Broken Open Page 27

He kissed her.

He was truly gifted in the kissing department. Each time he kissed her it was a wholly new experience. This kiss was hard-edged. He nipped her bottom lip as he growled low and she nearly lost her mind. What even was that and what did she need to do to get him to do it again?

That heated sexual energy he gave off surrounded her, burned against her skin, incited her own desire.

She gave over to the dizzying depths of it, of that sharp need he evoked in her.

Her fingers slid into his hair, so soft. He got a little closer, gave her more of his weight on her. But when she tugged he gave her that growl and he reared up to his knees. “Up the bed all the way. Hands above your head when you get there.”


Tuesday hoped she managed to stay sexy as she shimmied back up his bed to where the pillows were.

* * *

EZRA WAS TOTALLY convinced he’d never ever seen anything as beautiful as Tuesday in his bed. He wasn’t sure which part of her he liked best so he just took her in from the tips of her toes, up long legs, the flare of her hips, that tattoo of hers. He spent enough time on her breasts that he was able to declare those as his favorite part.

The mass of her curls lay dark against his pillows and the look on her face, good god.

She was a fucking goddess.

He did know his favorite trait of hers, as well. She owned her sensuality. The woman he stared at was at home in her skin. She expected to be treated like a queen, which was her due. And that was hotter than fire.

“If a woman could come just from being looked at, I’m pretty sure I’d be screaming your name right now.”

He locked his gaze to hers. “You will be soon enough.”

One corner of her mouth quirked up and he picked up the challenge that lay in her eyes.

And then she put her arms above her head and he had to pause, gulping in some air.


He picked up her foot and kissed her ankle and then up to her knee. He put that leg down and picked up the other, repeating.

Then he kissed up each velvety thigh.

“I need to get you nice and ready for the next part of the program,” he spoke, his lips against her labia.

* * *

SHE WASN’T SURE she had the fortitude for Ezra’s kind of ready.

Then he took a lick and blew her mind.

He wasn’t slow this time.

No, he used his thumbs to bare her to him and dived in.

She arched, digging her heels into the bed, wanting more and wanting to get away all at once.

He stopped and looked up the line of her body to her face. “You moved your hands.”

Looking back on this precise moment later on, Tuesday would see it for the leap off the top of the Empire State Building that it was. But just then it felt so good and so right it didn’t matter. Nothing did but getting more from him.

Heat flushed through her system and the snappy comeback she’d been on the verge of giving him died away. Yes. That. She wanted more of feeling that with him.

He waited, hovering so close the brush of his breath against her pussy sent waves of shivers through her body as she moved her hands back.

Then he made her come so hard that if he’d had close neighbors she’d have blushed every time she saw them for years to come.

He kissed her hip bone, licking over her skin all the way up to her mouth—after a significant detour at her nipples—to kiss her slow.

Reaching between them, she grabbed his cock and licked her lips. Turnabout was fair play and all that.

He hissed. “No. If you do that I’m going to come before I’m ready. I want in you. There’s time for that later.”

Like she was going to argue. Ha.

Still, she slid her thumb through the bead of precome on the head of his cock before she let go.

“Roll over.”

Shivering, she rolled onto her belly.

He ran his hands all over her in long, slow strokes until she was boneless. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he murmured as he kissed the back of her neck.

She wasn’t so relaxed that a thrill didn’t run through her at his words.

But he wasn’t done.

“I need you to get that ass up. You can keep your head down.”

It was his tone. Or the words. Well, probably the words and the tone and the way he touched her, but hot damn did she move quickly.

He hummed low as he leaned past her. From the corner of her eye she saw him grab a condom. Her hands fisted in the blankets as she tried to find some patience.

* * *

EZRA LOOKED DOWN at her as he rolled the latex on. The curve of her ass made his mouth water as he angled himself along one cheek, down to her pussy, circling her entrance with the head of his cock before beginning to push in slowly.

She made a low, ragged sound as he got halfway in and that was it. All his control slipped away. He thrust that last bit and she met him, pushing back until he was in as deep as he could be.

Ezra had to pause to hold off as climax dug its claws into his balls. His entire body seemed to vibrate with how much he needed this woman.

So he let go and began to fuck her in earnest. Lingered in that tight, hot embrace. He leaned down to lick over her shoulder before he bit. Not hard enough to leave a mark. Not a permanent one anyway.

This sound she made, well holy shit, he had to dig in and seriously debate with his cock. His cock was ready to go at that sound but Ezra wanted to hear her make it again and again, first.

She pushed back against him again as her body tightened around him so much he nearly saw stars.

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