Binding Ties Page 53

She believed that. As stupid as it might make her, in this moment, she trusted Joseph completely.

He let out a low, rough groan of approval. “Sweet kitten. I’m going to make you purr.”

He covered her mouth with his and began moving his hips in earnest. Each steady thrust filled her, stretching her more than she thought possible. All conscious thought of what he was doing seemed to vanish, leaving behind only the fog of acute pleasure he’d laid over her body.

Her deep want, combined with his relentless skill and gentle force, sent her over the edge. Her world shattered in golden shards of heat and light as her orgasm took her. Her body clenched around Joseph’s cock, flooding him with slick wetness. She tried to hold on to him, but he was too strong to be trapped by her grasp.

He kept moving, riding her hard to prolong her orgasm. After it passed and she was lying there, quivering and boneless, she opened her eyes to find him watching her.

“How many more times can I make you do that before you’re spent?” he asked.

“None,” she said on a weak breath of air. “You nearly killed me.”

A dark smile curved his lips. “That sounds like a challenge to me, love. By the time I’m done with you, you’re going to forget what it’s like to not be writhing in the throes of orgasm.”

There was no way she could take more. He hadn’t come yet, but there wasn’t much she could do about that until she caught her breath. As it was, she was already shaking from the force of being loved by a man as potent as Joseph.

No, not love. Sex. That was all this was. She couldn’t let any girlish fantasies cloud her judgment. A few short months ago, they’d been enemies. To think that he’d come to love a woman like her was foolish. Wanting him to do so would only weaken her.

And she was already too weak to see straight. The man had blasted her world away, leaving behind a filmy haze of sexual satisfaction. She could have basked in it for hours if not for more pressing matters.

Lyka shifted in silent request that he move off her. Instead he hooked her ankles over his shoulders and drove deep.

Sparks lit high in her abdomen, where the tip of his cock had settled against some exquisite spot. She could feel a trickle of energy pouring from him into her. Every tingling strand of it seemed to coalesce at her core, relighting the fire he’d just put out.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he said with a hint of a growl in his voice. “And I won’t be until I flood that sweet pussy of yours with my seed. But first, I’m going to make you scream again.”

She shivered at his statement, given with such confidence that she could only accept it as fact. It didn’t matter that she’d just gotten off or that her body had started to cool down. He was going to take what he wanted from her and make sure she enjoyed the ride.

One of those erotic images from his mind flashed behind her eyes. She saw it in full, living color— his powerful body bent over her, his cheeks hollowed out as he suckled her nipples. His hand was between her thighs, stroking her clit until she was whimpering with need.

Her skin heated as he played the scene out for her. Just like that, she was right back on the edge, fighting the keen bite of arousal as if she’d never come.

He found her mouth with his and kissed her like the world was coming to an end, like he’d die if he didn’t breathe the air from her lungs. Possessive aggression was coming off him in waves now. The rough edges of it grated against her, making her wonder how he could even imagine her with another man after the way he made her feel.

Another of his fantasies played out between them. This time his dark head was between her thighs. His thick fingers were clenched around her hips, holding her tight as he licked and sucked her. She could feel his deep satisfaction, his need to pin her in place and feed from her, pleasure her, like this.

Beyond their minds, her body was straining to take everything Joseph wanted to give her. Every heavy surge of his hips sent him gliding against parts of her that had never before been touched. Her womb clenched and pulsed as she veered toward release.

She arched her back, causing Joseph to dive down to nibble and suckle her hard nipples. He reached behind her, grabbing a handful of her hair, forcing her to arch her back more. She couldn’t move her head, couldn’t move her hips. All she could do was lie there and let him take control.

The instant she yielded, her mind melted and her body went off, bursting into the kind of pleasure so acute, it was nearly pain. She heard herself cry out, felt Joseph tighten around her, swell inside her.

“So fucking sexy,” he growled. “Can’t wait any longer, kitten.”

She didn’t understand what he meant until she felt his semen erupt deep inside, so hot and powerful that she knew she’d never again be the same. Even in the depths of her climax, she knew her world had just changed. As the last waves of intense pleasure settled into quiet ripples, as the last pulses of his semen filled her, she knew what it was to belong to someone.

Too bad it was the wrong someone. None of her people would ever understand her binding herself to a Theronai like this. She was his in every way that mattered. She even smelled like him now.

She hadn’t realized it before, but up until this very moment, she’d been holding out a little sliver of hope that one day her life would return to normal. She’d go home, be with her family and friends. This whole brief interlude where she played Theronai would be over.

That dream was dead now. She’d given herself to the enemy, body and soul. There was no undoing that.

Chapter 27

Justice stepped off the plane on shaky legs. She’d thought she could outsmart the fates or God or whoever it was that compelled her by flying halfway across the country.

She’d been very, very wrong.

She’d felt Ronan growing closer to her. She knew he was hot on her heels, searching for her with endless determination. It didn’t matter how far she went or how fast she went there; he was always only a step or two behind her, giving her no time to rest.

As soon as the fates demanded that she move toward him, she was out. Done. Finished being their bitch. Let them do their own damn dirty work. She quit.

Only that’s not the way it worked. Much like the Mafia, there was no getting out unless it was feetfirst. She was trapped in her job, chained to it for life.

Assuming she lived.

“Are you okay?” asked one of the attendants at the end of the jetway.

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