’t be over twenty-three and the mere sight of her made Liv want to scream and snatch her bald for fawning all over Marc.

When she came out he was waiting. Alone. The lights were turned off but for the very front spots and he had a messenger bag slung across his shoulders.


“For what? Where’s the bottle blonde who giggles incessantly?”

Marc reddened and choked back a smile. “Sarah? She has evening classes this quarter at the community college so she comes in during the afternoons now. Shall I tell her you were asking after her?”

“Yeah sure, smartass. Well, I’ll see you Wednesday then.”

“Wait. I’m all done for the evening. Let me walk with you. It’s a nice night.”

Liv narrowed her eyes. “You live in the opposite direction.”

“I know. I want to walk with you. Is that a crime?”

“I’m not kissing you or inviting you in.” God knew if she invited him in, she’d be naked with him inside her within three minutes.

“Well, we can work up to that. It’s a fine evening and I like your company. Come on. I’ll be a total gentleman.”

She sighed. “Fine. On the way you can tell me your game, Marc.”

He locked up behind himself and chuckled as he joined her. “Sugar, I am not playing a game. This is serious. I mean to woo you, so shut up and let me do it.”

A burst of pleasure broke over her at his statement even when she knew she should be stern. “You’re going to woo me?”

“With every ounce of effort I possess. You don’t stand a chance, Liv. You could just give in now and save me the work but I doubt you will. Enjoy it. I know I am.”

“What do you think you’re going to get out of this? I’ve said I’m looking for something long term. You’re not a long term guy.”

He took her hand and looked deep into her eyes. “I didn’t use to be, no. But I find myself thinking in terms of what it would be like to take you camping over the summer. Do you ski? I know of some excellent places to get in good winter skiing. I love to take trips and travel around.” He paused when they reached the walk in front of her little house. “Look, Liv, I know you don’t have any reason to believe me right now. We both know my history. I can’t wish it away or pretend it didn’t happen. So I’m going to show you I’ve turned over a new leaf. Prepare to have the hell wooed out of you.”

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