Binding Ties Page 51

“I can feel you holding me, but you’re all the way over there. How is that possible?”

“My body is holding yours.” He waved to their surroundings. “This is your mind.”

“You don’t belong here.”

“Yes, I do. In time you’ll see that.”

Somehow she was next to him in an instant, without having moved. Her hands settled on his bare chest as she looked into his eyes. “You’re trying to take away all the things that make me a Slayer.”

“You’re wrong. I’ve never been more relieved that you’re part Slayer than I am right now. It’s the only reason you’re still alive.”

“If I was truly a Slayer, the poison wouldn’t have worked. It’s going to kill me, isn’t it?”

“No,” he nearly shouted. He had to swallow twice to rein in his anger at the mere idea of her death. “I won’t let that happen. You’re strong, Lyka.”

“I’m tired.”

“Then draw your strength from me. I have more than enough to spare.”

“I don’t want to need you.”

“Do you think it makes you weaker?”

“I know it does.”

“Am I weaker for needing you to save my soul?”

“That’s different. That’s the way you were designed to be.”

“And you were designed to draw power from me, even if you don’t like it.”

She was silent for a minute before she spoke. “I don’t want to die. I need to find my brother and those children.”

“Then use me. Use my power. Open yourself up and take what you need. As soon as you’re strong again, we’ll go find them.”

He could feel her need to go hunting rise within her. It was so powerful, it was nearly a compulsion. The animal inside her reared its head, demanding she obey. It wanted to be set free to hunt. It wanted to survive, no matter what it took.

She took his hand and brought it to her throat. The luceria glowed in swirling gold and green that brought out her eyes and warmed her skin. Once the colors were fixed and were no longer in motion, their bond would be complete. Until that time, if she died, he would survive until his lifemark was barren and he met his death at the hands of a Slayer, or until he found another mate. But he didn’t want that. Even if it was likely he’d find another woman compatible with his power—which it wasn’t—he wanted Lyka. She was beautiful both inside and out. She was strong and brave and fearless. She was smart and loyal in a way rarely seen in this day and age. And once he got past her prickly exterior and into the heart of her soul, she was kind. Generous. Loving.

Joseph wanted her to pour all of that on him—to let him bask in everything that made her who she was all the way down to her core. He’d never seen a more stunning, glorious creature, and he wasn’t ready to let her go.

He circled her slender neck with his fingers, connecting both parts of the luceria. “Take what you need, Lyka. Whatever you want.”

A slow, steady trickle of power began to flow out of him. Her head fell back, and a soft moan of pleasure rushed from her. When she lifted her head again, her eyes were glowing with heat.

“Go home, Theronai,” she said. “When I’m done here, I’m coming for you.”

He didn’t know what she meant, but she was now strong enough to cast him out of her thoughts and shove him back into his own skin. He lay on the bed next to her naked body, his hand on her neck as it had been in her dream. The deadly chill of poison had left her skin, and she was now covered in a warm pink flush.

Energy began flowing from him at a faster and faster rate. The pressure inside his body began to ease, giving him room for a deep breath. He hadn’t felt this good in years—not since the power he housed had grown out of control.

She was bleeding that off now, freeing him from centuries of discomfort.

A fizzing, tingling feeling spread across his chest. Her bare nipples hardened in response, as if she felt it, too. Her hands snaked around him, holding him tight against her lithe frame. Her toes curled against his calves, and her fingers dug into his back.

Joseph wanted to stroke her from head to toe and back again, but he dared not let go of their connection. She wasn’t experienced enough to pull power from him without the physical contact of ring on necklace. Soon she’d be able to reach the magic inside him from miles away, but not yet.

The idea that she needed him this close gave him a rush. To be needed by a strong woman was a potent thing, one he wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to. But he wanted to.

He wasn’t sure exactly how, but he felt her shed the effects of the poison, felt her strength return. She opened her eyes and stared into his.

She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman ever created. And she was all his.

“Better?” he asked.

“Not as good as I will be once I get your cock inside of me.”

Raw, physical need flared in his gut, setting him on fire. He wanted to stop her and ask why she was so turned on—to make sure she wouldn’t regret her actions later—but he wasn’t that strong a man. Every action he’d taken in his life had led him to this moment—claiming his mate. He knew the luceria wouldn’t have chosen her for him without a reason. He had to trust that that reason would make itself known at some point along the way. Until then, he was going to give her what she wanted and make her the happiest woman on earth.

He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her the way a woman this rare and precious was meant to be kissed. He took his time, savoring each sweet flavor and texture her mouth had to offer. He fed her his breath while he feasted on her, showing her with lips and tongue what he had in store for the rest of her sleek body.

His skin heated until he couldn’t stand the blankets cloaking them. He shoved them aside and rolled her beneath him, pinning her to the mattress. She tried to get the upper hand and fight her way to the top, but he wasn’t having any of it. He liked her beneath him, all soft and writhing with need.

She was naked. He needed to be, too. Their skin was meant to be touching, as often and as much as possible. Who was he to deny either of them that pleasure?

He moved off her just enough to rid himself of his jeans. By the time he did, she had slid over him, straddling his thighs.

His erection rose in front of her, thick, dark and throbbing. The tip was shiny with pre-cum, proof of his lack of control when it came to this woman. He’d wanted her for far too long to hold himself back now.

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