Binding Ties Page 37

Ronan had known the man for centuries. He’d been in his head often enough to know the kind of man he was. Ronan had no doubt that if she came to know Joseph, she would grow to love him. He was noble, kind and brave. He was strong, honest and steadfast. He would never leave her. He would protect her and their future children until the end of his days.

Once she knew in her heart that all of that was true—once her love for him developed—she would open herself up to him in a way that would naturally lead to children.

Before Ronan finished feeding, he did a quick check over her body to make sure that she was whole and well. She’d taken a few scrapes and bruises, but they’d already begun to heal. Rather than waste his energy on regenerating her flesh, he would let nature take its course.

He lifted his head, willing the puncture wounds he’d left behind to close. When he was done, there was no hint that he’d fed from her—nothing for Joseph to worry about when he woke.

She opened her eyes, alertness returning swiftly. “That’s it?”


“You’re right. I didn’t feel a thing. And you look a hell of a lot better.”

“I’m using some of my power to dampen the scent of blood, but we need to move Joseph to a safer location so he can finish recovering.”

“How long will that take?”

“You’re worried about finding your brother, aren’t you?” He’d sensed that worry while in her mind, but he’d learned long ago that questions would get him in far less trouble than statements.

She nodded. “Can you sense which way they went? No one else seems to be able to find a trail.”

He closed his eyes and concentrated. There were hundreds of scents here—many of them of blood of the dead. “I can smell your brother, but his scent has been obscured by magic.”

“Like what you’re doing right now?”


“Is there a way to get around it? Undo the magic?”

“Perhaps, but I have other matters that demand my attention.”

“More important than finding my brother and a bunch of missing kids?”

Ronan’s mystery woman was still out there. For all he knew, she was in danger. He didn’t know why he was so compelled to find her, but he was. And it was more than just the fact that her blood had been so exquisitely powerful. “Someone I care about is also missing.”


“No one you know.”

“Maybe we can team up. You help me find Eric. I help you find her.”

Having a connection to Lyka could easily prove useful in the future. Not only was she powerful in her own right, but she was also tied to the leader of the Theronai. With all the tension between their races over Connal’s treachery, it might be important to have an ally like her.

But how long would it slow him down? How much time would he be drawn away from the trail of his savior? Even one more minute was too long. He could feel her slipping farther away with every passing second.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I want to help you, but I can’t. This woman’s life is of as much importance to me as Eric’s is to you. The best thing you can do is learn to wield Joseph’s power. Once you do that, you won’t need help from anyone.”

“I’ve tried, but it doesn’t seem to work very well.”

“That’s because you’re not doing it right.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Trust, love, familiarity, intimacy—those are the things that strengthen the connection between the two of you and let the power flow.”

She lifted her golden blond eyebrows. “You want me to fuck him?”

“That’s none of my concern,” he lied.

“You’re no better than Joseph. Don’t you guys know that we Slayers can smell a lie from a mile away?”

“Not all of you can.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve known your kind for more years than you’ve been alive. Several times over. Some of you have the gift to sense a lie, but others don’t. You, my dear, are stronger than many of your ancestors.”

“You’re evading. Tell me why it’s so important to you that I have sex with Joseph that you’d lie about it.”

“Procreation, of course. The more blooded children that are born into this world, the fewer of my kind that will die of starvation.”

Her stare went distant, but he could see a trail of thoughts streaming through her mind. The moment her mind touched on the idea of having a child, Ronan could smell her maternal instincts flare. It was completely involuntary, but strong enough to be unmistakable. “I barely know Joseph.”

“You’re the one who wanted to know how to tap into his power. I was only trying to help.”

“I’m forbidden from procreating with anyone not approved by Andreas and his council.”

“I’d heard. I assume that’s how the bloodlines are being rebuilt.”

“I’m not at liberty to say.”

“Keep your secrets, Lyka. I have no need of them. I have enough of my own to carry.”

She held up her hand. “Don’t even go there. I’ve had enough secrets to last a lifetime. All I need to know is a shortcut for getting what I want. I need to be strong enough to find Eric.”

“Then stop holding Joseph at arm’s length. Extend some trust. Talk to him. Listen. Create a bond with the man with whom you’ll likely spend the rest of your life.”

“I can’t think about the rest of my life right now. I only tied myself to him so I could find my brother. If having access to his power doesn’t help with that, then I’ve ruined my life for no reason at all.”

Joseph’s voice was rough, but he sounded alert and fully awake. He’d heard everything, and the hurt flowing through his voice was unmistakable. “Glad to know how you really feel, Lyka.”

Chapter 19

Lyka felt like a complete and total ass. She hadn’t meant to hurt Joseph’s feelings. Hell, the man was so big and strong, she wasn’t even sure she had the power to inflict any kind of damage at all.

But she had. She could hear it in his voice and wished she could take back those hasty words. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”

“I’m sure you didn’t.” He pushed to his feet with a grimace. “We should go. Too much blood here.”

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